Starting Insanity on the 12th NEED SUPPORT!!

HI. I'm starting Insanity on the 12th of this month. And honestly I cannot wait. I recently had a baby and unfortunately gained around 45 lb. during the 9 months. I used to be in okay shape before the pregnancy, but now I cant even stand to look in the mirror. I'm 5'6 and weigh 220 lb. This is the highest I have ever been in my life! If there is anyone else out there starting Insanity or even if you completed the program I could really use a support group. Just add me as a friend and lets take our weight loss journeys together!


  • SharonBluntz
    SharonBluntz Posts: 82 Member
    You are not alone! I started insanity yesterday and I'm BEAT! I'm currently 5'5'' and 209 pounds but i started out at 220. For the last 30 days I did Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and lost 11 pounds. That just pushed me to start insanity and I'm super impressed already. The workouts are intense but you feel AMAZING afterward! We can do this! Good luck, lady :)
  • cathyproteau
    cathyproteau Posts: 18 Member
    WELCOME !!! I just started Insanity on the 5th of Feb... I am beat ... lol It is a hard work out but man it sure gives results quick if you keep at it !! I have been doing it with Butt Bible work out which I started a few weeks ago.....I have a hard time doing all the reps they do on the video but then again I am not in the same shape as most of them lol ... So I just do as much as I can and take breaks when I need to but I go back to it ... :) I have five kids and even though I am not in need of losing a ton of weight ( I am 5'6" at 157 on a good day) I am in MAJOR need of some building of muscle and to get rid of my lower body weight where I store fat... ughhhh .... Congrats on your baby btw ... is it your first ? Having kids will change your body major but for me it was getting older that did me in... lol I am turning 37 this fall and with a trip hubby and I have coming up together in May to Mexico I am DETERMINED to get in shape no matter what that is why I turned to this program !! Woudl it be ok to add you ? That way we can keep in touch since you are very close to where I am in the Insanity workouts since you are starting soon !! GOOD LUCK !!
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Hey!! Just started Insanity today!! I did the fit test and man do I have some work to do. I am 5'3" and 176lbs. I would eventually like to be 130 or so. Right now I just want to get down to 150 and have a decent beach bod for when I go to Hawaii in May. Feel free to add me! I really need someone to keep me motivated during this journey!
  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    HI! I am well on my way with insanity. I am currently on day 41! I love it and the energy it gives won't regret this decision!
  • SwimSoccerTaxi
    SwimSoccerTaxi Posts: 98 Member
    I'm starting on the 12th as well (picking it up tonight or I'd start today). Feel free to add me and we can "compare" notes as we go along!

    Good luck :)
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    I just started Insanity on Saturday! I also just finished Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I am looking for lots of support as well!
  • kimearle
    So awesome guys!! I just started month 2 of INSANITY and it is awesome!! Don't give up. Take as many breaks as you need. I have already lost inches around my waist despite gaining a couple pounds! The scale is sooooo misleading! One thing I wished I knew before ISANITY is to not be afraid to eat. At first I was not eating enough and having a really hard time getting through the workouts and feeling hungry and tired all the time. As long as you eat "clean" don't be afraid to eat a lot.
  • wondermaggie
    wondermaggie Posts: 13 Member
    I just started month 2 of Insanity as well and the whole program is so hard core but amazing! So, I hope the 12th came and went and saw you loving Insanity! I also had the problem of not eating enough in my first month and I ended up gaining 4 pounds and then lost 3 of it. So no matter what happens with the scale, don't give up. Never quit! Eat, eat, eat, but eat clean. You will love the results Insanity will have on your body!
  • trinity_sw
    One thing I wished I knew before ISANITY is to not be afraid to eat. At first I was not eating enough and having a really hard time getting through the workouts and feeling hungry

    Thats great advice, I was eating like crazy in just the first few days!