Seriously discouraged and scared

Ok I'm sure others have gone through this, but I just feel like I'm doing this all wrong. I'm not losing weight anymore and the inches are even up and down (it seems). I'm scared to death of getting back to my starting weight. As the scale inches up, I get more and more nervous. I don't want to feel like this anymore. Ugh!!!!!


  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    WEll, WHAT are you doing!?
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Okay so take this step by step. Are you eating more than your TDEE on a consistent basis? Then if you've done a reset, it isn't possible to get back to where you were before, weight wise. How much has the scale gone up and how long has it been trending upwards? Fluctuations are normal, you know that, right?

    Not sure where you think you're going wrong, or how it could go wrong if you're eating at a cut of 20% or so...
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    I did an 8 week reset and now am eating TDEE - 10%. Though a lot of days I'm not quite getting all the calories in. Things are a bit stressful now and I'm sure that is affecting me some. I need to get myself out of the quick-fix mentality so that I can appreciate the small changes and continue in this journey wholeheartedly.
  • jlhill7
    jlhill7 Posts: 226 Member
    It took me a few weeks to figure it out but I am back to loosing. TDEE minus 20% but I had to increase my walking and less weight lifting.
  • Just a thought at a 10% cut you are not leaving much room for error from TDEE maintenance. How accurately are you measuring your calories and faithful in your logging? It is easy to be off enough just "eyeballing" your food amounts to be eating back to or over TDEE.
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    I will increase the cut to 20% and add some more cardio and see what happens. I wnjoy lifting heavy and really don't want to cut back on that too much (if at all). Thanks for your help.
  • I will increase the cut to 20% and add some more cardio and see what happens. I wnjoy lifting heavy and really don't want to cut back on that too much (if at all). Thanks for your help.

    Personally, and I don't want to give you mixed signals, but I would continue your lifting especially if you are going to a 20% cut. Adding cardio at a 20% cut will possibly cause a loss of LBM. You want to lost body fat not lean body mass. If you want to add some cardio I would make it a light effort like walking.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I will increase the cut to 20% and add some more cardio and see what happens. I wnjoy lifting heavy and really don't want to cut back on that too much (if at all). Thanks for your help.

    Ditto's to Gap.

    Don't mess with 2 variables at once.

    If food logging has been dead on, then increase to 20%.

    I'd say spend a week weighing all your food and comparing to actual serving size. May be surprised and will tell you immediately what happened.

    10% may be best bet, but you weren't really giving it a 10%.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If I recall you haven't been on your cut very long. I would advise sticking to your plan for a month or so before weighing and making chamges as this is more likely to be a true reflection of actual weight loss/gain. As you know weight will change between days/weeks owing to water retention, hormonal changes etc which may also show in your measurements via bloating. Along this vein also avoid weighing/measuring the day after lifting when water retention is likely to be higher.

    I'm not sure how much you have to lose but a 20% cut is quite high. If you really want to cut your cals further perhaps try a 15% cut.

    As others have said, stick to your lifting as that's going to give you the body you want more than the cardio and will help retain muscle while you lose.
  • AnitraSoto
    AnitraSoto Posts: 725 Member
    Awe, (((big hugs))) for you! Just remember, this is not a quick process. Think about how far you have come - what can you do now that you couldn't do before? Personally, I would not reduce the weight training. By doing that and increasing the cardio, you risk losing some of the LBM you have worked so hard to gain. I would continue with the weight training, get your cardio in with some nice walks and just really concentrate on eating clean, healthy foods and double check your measurements and quantities. With only a 10% cut, there is not much of a margin for error... Hang in there :-)
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    @beautifulswan - see, you got some great advice here. Personally, I'm on a 10% cut because I am trying to body recomp at this point and I don't even want to NOTICE that I'm cutting LOL
    But if you've still got a good amount of weight to go, 20% is reasonable and the weight-lifting will only help, and I agree with everyone else that the cardio should be a side dish at this point.
    Hope today finds you feeling more hopeful!
  • coolvstar650
    coolvstar650 Posts: 97 Member
    I will increase the cut to 20% and add some more cardio and see what happens. I wnjoy lifting heavy and really don't want to cut back on that too much (if at all). Thanks for your help.

    I agree, don't cut any of the lifting. Add a bit of cardio (I do 30mins on the stationary bike 3-4xweek), and check your calories. Every 5 pounds you lose you need to rerun the numbers on your TDEE. I love the Scooby calculator, it takes all the guessing out.

    And remember that (I think it was Kiki) said do a 15% cut for fat loss, but every person's body is different. If you were doing a 10% cut, try a 15% before you jump to 20%.

    Weight loss (aka fat loss) is about small course corrections.