what am i doing wrong?

I need help. My husband and I started the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution last Monday. Since then, I've lost about 1 lb despite working out twice a day all last week and once a day every day this week for 30 minutes to her video. I've been eating clean too. The plan says to get about 1200 calories but then we are working out and not eating the calories back so I net anywhere from 800-1000 calories. One day last week I netted about 350 calories. I'm guessing my body is in starvation mode now. How do I get it to realize that I'm eating good and exercising and it can release the weight??? I'm so frustrated.


  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    You are not eating enough. At the VERY least, you need to be netting 1,200 calories a day. You'd be better off using BMR and TDEE calculations to find out how you someone your size needs to be consuming in order to A. stay alive B. maintain your current weight and C. lose gradually (the right way). Eating well and eating enough are two different things and your body is not going to let go of that weight until you do both.

    Also, 1lb since last Monday is a good rate. You're not morbidly obese from what I can tell in your photos, so 1-2lbs a week is totally normal. I lost 7lbs the first week and haven't lost any since, because I was eating far too few calories (1,200 or less) those first few weeks because Jillian told me so, even though I knew it wasn't enough. My dietitian confirmed I need 1,450-1,650 on workout days in order to lose.
  • Agree with GatorGirly. Also - don't always focus on the scale. I lost weight the first two weeks (about 6.8 lbs) then actually gained a pound the third week. But my clothes are all bigger on me. You're redefining your body.
  • Luvmichnata
    Luvmichnata Posts: 186 Member
    I agree 100% with gatorgirly. I'm on week 4 of the Body Revolution and I just started losing some weight after I increased my calories. I will also note you should try and focus on measurements rather than pounds right now. You'll start seeing the inches going down even though the scale may not budge.
  • thank you all for the advice. i currently weigh about 159. my TDEE is around 1750.
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    thank you all for the advice. i currently weigh about 159. my TDEE is around 1750.

    I think each person is different. I did the 2 workouts a day (missed 2) and ate 1200 cals whether I worked out once, twice or even on my day off and I lost 11.2 lbs. I think you have to find out what works for you! make sure your cals are made up of the right foods too - that is REALLY important
  • gatorgirly413
    gatorgirly413 Posts: 38 Member
    thank you all for the advice. i currently weigh about 159. my TDEE is around 1750.

    I think each person is different. I did the 2 workouts a day (missed 2) and ate 1200 cals whether I worked out once, twice or even on my day off and I lost 11.2 lbs. I think you have to find out what works for you! make sure your cals are made up of the right foods too - that is REALLY important

    Absolutely. Eating 1,200 calories of donuts (about four) and 1,200 of lean protein, fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy, etc., are not even comparable. I did a 48-hour juice fast once and was eating way more calories than I normally would but still lost weight.