Terrified Newbie here. Hi all!



  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    I think we let our minds get in the way.

    I've done Stronglifts A! There are virtually no women in my gym that are doing this. I started saying to myself...who cares?

    I just walked up to one guy and asked him to spot me for my first bench press. He was only happy to help and it was just the lift I needed.

    Getting ready for B on Wednesday!

    You can do it too!

  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    I think we let our minds get in the way.

    I've done Stronglifts A! There are virtually no women in my gym that are doing this. I started saying to myself...who cares?

    I just walked up to one guy and asked him to spot me for my first bench press. He was only happy to help and it was just the lift I needed.

    Getting ready for B on Wednesday!

    You can do it too!


    I did Workout A yesterday..luckily I had hubby there to show me what to do...And I did do the mom stare down for the young adult "dudes" hogging the squat rack..only took about 3 min before they discovered they could do their barbell lunges elsewhere :wink:
    I felt good last night but woke up with sore shoulders this morning!!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    I did it. I'm sore. :sad: :laugh: :cry: I'm scared of Wednesday. :noway:

    @Holli - So good you have your sister to keep you in good form. :happy: We are sore together today. Glad you found the :smile:

    @Mandel - You are a BadAss woman. Nothing is getting in your way of Sexy. :drinker:

    @ Lorigan - Real nice that you have your husband to back you up. That should keep you focused.

    Make it a great day!
  • cjlorigan
    cjlorigan Posts: 209 Member
    Spicy - once I got up and moving around my shoulders loosened up a lot! I think you (and I) will be fine by Wednesday.
  • sittinginthesun
    sittinginthesun Posts: 16 Member
    .And I did do the mom stare down for the young adult "dudes" hogging the squat rack..only took about 3 min before they discovered they could do their barbell lunges elsewhere :wink:

    Mom stare down! I love it!
  • HolliCooper
    HolliCooper Posts: 12 Member
    Yay! Well done Spicy! :smile:

    The next couple of days after your first go at heavier lifting will hurt but in a good way. It's a proud ache!

    You won't get this as bad after every session! :smile:
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Hello Again all,

    I posted a few months ago and i was welcomed with open arms. :flowerforyou:

    I was so afraid of starting to lift because i thought i would fail.

    With reading a lot of your posts I worked up the courage and started the program. I was doing pretty good. I was squatting 40 lb. OHP - 30, Deadlift 50, and rows 35 lbs and benching 35. I felt like i would never up my weights or get the the "Rack".

    I ran across a thread that suggested finding out about Personal Training at the University. I did and that was all I needed.

    Started with the trainer on April 29th. Told him i want to LIFT HEAVY and gave him the 5 x 5 program. :happy:

    I've been seeing him 3 days a week.

    My new numbers are:

    OHP = 65
    Bench = 55
    Deadlift = 115
    Squating in the "Rack" not the SMith. = 95
    Rows = 55

    After the workout I climbed the RockWall for the first time in my LIFE. Made it all the way to ring the BELL! :drinker: I'm 44 :blushing: I'm loving this feeling.

    Not big numbers, but all weights I didn't think i could lift. The trainer has really pushed me to try things i was afraid of doing on my own. If you can afford to, and you are a bit intimidated by the weights, a trainer will really help. I only have one cause it was at a discounted rate. :wink:

    Just wanted to thank you all for the encouragement, information, and motivation by just being in this group and sharing your ups, downs and Success. Thank You! :flowerforyou:

    I will be signing up for 12 more sessions, This round will be 2 times a week and I can handle the rest on my own. :bigsmile:

    I haven't measured again or weighed myself. I'm going to wait till the 3 month mark and make sure i've given it a good time for my body to adapt to all this new strength.

    Wishing you all continued success. :flowerforyou:

    I lurk more than post. :laugh:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Thank you for posting back and letting us know - this was really awesome to read
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Great work and glad you got over your fear!
  • llangstraat
    llangstraat Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Spicy!

