Need breakfast food Ideas ..

I'm an early riser 5am and leave for work at go to breakfast lately has been Lactose Free Yoplait and a cup of coffee...I don't like protien bars ...It's hard to eat just one per day..and I consider them a "target" food...


  • runrockclimb
    Egg Muffins
    I've seen a lot of recipes for egg muffin type things, here is an example
    You could make them up ahead of time, warm it and go.
    Here is another similar idea

    Banana Roll Up
    Something like this could be good, and you can mix it up, add or remove things you don't want/don't like. Personally I like just some peanut butter and a little honey with my banana.
    Quick and can be eaten on the go.

    You can also make breakfast burritos and freeze them. Or if you have time, make them fresh, doesn't take a lot of time and is tasty.
  • starfish475
    Great Ideas ...Thanks
  • Alexandria1213
    Alexandria1213 Posts: 152 Member
    I like to just make a juice with the juicer and some eggs.
    I usually do a pear, an apple and some carrots in my juice.
  • veggiemodel
    veggiemodel Posts: 22 Member
    Fruit smoothie! It's full of carbs, vitamins and minerals = energy to start the day!
    My favorite one is banana and strawberry with a little soy milk or water :)
  • jan1755
    jan1755 Posts: 37 Member
    What about instant oatmeal? Is that ok?
  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    I make a big pot of steel cut oats on Sunday and place leftovers in a bread loaf tin. During the week I just slice a serving, splash a bit of almond milk on it, and stick it in the microwave for a minute. When it comes out I stir in healthy add-ons. My favorites right now are cherries with a tablespoon of dark chocolate chips, or a combination of warmed apples, a tablespoon of real maple syrup, and tablespoon of pecans/walnuts (this one's a Jillian Michaels recipe). So good/quick and customizable. Even my kids love eating it before school. I don't like regular oatmeal but steel cut oats are amazing!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I make a big pot of steel cut oats on Sunday and place leftovers in a bread loaf tin.

    I keep hearing about this and variations of it. I will have to give it a go. Thanks.

    Edit: Not exactly 100% clean, but I always start with a shake made up of plain yogurt, milk, a banana, and protein powder. I also include two slices of Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread with butter.
  • Mamabrandyk
    I have two "go to" breakfasts

    One is steel cut oatmeal, I make 2 servings at a time (one for another day) - top with yogurt and/or fruit

    My other favorite breakfast is an egg scrambled with any kind of veggies (zuccini, mushrooms, bellpeppers) topped with grated cheese and salsa.
  • aimeelou2323
    aimeelou2323 Posts: 19 Member
    That sounds delicious! My go to is usually a veggie omelet with salsa :)
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    I used to make a large batch of french toast, with whole grain bread, mostly egg whites and ff milk (add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc., as desired), and then freeze them. Just pop them in the toaster when needed. I always liked them with all fruit style jelly or jam.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    What about instant oatmeal? Is that ok?
    A lot add sugar. Personally, I still eat them out of ease but I try not to buy the ones with added sugar. Usually I make 4-5 servings of Old Fashioned Oats at a time then leave it in the fridge for the week.

    Google Overnight Oats for some great ideas. I like Pro-Oatmeal from my Insanity Nutrition Guide:

    2/3 cup cooked oatmeal, prepared with water
    1 scoop of protein powder
    1/2 cup of fresh or frozen berries
    1-1/2 tbsp. chopped walnuts
    Splash (1/4 cup) of skim, almond, rice, or soy milk

    About 320 cals.
  • kimgascoigne
    kimgascoigne Posts: 8 Member
    I have a couple different breakfasts:
    I usually do eggs, 1 whole egg and 2 whites.
    protein drink: 1 scoop whey protein & 1 cup non dairy almond milk (vanilla or chocolate)
    egg muffin: 1 egg on a toasted english muffin
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    What about instant oatmeal? Is that ok?

    I buy organic instant oatmeal for those times when I need to make something quickly or if I'm just feeling lazy. Be careful of non-organic versions as many contain LOTS of sugar and additives. Use local honey or lots of fruit or all fruit-type jam or jelly to sweeten, if desired. I'm so used to it "plain" with just raisins and walnuts that I don't use any sweetener.
  • wisconsinboogie
    wisconsinboogie Posts: 127 Member
    2 hard boiled eggs with hot sauce, and a piece of fruit.
  • DJilleen
    Before I started this journey I swore the only way I'd ever be able to eat an egg was with toast. Then I tried other things. My favorite is a slice of turkey breast, sautéed mushrooms and onions and an over easy egg or two (depending on my morning workout). It keeps me satisfied until lunch.

    I also love avocado added in. (If I add avocado I usually only go for 1 egg)

    Or a turkey egg veggie scramble (with a few shreds of exra sharp cheese).
  • dzuli823
    dzuli823 Posts: 115 Member
    I make a big pot of steel cut oats on Sunday and place leftovers in a bread loaf tin. During the week I just slice a serving, splash a bit of almond milk on it, and stick it in the microwave for a minute. When it comes out I stir in healthy add-ons. My favorites right now are cherries with a tablespoon of dark chocolate chips, or a combination of warmed apples, a tablespoon of real maple syrup, and tablespoon of pecans/walnuts (this one's a Jillian Michaels recipe). So good/quick and customizable. Even my kids love eating it before school. I don't like regular oatmeal but steel cut oats are amazing!

    I thought I was the only one who liked dark choc in her oatmeal!! I put a little of a homemade trail mix in my oatmeal...nuts, dried fruit & dark choc. Sooo yum!!
  • dzuli823
    dzuli823 Posts: 115 Member
    If you like peanut butter, toast with some pb spread on it is amazing. It gets all melty! I like polaner all fruit (fruit and fruit juice) on top. Or, if you put a little marshmallow fluff on it (all natural and suprisingly less sugar than the polaner), it gets all melty too. On an english muffin is really good too.

    You could make your own trail mix. I'd enjoy munching on that with my coffee.

    There's some good recipes out there for overnight oatmeal.

    Also, easy french toast. About 1/4 c milk, 1 egg and 2 whites, cinnamon, dash of nutmeg and splash of vanilla. That's it! Easy, no measuring and quick. We all love it at my house.
  • lamos1
    lamos1 Posts: 167 Member
    I eat steel cut oats and egg whites. Although, I do have to put butter and sugar in my oatmeal. Thats the only way I can eat it.
  • kayenne78
    kayenne78 Posts: 34 Member
    I have quinoa with egg whites and strawberries and cinnamon for flavour. I make a pot of quinoa that lasts for a few days and the I just have to heat it up :)
  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    I also get up early and cannot stomach lots of eating that early. I drink a green smoothie most mornings on the way to work. I blend greens such as kale or spinach with some fruit, whatever sounds good and I have on hand. I add Greek yogurt and lately chia seeds have become my favorite. Fruit masks the taste of the greens and makes it nice and sweet. Sometimes I eat a hardboiled egg along with my smoothie to tie me over until lunch. Yes, using a blender early morning is sometimes problematic especially if you don't live alone. But, my kids have gotten used to it.