6/02/2013 Check in (week 2)

Good morning guys! Please record your losses here.

I've lost 2lbs. I'm surprised as I've not had a great week!

Hope you are all ok xxx


  • hdutoit17
    SW 125.7lbs

    Weigh in Week 1: 121.47lbs

    Weigh in Week 2: 121.25lbs

    Not to great, but at least something. I stuffed up 2 days!!
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Hello everyone, looking forward to seeing everyone's results today!

    SW: 187 (Got new scales in the end!)

    Week 1: 189! + 2lbs

    Week 2: 183.75 (Total loss of 3.25lbs) :)

    So 2.75lbs to lose this week... although I'll be super pleased with hitting 182 or under! Fingers crossed eh! ;)
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    SW: 274.2

    1/29: 270.2

    2/5: 267.8

    Total loss: 6.4

    I made the goal but I sure as heck am not done yet!

    You guys are all doing great! For those of you doing the hardcore training DVDs (90PX, 30DS, etc), I admire you SO much. It might not show on the scale as much as you'd like but those inches are going to shrink!!
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    SW: 246

    01/30: 245

    02/05: 242.8

    Getting close to my goal.
  • BruhManFif
    BruhManFif Posts: 136 Member
    SW: 271.6
    W1: 265.8
    W2: 265.2

    Total loss: 6.4lbs

    Wait... Holy crap I did it! 6 pounds gone before Valentine's Day!
  • HOLLEE85
    Hello everybody.....Glad to see everybody is doing really great.....

    Starting Weight: 144

    Todays weight: 142

    Total Lose: 2 lbs

    I was really hoping for more but it is what it is.....I guess 6 lbs is an unrealistic goal for me cause I don't have that much to lose so what I do have is harder for me to lose. I guess it doesn't help that I over splurged on peanut butter last night....All though I didn't track it ALL I don't think I went over my calories. BUT who knows.
  • luceeleanor
    luceeleanor Posts: 48 Member
    Newdaydawning and bruhmanfif - you are awesome1!!!!! Well done :)
  • kmelissa02
    sw 304
    cw 291.2

    I have lost a total of 14 lbs since starting this challenge, of course i haven't been able to eat much, but I'm proud of it either way!
  • amntsu
    amntsu Posts: 30
    Sw: 211.4

    Cw: 205.7

    Woot woot!! Not far to go. :)
  • Jenn316
    SW- 161
    LW - 158
    today - 157.2

    Still going down!
  • robynw143
    robynw143 Posts: 65 Member
    SW: 231

    1/30: 230.8

    2/6: 228

    Down 3lbs (i said forgot the doctor's scale I am on my own)

    However I am investing in a new scale tonight if I can make it to target but by the end of the weekend
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    sw 304
    cw 291.2

    I have lost a total of 14 lbs since starting this challenge, of course i haven't been able to eat much, but I'm proud of it either way!

    Wow, that's a rather big loss! How come you've been unable to eat much?

    Well done everyone on your losses, not matter how small it's still a loss :) x
  • kmelissa02
    I had my wisdom teeth taken out so I haven't been able to eat much. I've been able to slowly start eating a few more things, but still have to be very careful.
  • BellaLunaFleur
    BellaLunaFleur Posts: 154 Member
    Wednesday last week i had lost 4lbs, by Saturday (my normal weigh in day) i lost a total of 6lbs. This week so far nothing (but I am bloated and PMSing). Still working hard tho.
  • micabrito2012
    micabrito2012 Posts: 103 Member
    Week One: 0 lbs
    Week Two: 1 lbs
  • Sindaelys
    Sindaelys Posts: 37 Member
    147.2. Pretty much the same as last week, (up by .2 lbs, if we need to get picky) which is impressive, given what I consumed over the weekend...
  • emmgetsfit
    emmgetsfit Posts: 203 Member
    SW: 202.4

    30/01: 199.8 -2.6
    06/02: 199.0 -0.8

    Total Loss: -3.4

    True confessions - I was totally bummed this morning when I stepped on the scale. I thought I went up this week. But after seeing that I lost .8 from last week my day got instantly better!! It's not a huge loss, but considering I've had two exams to study for I'll take it! I'm half way there!!
  • koerbergirl
    koerbergirl Posts: 13 Member
    SW: 170
    Week 2 check in: 169

    Lost 1 pound! yay!

    I had braces put in last week so eating has been a challenge for sure! I'm facing two teeth extractions come Monday which will change my diet for at least a week to strictly soft food and liquids. :\
  • SherryAnneSW
    SherryAnneSW Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone,

    CW: 143.8 lbs as of Jan. 23 2013

    Valentines Day GW: 138 lbs

    Ultimate GW: 120 lbs

    Today, Feb.6/13, I weighed in at my Doc's office. I weighed. 141.2 - I am down. 2.6lbs.
    One week to go.
  • angela55530
    angela55530 Posts: 43 Member
    SW 181.6
    CW 179 (as of Feb 5/2013)

    Keep up the good work everyone :smile: