Motivation, Goals, Results!


Ask yourself, why are you doing this?

There are going to be times when you don’t want to work out. You just won’t, just me - Jillian is tough. These are going to be times when you’re going to need to refocus on why is it you’re working out.

When you find out why you want to get back in shape, find some way you can remind yourself of this reason. If this blog and support system reminds you why - then come on back for some motivation!


Setting and reaching goals is a big part of getting back in shape.

Don’t set too high a goal though, you want to be able to reach it in a reasonable amount of time and for us that is 30 days!


If we push each other and support one another we will be on our ways to successful results! Just remember, its like Jillian says “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.”

Get pumped!


  • amrie81
    amrie81 Posts: 28 Member
    Awesome! So glad to get in the beginning!
  • I'm super excited to do this!! And I just got my fitbit!!!
  • hlb99
    hlb99 Posts: 26
    I did day 2 today! My arms are so sore. The push ups are the worst for me. Sad, I can barely do two or three of the modified version! But I work up a sweat and feel good afterward! Good luck everyone!
  • missbrie11
    missbrie11 Posts: 108 Member
    I'm really excited about this!! I've owned 30DS for months, but never gotten past the first week (except for a very rare, very motivated attempt last summer when I reached week two.) Looking forward to having a group of people to do it with!

    Good luck, everyone! and thanks for putting this group together :)
  • So excited for this! This will totally help keep me accountable :-) Thanks for putting this together!
  • I'm super excited to start! I'm bad about starting something like this and quitting after a few days, so hopefully this will keep me motivated to keep going!
  • Let's do this! It will be nice to know everyones results after the 30 days:happy:
  • Lecy96
    Lecy96 Posts: 12 Member
    I just did day 2 today also!!! I'm nervous about how sore I'll be tomorrow!!!
  • Chewster001
    Chewster001 Posts: 201 Member
    I already did the shred once... Did it all in 30 days without taking a day off. As far as I could tell it worked, but I didn't measure anything. Now my weight's creeping back up - or my shape is - whatever the case may be I feel out of shape and I want to do this again... So here I am...
    Gotta find that measuring tape!
    Work hard everybody!

    PS: I used to do it in the morning before breakfast, showering, or anything else... By the time I was awake enough to be really annoyed, it was half over.

    PPS: I did almost every modifiable exercise modified all the way through level 3. Don't get too worked up about not doing an exercise the "Natalie" way. That's for people who are already in good shape.
  • kkempmom
    kkempmom Posts: 1 Member
    I can't wait to get started! I hope we all get great results!
  • Ange0NZ
    Ange0NZ Posts: 45 Member
    Just started with Day 1, level one this morning and my goodness! I have a lot of work to do on my stamina. Had to take a few moments throughout the workout just to catch my breath!
  • Hi all! I technically started the Shred in mid-January, but the flu knocked me out for a few weeks and I'm just getting back on track.

    I started with the full seven days of L1 before I got the flu, and I just want to encourage everyone to push through the initial muscle soreness and pain, ESP if like me you are just starting to work out again after a few months... It hurts, but now that I've been trying L2 I can see a huge difference in my ability to push through.

    I can already see a difference in how my body performs and feels to myself, after the intermittent L1 workouts, so Jillian is the real deal. Take your measurements, this is a big toning workout and some may see even better measurement reductions then weight loss, which great!
  • Ange0NZ
    Ange0NZ Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you dtobias8! Good to hear those positive insights from someone who has gotten past the first stage :)
  • amandatrog
    amandatrog Posts: 22 Member
    I'm glad I found this group!
    I've been thinking about doing 30 Day Shred on and off for awhile.
    I was planning on starting tomorrow, so the timing of this group is great. :)
    My motivation and goals for doing 30ds are really just to tone up and lose some of the extra jiggle I have.
    I'm working towards living healthier all around and have been working out some by myself but figured I might as well give 30ds a try!

    Is anyone else going to post starting pics/measurements?
    It might be nice to know everyone's (who's comfortable with it!) starting points so we have an idea of which other group members are closest to our current body types too.
    If anyone else is up for it I'll post my pics/measurements before I start tomorrow or Sunday. :)
  • Thanks for starting this group! I attempted to do 30DS in December and only made it to day 5. Hopefully, being a part of this group will keep me motivated and able to complete 30 days. I will definitely be taking measurements as I want to really focus on gaining muscle instead of the number I see on the scale. Good luck ladies!
  • ninabean8
    ninabean8 Posts: 14 Member
    im glad to see there are other people putting together a shred group yay!! excited to get started... :explode:
  • ninabean8
    ninabean8 Posts: 14 Member
    my legs were hurting for a few days... but its a good sore right!!!
  • kamiAK
    kamiAK Posts: 100 Member
    i have done it for three days now...yesterday i could barely walk lol...but i feel better today. glad to find the group to help keep me going...i do all the modified versions of the exercises also. i find the jumping jacks to be hardest for me to do because there is to much moving around ~grins~
  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member

    I'd like to join if I may?

    I completed all levels before Christmas and love, love loved the results I got from it. Would like to do it again because I've got lazy and squidgy again. :grumble: Time for revamp.. I will mix in my other exercises as well but this will help keep me honest.

    I'll take measurements tomorrow morning and keep a track of them.
  • Well, I just signed up for this group, and I'm wondering if anyone can fill me in on the program? I've seen the Level 1 video on youtube, and I'm wondering if you do each level for 30 days? or do you move through the levels in 30 days? Silly question?