doctors today

Im off to see my gp this afternoon to see if she will test for tsh and free t4 and t3. fingers crossed.


  • Yes, my fingers crossed for you, too!

  • michelleshere
    michelleshere Posts: 19 Member
    Good luck!
  • sharonmunday90
    sharonmunday90 Posts: 129 Member
    Well we spoke. she listened. we spoke a bit more. she is definately sending me for blood tests. ill report back when i see her again x
  • islandmonkey
    islandmonkey Posts: 546 Member
    Well we spoke. she listened. we spoke a bit more. she is definately sending me for blood tests. ill report back when i see her again x

    Listening is actually a very good start! Good luck - post your blood test results when you get them (make sure to ask your doctor for a copy of the results).
  • dkschrader
    dkschrader Posts: 32 Member
    YEAH!!!! Sounds like you are on a very good path! Good luck,,, keep talking with your doctor,,,ask as many questions as you need to. I find myself having to write them down prior to the visit, just because you start talking about other things,,, and wow there goes the appt.
    Congrats, you might just have found a great doctor!