Water intake and ketostix

GloMash710 Posts: 78 Member
I monitor ketosis by using ketostix multiple times a day. My carbs are in the 15-25 range which normally produces a "large" dark purple result. Lately I've only been in small or trace even though my carbs are still in the same range, however I've increased the amount of water by 4-6 cups daily. Does increased hydration effect ketostix results?


  • ilookold
    ilookold Posts: 2 Member
    The Ketostix are not always accurate for measuring if you are in ketosis or not. Keep drinking more water and keep the carbs like you are and you will be good.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    Ketostix definitely work differently for everyone. Personally, only first thing in the morning shows any color for me. Even the lightest pink means you're in ketosis. While I was trying to get into ketosis I would test all day long. But since I now keep my net carbs (and most days total carbs) under 20g, I've given that up, but still check each morning because I'm addicted. Some will tell you that if you're showing a dark purple you are dehydrated. Since I've never had that happen I haven't looked into any further.
  • GoddessG
    GoddessG Posts: 175 Member
    Yes, according to the books I have read. A heavy-purple stick is probably nothing more than an indication of dehydration. The ketones that are measured are diluted by all the water. Diluted in the water - as in ketones as a percentage of urine - NOT diminished by the water.