    I started stronglifts (and weight training at all) for the first time last week.
    I know exactly how you feel, it took me two goes to get into my gyms free weights room the first day. It's a very "macho area" and always seems to be quite busy so it can be pretty intimidating.
    The first time I walked in and some of the guys turned to look at me: I paniced turned around and walked out! I went upstairs to the lighter free weights area where it was mostly women working out but after 1 session I'd maxed out on the weights available there. I had to use the "bro room" if I was going to improve.

    So I watched mehdi's full session videos in you tube:
    Sesson A: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP2g3Sj3qSw
    Session B: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3Mh9o7JPU
    Until I felt confident with the movements themseleves (practicing unweighted while watching him work) and focused on how he racked and un-racked the weights.

    The next day I went back to the gym I walked straight up to the squat rack and gave it a go! And yes my form is no where near perfect yet, but as I looked around the gym I saw very few people with good form. Once you're inside the bubble you realise that however they may look from the outside, no one is really 100% perfect at this. Everyone is just learning.

    You can do it! Just take the plunge. Once you're in you'll see that the water's fine! :) I'm on session 4 this weekend and I'm really enjoying it! Starting free weights was one of the best decisions I ever made.

    ^^^^^^^ Exactly what I did and love it! ^^^^^^^
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    This is so encouraging and thanks for posting. I am 53 and on baby barbells and dumbells. Around 15kg at the moment. Not quite enough for strong lifts but I will get there. I have a female trainer who works with me one every three weeks and spots me at other times. So far I am really enjoying the compound lifts and looking forward to getting stronger. Inch loss is noticeable and the bros are making way, initially rather reluctantly but now not so bad! I would encourage everyone to have a crack at this!!
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thanks Pals!

    Nice to meet you and hear some similar situations. :flowerforyou:

    I just signed up for 12 more sessions on Friday. Will begin again after I return from New York :bigsmile:

    I do have a question.

    I'm feeling fat. :frown: I know to expect a gain becuase of the new program.

    About how many weeks before you started to see some kind of change? My clothes are a little tighter and I'm wondering if i'm not doing enough cardio.

  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Thanks Pals!

    Nice to meet you and hear some similar situations. :flowerforyou:

    I just signed up for 12 more sessions on Friday. Will begin again after I return from New York :bigsmile:

    I do have a question.

    I'm feeling fat. :frown: I know to expect a gain becuase of the new program.

    About how many weeks before you started to see some kind of change? My clothes are a little tighter and I'm wondering if i'm not doing enough cardio.


    give it at least 2 months, if not 3! i gained steadily for the first month, either due to water weight or increased muscle mass. i've balanced out, but still have a solid 5lbs more than my lowest weight doing only cardio.

    my clothes fit fine, albeit a little bit tighter in the front of my thighs, but smaller in the back of my thighs, butt and abs. my body's outline is tighter than it was minus the 5lb gain.

    do not depend on the scale! it will break your heart if you're still stuck in the "must weigh less" thought pattern. take measurements, and pictures.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thanks Pals!

    Nice to meet you and hear some similar situations. :flowerforyou:

    I just signed up for 12 more sessions on Friday. Will begin again after I return from New York :bigsmile:

    I do have a question.

    I'm feeling fat. :frown: I know to expect a gain becuase of the new program.

    About how many weeks before you started to see some kind of change? My clothes are a little tighter and I'm wondering if i'm not doing enough cardio.


    give it at least 2 months, if not 3! i gained steadily for the first month, either due to water weight or increased muscle mass. i've balanced out, but still have a solid 5lbs more than my lowest weight doing only cardio.

    my clothes fit fine, albeit a little bit tighter in the front of my thighs, but smaller in the back of my thighs, butt and abs. my body's outline is tighter than it was minus the 5lb gain.

    do not depend on the scale! it will break your heart if you're still stuck in the "must weigh less" thought pattern. take measurements, and pictures.

    Thank you!

