Updates? More than 3 weeks in....



  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    lost 12 lbs
    feeling stronger
    joints dont hurt as much
    24 days w/o wheat or refined sugar
    eating clean and leaning into Paleo/primal ... considering doing the whole30 next month

    i now believe for the first time in years that it is possible for me to get back down to my lowest weight... an idea i had previously given up on

    met lots of great friend on mfp!
  • apittmanrn
    apittmanrn Posts: 200 Member
    Lost 6 lbs.
    Drinking more water.
    Finally started working out this week. :smile:
  • wowie69
    wowie69 Posts: 44 Member
    I've lost 20#.
    I've had more water in 3 weeks than probably in the 43 years before them!
    My knees don't hurt.
    I can go up our stairs (15 stairs) without stopping or being out of breath.
    I'm enjoying food for probably the first time in my life. Why? I'm enjoying the TASTE of the food. Who knew peppers could bring so much flavor? Who knew you could actually be full on a 253 calorie dinner (baked talapia filet, brown rice and steamed carrots)?
    Surprisingly, I'm finding this less challenging and more fun! AND I have new friends! I love it! :bigsmile:
    And ...shhhhh..... I'm feeling more sexy and confident than I have in years! :smooched:
  • EmilyJZ
    EmilyJZ Posts: 38 Member
    In 3 weeks ive:

    -Lost 8 pounds.
    -Gave up 99% of my soda--and have only had diet the two times I gave in. It was diet coke, which tells you how bad I wanted it.
    -Started exercising
    -Started at a GYM!!!
    -Went from a 45 minute mile to a 20 minute mile (today!!)
    -talked for an hour exercising without passing out!
    -More confidence
    -Building a better relationship with my brother
    -Got my husband to start dieting and exercising! He lost 12 pounds in 6 days! Jealous!
    -Had fast food/take-out maybe 3 times.
    -Saved $400 not eating out.
    -Become Happier (though more tired)
    -Gone out in public more--and alone.
    -Less anxiety attacks
    -Learned to love water!!!!!
  • Cynduck
    Cynduck Posts: 255 Member
    I am almost at the three month mark for my re-start. Here is where I am:

    Lost 34.7 pounds (even thought it only looks like 22 here)
    Lost 9.5 inches according to the professional at our YMCA
    Won the GIFT challenge at our Y with a 15% loss between inches and pounds
    Maintained at or below calorie intake
    Can swim 1 mile and 100 yards in an hour
    Can stay on the elliptical for an hour at a time
    Average 4700 calories/week burned

    I am dealing with a health issue which just cropped up. I had an ultrasound yesterday and was called back in for a biopsy before I even made it home. Now, I wait for results. In the meantime, I am under restriction for my physical activity until a diagnosis is made and a treatment plan is made/completed. So, for now, this is about staying in my calorie restrictions and the limited activity I have until this is in a better place. It is never good when something like this comes up, but I am going to focus on the fact I am more concerned about how this is impacting my overall health journey and less concerned about the results of the biopsy. Whatever it is, we can deal with it once we know what "it" is.

    I hope the biopsy comes back with good news.

    Everyone is doing great!!

    I've lost 9.4 so far. After the first week I started working out and I gained every single day or a week! Turns out I wasn't eating enough so I increased my calories and started losing again. I basically lost 2 weeks with that but I gained a ton of knowledge and understanding about calories.

    I cleaned out my closet last night and can fit into loathes I haven't been able to wear in probably 8-10 years! That was exciting.
    My big goal is to wear a specific uniform for Civil Air Patrol that I am not allowed to wear because of my weight. I have the uniform hanging up for motivation. I can now button the shirt!
  • ItsFinallyHappening
    I was a late starting after new years, but I've finally started.
    I've lost 5 pounds
    I've begun using my FitBit regulary
    I've started tracking here on MFP again.
    No smaller sizes yet or any of that good stuff.
    The most exciting part is I've FINALLY begun discussing my efforts with my slim husband and he is ON BOARD with me and my efforts - we are counting calories, he's reading my books so he knows what i'm thinking, he's walking me, he's cooking healthy and really helping me out. Its nicer than trying to go it alone.

