Lets get to know eachother!



  • mrshill2007
    mrshill2007 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi, my name is Monique... And I am in the great state of Texas.. I am married and a mother of 3 kids in the age range of 5,4,3... I am trying to get down to 180 and I have started this DVD and gotten to DAY 9 and then I messed up my knee but I am going to start doing it again tonight... I am just going to start over and call it Day 1....
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Hi! I'm Courtney from Wisconsin, USA. I'm a 34 year-old single mother of 2 boys. I'm 5'4" and I have about 20ish lbs to lose....I haven't weighed in for weeks so that's a bit of a mystery right now. I started using MFP regularly last summer and was doing well for a while. I also started 30DS during that time, but only got through about 8 days before I stopped.

    I'm planning on starting 30DS again tonight when I get home from work. My goal is to do the workout 4 days a week, and try to fit in some walks or yoga on my off days. That will take me about 7 or 8 weeks to finish this video, then I'd ultimately like to start the C25K afterwards which will coincide nicely with spring here.

    But I'm getting ahead of myself. For right now, I need to take the first step and do Day 1 tonight!!!

    Let's do this!!! :-)
  • I'm Caitlyn and I live in Nashville, TN. I'm just starting 30DS today! And I really excited about it! Tomorrow, my free weights will be delivered.
    cw:175 gw: 135 at 5'8"

    Add me! Especially if you're just starting out because I have no idea what I'm doing!
  • merrhea
    merrhea Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I'm MerRhea (said Marie) I am 29 and determined to get in shape. I have a son that is 4 and I want him to know that it is important to eat right and excerise, something my mom never instilled in me. I currently weigh 162. When I first started working out/eating better I was almost at 180. I really want to get down to 135, but my main goal is to be healty and happy with myself. I am starting 30 shred tomorrow. I am pretty excited! Good luck all!
  • lindsienygaard
    lindsienygaard Posts: 72 Member
    I'm Lindsie from Kansas. I'm 22. I'm on day 2 of 30 day shred. I decided I wanted to get healthy Feb 27, 2012. Starting weight 256. Today I'm 199!! I call it oneunderland! I would like to get to 150, but my goal right now is 170. Anyone can add me if they would like. I need more friends for motivation.
  • alisi85
    alisi85 Posts: 27 Member
    Heyyy my name is Alisi I'm 27 live in the awesome state of CA. My current weight is a whopping 273 even typing it gives me the chills yikes but my goal weight is 170 I know I'm half the size of almost everybody on this board but I'm hopeful I will be half my size sooner than later. I'm on day 6 of the 30DS I'm hella exhausted after every workout but I also feel hella good. Excited about 2013 and this support group!! Please feel free to add me we can be each others cheerleader!! :)
  • sydneyaw
    sydneyaw Posts: 93 Member
    So glad you are all doing this, please anyone feel free to add me!
  • jessclutter79
    jessclutter79 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm Jessica 33 years old and a mother of 3 wonderful very active kids. Not to mention I work full time away from the home. I work out daily, and oddly I enjoy it. I'm on a new mission and I start out my days now with Jillian- I find it way more rewarding to get her in first thing- 5 am to be exact! I admit the first few minutes I'm not up to speed but that quickly changes- Those 20 minutes jumpstart my day and I'm singing in the shower! Now let get rid of these 70 extra lbs! Good luck you you all!!
  • jessclutter79
    jessclutter79 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello My Names Amy From Mi. I got JM DVD 30 day shred. And iam on here loging my calories . Most days stay at or below. Does anyone know if a special diet goes with this Dvd. I got mine used. Also does everbody do 1 then 2 on the same day like back to back . or are these ment to be done 1 at atime. Just woundering how everbody does this?

    You need to give your muscles time to rest, so just once a day for the dvd. If you're not feeling the burn, you may need to up your weights a little. I started out with 3lb and I had to bump up to 5lbs. I'm on day 4 and it's getting easier :) As far as the diet, I bought my dvd new and there was not a diet regimen to follow. Hope this helps.
  • minsch
    minsch Posts: 144 Member
    My name is Mindy.....I am 39 for a couple more weeks.....I am hanging on to those weeks! I am doing day 5 today. I am also doing a C25k program....I did both in one day and it was too much so now I alternate.

    I live just outside ATL and have 2 wonderful children. I have lost 110 lbs already and have about 5 more to my next goal and 40 more to my gw.
  • coke_bottle
    coke_bottle Posts: 259 Member
    Hello, Tameka here. I used to be nice and slim when i was younger, but man i tell ya the moment i stopped being active and i was very active walking around my little city with my then BFF, I became overweight like a mf! Having kids made it worse of course. Since then i have been yo-yo dieting for too long!! I figure this time if I don't pull through then damn it i never will!! So now i have to succeed!!! :wink:
  • Amber1070
    Amber1070 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi I'm amber. Live in CT with my wonderful husband who's dieting with me :-) and our 2 cats. We're hoping to start a family and are all settled into our new house. I have dieted on and off for years but this time it just clicked. I needed to get my life in order. Highest weight was 196 and boy did I carry a lot of it in my face as my profile picture shows you. I'm now currently 161.4 and very happy. My goal was 165 and I'm working on maintaining it, although I still keep loosing lol. I've been out of work since 2007 with a back injury that didn't help my weight gain and kept me from being active. Still keeps me from exercising a lot now but I pushed through the few months it took to loose the weight. I love working out, being outside, decorating our house and organizing everything lol