Lets get to know eachother!

sydneyaw Posts: 93 Member
Hi, I'm Sydney from Washington, USA and my current weight is 140, my goal weight is 120.
I like cats, food, and reading.
I use to be skinny as hell then I started eating, and eating, and eating until it became such a problem that I didn't want to look at myself in the mirror anymore. I've lost 8 pounds so far and I'm not stopping til I lose 12 more.

Anyone care to share something about themselves whether it be your goals or hobbies or even just your name and where your from? I'd really love to get to know you all so that it can be easier to help support and motivate all of you!


  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi! I am Elizabeth. I live in the wonderful state of Missouri. I have two cats and a dog. I am in my last full semester of college, then only 2 classes in the summer and an internship in the summer and I am free! Lol. I am a Child and Family Major with a minor in Psychology. I will also be getting certified as a Family Life Educator. I use to be super skinny and able to eat whatever I wanted. Now I am chubby and looking at sweets gives me another pound. I like to play golf, shop, and lay on a beach.
  • Shaylj
    Shaylj Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, my name is Shannon. I live in Barrie, Ontario.
    I'm married and we have 3 cats and 1 baby girl. I had my baby 3.5 months ago and am trying to lose the pregnancy weight. I'm currently weighing 145 lbs and my goal is 125.
    I just purchased the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and am starting it tomorrow morning. I'm really hoping for some awesome results!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jennifer and live in Alabama. CW is 209, GW is 140-ish. I used to love reading, but then attended college. I'm trying to re-learn the art of reading for pleasure. Other hobbies include killing zombies on my XBOX and drinking Starbucks coffee. No kids, just a few furry animals :-)

    I did day 2 today, and wowwee am I sore! Looking forward to more of it though!
  • sydneyaw
    sydneyaw Posts: 93 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jennifer and live in Alabama. CW is 209, GW is 140-ish. I used to love reading, but then attended college. I'm trying to re-learn the art of reading for pleasure. Other hobbies include killing zombies on my XBOX and drinking Starbucks coffee. No kids, just a few furry animals :-)

    I did day 2 today, and wowwee am I sore! Looking forward to more of it though!
    The soreness will go away, I am not sore at all anymore, which may or may not be a good thing but we'll see :p
  • russellalr
    russellalr Posts: 11 Member
    Hello My Names Amy From Mi. I got JM DVD 30 day shred. And iam on here loging my calories . Most days stay at or below. Does anyone know if a special diet goes with this Dvd. I got mine used. Also does everbody do 1 then 2 on the same day like back to back . or are these ment to be done 1 at atime. Just woundering how everbody does this?
  • Hey guys, I'm Missy, and I'm 26/F/5'6" from California. I haven't started the 30DS yet, I ordered it on Amazon today so I am planning on starting this Thursday. Some exercises I like include jogging, biking, hiking and yoga. I'm lucky to live in a climate that is nice year-round so I have no excuse not to get outside and exercise! I am at a healthy weight, but I am really looking to lean out my lower body and define my muscles with this program. I really have no muscle tone to speak of, and I'm carrying extra weight in my hips and thighs that I would like to "shred" :wink: I really hope the 30DS produces great results for all of us. Good luck everyone!
  • Hi! I'm Lydia from Washington, I'm a mom of 3 boys and I spend my time homeschooling and gardening. I always used to be skinny with a great metabolism, and lost all my baby weight super easy... but in the last 6 months things have changed with my body (maybe I'm just getting old...) and the weight is creeping up.... So, i'm here to nip it in the bud... my 30DS dvd is supposed to arrive tomorrow, I'm currently trying to go for a run every evening and do some sit-ups daily... I've got 20 pounds to lose!!
  • cindylmanly
    cindylmanly Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, Im Cindy from Destin, Florida! I will be 50! ugh next month and am determined to be fit and healthy by then. I lost almost 50 pounds a little over 2 years ago and found my weight inching upward in the last year. I started back on diet and exercise in October - sorta - lol, but have been motivated and on track since Jan 1. Started at 140...now weigh 129 goal is 125 but really need work on toning up the midsection area. I do go to the gym 5 days a week, but look forward to joining in on this challenge!! Somebody keep me accountable!!!! pleassseee! Im ready! lets do this!
  • carey1986
    carey1986 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello My Names Amy From Mi. I got JM DVD 30 day shred. And iam on here loging my calories . Most days stay at or below. Does anyone know if a special diet goes with this Dvd. I got mine used. Also does everbody do 1 then 2 on the same day like back to back . or are these ment to be done 1 at atime. Just woundering how everbody does this?

    I am sure there is a special diet... but just eat a balanced diet and you will see results! From what I understand (I may be wrong) you do - 10 days @ lvl 1, 10 days @ lvl 2 and then 10 days @ lvl 3.... all back to back so totaling 30 days altogether.. :)
  • I'm so glad I found this Group!!

