Just Checking In!

I was just checking in to see how everyone is doing with their 30 DS! How are you feeling? Seeing results?

I am a little ahead of most of you, Level 2, Day 4, there wasn't any groups when I started, so glad I was able to join this group!
I have missed 1 day so far due to the owner of my company being in town. I've got such a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels but feel like I'm beginning to finally see some results.

1 complaint: my right knee/leg has been hurting, I keep it wrapped when I work out and have been living on Ibuprofin. I try very hard to do all the cardio but when it hurts too much, I switch to jogging in place, so not sure if I will the same results others have posted? Oddly enough, the planks don't bother my leg as much as the jumping does! :happy:

I took pictures and measurements before I started but not with a bare stomach (hate my stomach and very embarrassed by it) and plan to take them again after I complete the 30 days. I know I have lost an inch on my waiste, think my hips are pretty stubborn! I haven't looked at the pictures yet but hoping by day 30 there will be a nice difference!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Keep up the great work! We can do this!! :heart:


  • insane5150
    insane5150 Posts: 93 Member
    Great job!!! Noticing changes is certainly a motivator to all of us.

    I am on day 5 today..... and finally starting to build some stamina. I am pretty much out of the sore phase, can just feel it a little bit in my thighs when squatting.

    I took before meaurements and photos.... I will probably re-measure and take more photos after each 10 day cycle from Level 1,2,3. I am really having to fight myself from jumping on the scale. Just keep reminding myself not to do it, just wait.

    So much self gratification to turn the "I think I cans" into "I can, I know I can"

    Keep up the great work CKerr8152!!! Look forward to hearing about your future progress! & Happy Valentines day to you too!!! <3
  • tbcass
    tbcass Posts: 23

    So much self gratification to turn the "I think I cans" into "I can, I know I can"

    Love this! I think I"m going to make this my new motto. I need it on a poster to put it in front of me when I work out (especially to the 30 DS)!
  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    Great job!!! Noticing changes is certainly a motivator to all of us.

    I am on day 5 today..... and finally starting to build some stamina. I am pretty much out of the sore phase, can just feel it a little bit in my thighs when squatting.

    I took before meaurements and photos.... I will probably re-measure and take more photos after each 10 day cycle from Level 1,2,3. I am really having to fight myself from jumping on the scale. Just keep reminding myself not to do it, just wait.

    So much self gratification to turn the "I think I cans" into "I can, I know I can"

    Keep up the great work CKerr8152!!! Look forward to hearing about your future progress! & Happy Valentines day to you too!!! <3

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's results!
    I do have to admit, there are days I just don't think I can do it due to body aches, I take Ibuprofin an hour or two before I exercise to help me out. I tell myself all day long that I need a day off but I'm afraid if I take 1, it will lead to 2, then 3, so just keep pushing thru! Think I finally got rid of the knee pain from Level 1, now I have back pain from level 2 and I know what exercise it's from, so think I'm going to try to do the double ab move in it's place. Think as long as I keep moving, I'll be ok!! :-)