    My Goal for this week is a 5 pound loss - its a big goal, but I'm so motivated right now.

    Joined an Advanced swim class and today was my first day. There were about 26 Young, strong, buff, experienced swimmers and me at 54 years old and 290 pounds. I was the only one out of shape and the slowest in the class They have all been training together for years. It was HARD, and it was great.

    At one point I thought I was going to just get out of the pool and go home. I hung in there and finished and I don't care if I am the heaviest and slowest - just means I can only get better. I really did enjoy it and am looking foward to next Sunday morning already - so I can do it again. I have lots of work to do to keep up with these (young & very in shape) athletes and feel its going to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

    Yaaaaa me!!!
  • EmilyJZ
    EmilyJZ Posts: 38 Member
    I was a late starting after new years, but I've finally started.
    I've lost 5 pounds
    I've begun using my FitBit regulary
    I've started tracking here on MFP again.
    No smaller sizes yet or any of that good stuff.
    The most exciting part is I've FINALLY begun discussing my efforts with my slim husband and he is ON BOARD with me and my efforts - we are counting calories, he's reading my books so he knows what i'm thinking, he's walking me, he's cooking healthy and really helping me out. Its nicer than trying to go it alone.

    My Goal for this week is a 5 pound loss - its a big goal, but I'm so motivated right now.

    Joined an Advanced swim class and today was my first day. There were about 26 Young, strong, buff, experienced swimmers and me at 54 years old and 290 pounds. I was the only one out of shape and the slowest in the class They have all been training together for years. It was HARD, and it was great.

    At one point I thought I was going to just get out of the pool and go home. I hung in there and finished and I don't care if I am the heaviest and slowest - just means I can only get better. I really did enjoy it and am looking foward to next Sunday morning already - so I can do it again. I have lots of work to do to keep up with these (young & very in shape) athletes and feel its going to be one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

    Yaaaaa me!!!

    Good for you! It is incredibly intimidating to put yourself out there in a class like that. I admire your strength to stick it out. I myself was not able to truly start dieting until my husband joined in. I started working out with my brother but I still ate like crap. It wasnt until my husband saw how I was doing and decided to join me that I really got moving in my weight loss. Its so nice to have support at home and someone to rely on.
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member

    Well, since January first I have been somewhat disappointed in myself so for. I am Not sure we putting forth the effort I just cannot seem to get motivated. On January 1 I started in at 285.4 pounds and I am so excited that today I finally broke from the 280's. This morning I was in aw saw 279lbs that's 6.4 so far. Considering I'm not putting in the physical work, that's pretty ok.

    I have changed small bad habits though. Like taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator. In the building its only 2 flights, ib the garage its a total of 10, I'm still on level 2 and that's without feeling like I need to call the paramedics. I've stop eating snacks before bed. Because I get home so late, as soon as I walk into the house I guzzle down 2 glares of water whether I want it or not. It helps to not cook a whole meal then sit in front of the tv and eat it then go to bed.

    Yes I could be way farther along and for that km pissed at myself but, at the same time I'm not gaining.

    If any of you can offer some motivating tips to help me get back into the workout routine, PLEASE DO on my wall.
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    I have:
    lost 12.6lbs
    I don't drink any pop at all.. some OJ but mostly water. & before all i drank was pop..

    Besides 3 days I have not gone over. On those 3 days I was sick and just lost a verrrry close rand some other stuff. So I don't let them bother me. I am still determined

    & my clothes are looser and realized yesterday that I have to keep pulling up my used to be to tight pants!
  • brittaney0625
    brittaney0625 Posts: 268 Member
    Since January 1st,

    :smile: I walked walked 40 miles.
    :smile: I've walked through Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua and half of Judges. (When I walk, I listen to the audio Bible on my YouVersion app.)
    :smile: I've lost at least 6 1/2 pounds
    :smile: I've averaged 1 can of Pepsi a day
    :smile: I've drank at least 120 ounces of water a day
    :smile: I've stayed under calories every day. (1800---I occasionally eat back up 2-300 exercise calories)
    :smile: I completed one day of C25K

    I love the walking through the Bible. I might do that myself!
  • Aellyn
    Aellyn Posts: 75 Member
    Way to go ladies!