    My name is Jo and I live in CA. I just had a baby girl in December and am having a much harder time losing the weight this time around than I did with my other two children. My CW is 168, and my GW is 125. I have had the 30DS DVD sitting on my shelf since BEFORE I had my daughter and still haven't opened it.

    I'm starting the program on 2/11, the day my daughter turns 2 months. No more excuses. Time to be an adult and hold myself accountable. Time to suck it up, get into shape and quit blaming my lack of weight loss on my age, time restraints, taking care of the baby, driving the older kids around, etc.

    So feel free to send me a friend request and let's do this!!
  • _LA_
    _LA_ Posts: 111
    I'm 41 from NWNJ, mother of 3 and teacher. I had am using youtube vids for 30ds. False start last week, then did day 1 last night. Planning to keep going! I don't usually work out right before bed but I think I am going to try doing that here on top of my regular morning workouts. Good luck all!
  • Hi my name is Beth. I live in Wisconsin and am newly married and just bought a house with my husband. I've gained a couple pounds and want to get ahead of the game and start now before it gets out of control. I started the 30 day shred about a month ago, but then ended up getting sick and fell out of the routine. I plan to start again today in hope to keep it up this time. I have a class reunion this spring and 2 weddings to stand up in this summer, so I want to look my best. Not only for that reason, but I also want to look good for myself and for my husband. I am currently between 135-140 (I fluctuate) and want to get down to 120-125.
  • Hi!!! :smile:

    I'm Amelia from the UK, I think everyone else who's posted is from America???

    I am 25 I have a little girl who is 18 months, love of my life :heart:

    I am 120lbs at the moment I don't really want to loose much weight I just need to tone up my mummy tummy, there really isn't an excuses 18 months later ;)

    I have just done day 2 of the 1st level of the 30DS so a complete newbie...and I found it very challenging...I have muscles hurting today I never thought existed!!

  • Hi all! I'm a single mother in Georgia and I plan to start 30DS tonight. I will be turning 30 in April and I really want to lose at least 10 lbs by then. My weight has fluctuated since having my daughter in 2007. Losing weight is very difficult when you're busy tending to the needs of others. My goal is to be 45 lbs lighter by the end of summer. I have been unsuccessful in the past with eating right and exercising. But, I hope to change things now. I'm excited to try 30DS shred tonight to test my commitment and to see how my body/thought process evolves during this time frame.
  • cedebrooks
    cedebrooks Posts: 41 Member
    Hi! My name is Courtney :)

    I'm roughly 160-165 at the moment, goal weight is 140 (though if I weigh more with muscles, I don't mind!). I started off at about 175 when I first joined MFP, though I didn't log anything really!

    I'm a cat person too! I usually have a cat on either side of me, doing the flies and push-ups in the shred. :smile:
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 147 Member
    Hello :) I'm Marika and i'm 28 from Middlesbrough, North-East England. I bought the 30DS about a year ago and i've never made it past the first week but I'm determind this time to finish!

    I've lost over 40lbs using MFP but i keep gaining and losing the same 5lbs so i'm hoping this will help!

    Good luck everyone xxx
  • khicks2288
    khicks2288 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Kate & I'm 24 years old. I'm from the Valley of the Sun aka Arizona. I've had 30DS for a LONG time now & I can't even tell you how many times I've started it & never finished! I think the most I've ever done was 3 days. Sad right? Anyway, I'm starting again today after work. Here's to hoping I stick to it this time!!
  • Hi, I am Nickole :) I just started the 30DS today and funny thing running across this group. I am 27, a single mom to two beautiful girls, and I am ready to lose the baggage. I love being outdoors, I love cooking, I love being a mommy. I have a great boyfriend who likes to stay fit, and he loves me for me...but he is a definate encouragement and motivation to push myself to be better. I want to keep up with him! I am 229 lbs, my goal is 160. I would love to meet some people to help keep me on track! Best of luck to everyone!!
  • I'm Kerianne, hi everyone! I am waiting for my 30DS to come in the mail, any day now :) I'm 26 and a half (:P) and I live on my own in Pennsylvania with one kitten. I work in an office all day. I used to think I was overweight in high school but I weighed like 135 lbs and im 5'7 and looking at old pictures i looked good! sigh...isnt that always the way....

    My aha! moment came after the holidays this year when i stepped on the scale for the first time in months and it said...180! GAH. im down to 165 just logging calories and hope to get down to around 140. College was rough--dorm food, birth control, being broke--but now that I can afford it I want to be healthy! Plus my parents have struggled with their weight quite a bit--my dad has a gut he keeps losing and gaining, and my mom is just overweight all over, so I want to create a strong base to fight back against the tide of my genetics!

    I want to be under 160 by March 19th, when I go to visit my friend in LA for her spring break. If I can keep up I should be well into level 3 before I leave! Good luck everyone!
  • Hi I'm in the UK and have started 30 day shred today, really enjoyed it but nearly killed me! I managed to do it without stopping so was very happy