    I have not weighed since the assessment, before beginning the training program. I will not put myself through the scale torture. :laugh: My goal is to look good, in my clothes and out. :wink:

    Glad to hear about your changes. :bigsmile: Keep it up :drinker:
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Thanks Pals!

    Nice to meet you and hear some similar situations. :flowerforyou:

    I just signed up for 12 more sessions on Friday. Will begin again after I return from New York :bigsmile:

    I do have a question.

    I'm feeling fat. :frown: I know to expect a gain becuase of the new program.

    About how many weeks before you started to see some kind of change? My clothes are a little tighter and I'm wondering if i'm not doing enough cardio.


    Hi Spicey - I;m glad to see your update. I just happened upon this thread today and read it from the beginning. I am glad to see you progressing through your fears! That is awesome! Keep us all posted.
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Thanks Pals!

    Nice to meet you and hear some similar situations. :flowerforyou:

    I just signed up for 12 more sessions on Friday. Will begin again after I return from New York :bigsmile:

    I do have a question.

    I'm feeling fat. :frown: I know to expect a gain becuase of the new program.

    About how many weeks before you started to see some kind of change? My clothes are a little tighter and I'm wondering if i'm not doing enough cardio.


    Hi Spicey - I;m glad to see your update. I just happened upon this thread today and read it from the beginning. I am glad to see you progressing through your fears! That is awesome! Keep us all posted.

    Hey Pecoch!

    You look great!

    Will love to follow your progress. We seem to have started at the same time. :drinker:
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member

    My new numbers are:

    OHP = 65
    Bench = 55
    Deadlift = 115
    Squating in the "Rack" not the SMith. = 95
    Rows = 55


    Your numbers are great!

    Mine are:

    OHP 40
    Bench 55
    Deadlift 100
    Squat in the rack not smith 25 :sad:
    Rows 70

    I have more mental block I think than anything. I workout at home so I don't have a trainer or a spotter. I really have a mental block on squats. I have been doing a lot of stretching to get my flexibility and form right so now I'm ready to adding the weight!
  • tracieangeletti
    tracieangeletti Posts: 432 Member
    Read the info on the program but haven't started yet. I'm not really sure how to start. I've casually asked some of the trainers at the gym about it and they just look at me stupid. None of them have heard of it and then they proceed to tell me either I can't do it or that I'm silly for even wanting to try. Was told yesterday that the ohp on the oly bar would be too hard for me and not good for my shoulders. Have no idea why they would tell me this. Not very encouraging. I feel like if I could get someone to just show me how to do it once I'd be ok on my own. I really want to start but I just keep doing my Chalean Extreme over and over again because it's what I know. I'm really not understanding how to do the deadlifts and rows without the weights on them at first. I know the pdf said something about using some kind of rack to elevate them but I don't know what they're talking about. FEAR. Feeling a lot of fear. Lol
  • newjourney2015
    newjourney2015 Posts: 216 Member
    Read the info on the program but haven't started yet. I'm not really sure how to start. I've casually asked some of the trainers at the gym about it and they just look at me stupid. None of them have heard of it and then they proceed to tell me either I can't do it or that I'm silly for even wanting to try. Was told yesterday that the ohp on the oly bar would be too hard for me and not good for my shoulders. Have no idea why they would tell me this. Not very encouraging. I feel like if I could get someone to just show me how to do it once I'd be ok on my own. I really want to start but I just keep doing my Chalean Extreme over and over again because it's what I know. I'm really not understanding how to do the deadlifts and rows without the weights on them at first. I know the pdf said something about using some kind of rack to elevate them but I don't know what they're talking about. FEAR. Feeling a lot of fear. Lol

    Hi tracieangelet,

    It helped me a great deal to watch the creator of SL 5x5 himself perform his workouts. Each link is exactly what he does for his whole routine. Each about 30 minutes long. It might help eliminate that FEAR of not knowing what to do.

    Workout A link


    Workout B link


    I hope these help!
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    fear not and ignore silly gym boys.

    have you got aerobics steps at the gym? they'd be good to put the empty bar on to start off with :)

    and after watching the videos, have a go!