    Since January 7, I've:

    Lost 3.4 pounds
    Done yoga 2x per week (except last week)
    Eaten 4-5 fruits and veggies most days
    Avoided the coffee shop for breakfast (and saved $$)
    Joined this group for inspiration. :smile:
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    I'm not sure how much money I've saved. We don't always eat fast food (depends on the budget and things are a little tight this month). I do know I've save a ton on Pepsi. I have bought 2 12 packs (about $7 total) to drink my one a day. And I've bought, maybe 5 fountain Pepsi at the store (another $5) for a total of about $12. Before, I would fill up my Pepsi cup 2-3 times a day at $1 each. ($60-90 a month) plus Pepsi when we went out to eat.
  • Hollyhwk16
    Hollyhwk16 Posts: 9 Member
    This time of year for me is CRAZY for me, I'm having a hard time even sleeping forget about trying to log my food or fit in a workout. I work at a tax office and I've been working open to close this week, I have at least another week left of that. I'm trying to make sure I pack a healthy stuff to eat during the day but it seems either I'm not eating enough or I'm eating all the junk just to get through the day! UGH, I also hate working out so any excuse not to works for me and working 14 hours a day...I'll take that excuse. So far I am down for the week but as I promised myself i'm NOT logging my weight until Monday and it will be what ever the scale says that morning. Wish me luck, trying to stay the course....but honestly struggling!
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member

    Well, since January first I have been somewhat disappointed in myself so for. I am Not sure we putting forth the effort I just cannot seem to get motivated. On January 1 I started in at 285.4 pounds and I am so excited that today I finally broke from the 280's. This morning I was in aw saw 279lbs that's 6.4 so far. Considering I'm not putting in the physical work, that's pretty ok.

    That is still 1-2 pounds a week. Even with walking almost every day and staying under calories, I lost 8.4. You aren't far behind. Celebrate every pound!
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member

    Well, since January first I have been somewhat disappointed in myself so for. I am Not sure we putting forth the effort I just cannot seem to get motivated. On January 1 I started in at 285.4 pounds and I am so excited that today I finally broke from the 280's. This morning I was in aw saw 279lbs that's 6.4 so far. Considering I'm not putting in the physical work, that's pretty ok.

    That is still 1-2 pounds a week. Even with walking almost every day and staying under calories, I lost 8.4. You aren't far behind. Celebrate every pound!

    You are absolutely right. CELEBRATE EVERY POUND!
  • emilym820
    emilym820 Posts: 993 Member
    * Lost 13 pounds
    * Have started enjoying going to the gym
    * Have found lots of healthy foods that I like
    * Have a much more positive attitude
    * Feel like I am in control of my behaviors
    * Made a bunch of awesome friends in this group!
  • mncmom3
    mncmom3 Posts: 42 Member
    Great job Julie!!

    Since Jan 2nd, 2013 I have:
    *Quit drinking soda
    *Increased water intake to 8 glasses on average a day
    *Lost 17 lbs
    *Dropped 2 jeans sizes
    *Lost 23 Inches (12 of which were around just my waist and hips)
    *Worked out at least 3 times a week
    *Been more active with my children
    *Completely changed my diet
    *Logged every day and kept within my calorie allowance
    *Encouraged and been encouraged my many people on this site :)
  • msjanetcole
    msjanetcole Posts: 31 Member
    Since January 1, I've
    Lost 29 pounds
    Lost 4 inches on waist
    Lost 2 inches on hips
    Lost an inch on each thigh
    Lost an inch on each calf
    Dropped one pant size
    Dropped two blouse sizes
    Began going to the gym
    Doing a one hour vigorous, full body workout on the recubent bike
    Doing one hour or more of vigorous dancing each day.