OK, time for Yearly Post of the Date/surgery/how you felt.

risskie Posts: 203 Member
Hi Gastric By Pass/Lap Band/Sleeve et al people,:flowerforyou:
Time for the yearly post of the:

1. Date and the surgery you chose.

2. How you are feeling about your choice - considering your choice & what you know now, do you think you would have picked another method (i.e. sleeve or dieting et al).

The information you post can/will help others in making their own personal decision.

Your "personal banner" below that post will tell us how much you've lost

I'll start us off:

1/16/2012- RNY (gastric by pass) - overjoyed with my progress; no more pre-diabetes, apnea or heart palpitations . and I'm very happy I chose the RNY. :happy:


  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    have the RNY on May 15th 2012.

    I have never felt better and other then one good cry over my hair thinning out and a couple of emotional moments when I had a hormone surge It has been an amazing journey that I would not hesitate to do over again. No more diabetes, no more getting out of breath using the stairs or getting dressed. Lower cholesterol, able to run 5k and play with my kids until they are tired. BEST SEX I'VE HAD IN YEARS.

    Today 2-16-13 I reached a normal BMI and my surgical goal weight. Tomorrow my husband and I will have a long talk about how much more to try to lose if any.
  • pavshop
    pavshop Posts: 48 Member
    February 20th 2012. RNY.

    At goal weight, feeling fabulous. The only regret. . . I should have done this 20 years ago.
    I am a normal healthy weight.
    I am physically active without all the pain.
    I am a size 6/8.
    Completely normal labs.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I had rny on 9/27/12 and I would do it again in a heartbeat. At four months out, I am 30 pounds away from my goal weight, and only 7 pounds away from the goal my surgeon set for me. As a type I diabetic, my A1C is perfect and all my other problems like hypertension and sleep apnea are gone. Took three denials and a lot of persistence to get the surgery done, but it has been great!
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Lets see...RNY 4/412 I am about 10 months out now. So far I have gone from wearing size 30/32 or 4X to size 16 or XL. I actually love to exercise now (who would have thought it?) and feel better than I have in years! I no longer take medication for blood pressure, or cholesterol and both are perfectly normal. My resting heart rate has gone from an average of 90 to about 65-70. I will always need insulin, but...I no longer take oral metformin and my insulin requirements dropped from a staggering 200 units/day to a more normal 35-40 units per day. My only complication was losing my gall bladder at 3 months out because of rapid weight loss. My hair is finally growing back in (yayyy) and life is good!

    Would I do it again? You betcha...everyday and twice on Sunday!
  • ragslittle
    ragslittle Posts: 176 Member
    RNY 3/5/12...160+\- lbs lost. From a size 24/26 to a size 6. Hundreds of miles run/walked. All over again?? Definitely, absolutely, positively YES!!!

    Advise for WLS candidates - make sure you are ready for long term diet and exercise lifestyle changes, be diligent with your diary, don't be misguided by thinking the surgery is a magic bullet...you still have to work hard to get the weight off but more importantly to keep it off....create good habits early on and don't give into your old ways....doesn't mean you won't slip, but get right back on track!
  • melbogg
    melbogg Posts: 135 Member
    I'm only 2 1/2 months post VSG surgery, but so inspired to read all your previous posts. I have zero regrets and I am so grateful for this tool. I can't wait to add my one year post in November!
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    I had RNY surgery 8/7/12. Lost 105.5 pounds. At healthy weight for my height 5'9"; "normal" BMI.
    I had strictures that had to be stretched twice, hair loss, still a little behind in what I should be able to eat,
    several mini-meltdowns along the way BUT no more diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis meds.
    I can clip and paint my own toenails. I shop in the misses department (so much more variety!).
    I went from size 24 to 12. My husband can wrap his arms around me and I can ran after my grandkids.

    I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
  • 13turtles
    13turtles Posts: 183 Member
    I had RNY surgery 12/11/12.

    I am thrilled that I chose RNY. I did not have any complications with surgery and my recovery has been great! My diabetes is gone. I sleep through the night, have not had a single reflux episode, and I couldn't be happier.

    I started the process thinking I wanted the sleeve, but was convinced that RNY would be better for me due to the diabetes, acid reflux, and the amount of weight I needed to lose. It has been great so far. People definitely notice that I have lost weight, but it's not a big deal.

    My advice for people just starting, get in the right head space before you begin. I spent a year working with an emotional eating counselor before starting the process so I made sure that old habits would not come back to haunt me post surgery. I still see her since as you lose, it's a adjustment to mentally go from being the "fat girl" to having a smaller body. I am just two months out, but there is a noticeable difference in how I look.
  • mandynsnuf
    mandynsnuf Posts: 81 Member
    RNY, 11/7/11.....I developed a stricture and was on liquids for a few months......I wouldo do it again in a minute!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    RNY(bypass) april 12 and still LOVE it not at goal yet but not a million miles away either! once you get your head around the new eating habits you should fly! :bigsmile:
    i love it and would not swap it for the world! :drinker:

    i just wish i had looked after it a little more along the way as it has always seemed like i can eat loads on it! :sad:
  • sadiegirl32
    sadiegirl32 Posts: 181 Member
    RNY 09/05/12

    Heck Yea I would do it again!! I had no complications and feel great! Off blood pressure meds and off CPAP machine. Love being off caffeine as I sleep great now.

    Would not change a thing!
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    1. Date and the surgery you chose. August 28th, 2012 - will be 6 mths post op in 10 days. I had GBS RNY.

    2. How you are feeling about your choice - considering your choice & what you know now, do you think you would have picked another method (i.e. sleeve or dieting et al). I am very happy with my choice. Just wish I had done it sooner. I feel amazing. I am finding a confidence I haven't had in years and years. The mirror and scales are no longer the enemy. My sleep apnea is gone. I am no longer prediabetic. I no longer have borderline high blood pressure. I no longer have the daily aches and pains. I can run again. I exercise every day. I've lost 107 lbs overall - 78of that just since the surgery. I am averaging about 3lbs a week and my surgeon is thrilled with my progress.

    I am now a force to be reckoned with!!! As the song says, "this girl is on fire"! :-)
  • Slickerb
    Slickerb Posts: 10 Member
    I had laparoscopic RNY on 24 Jan 12, and haven't regretted it at all. I had serious concerns the weekend before my surgery, to the point that I almost cancelled, but haven't looked back since I came out of recovery. Luckily I had absolutely no complications, and my only issue was 7 months of heavy hair loss. That has stopped and half of my head is now covered with inch long hair that is impossible to control.

    Would I do it again? In a heartbeat!
  • arnfolly
    arnfolly Posts: 79 Member
    August 27 2010. Bypass. Looks like I am the oldest on this thread? YES YES YES I would do it again and often reccomend it to friends who struggle like I did with diabetes and weight loss. Do not worry, your hair grows back and mine is as luxurious as it ever was! I went from 252 to 148 (still have more to go but had a series of injuries and surgeries) This is a life changing commitement though and you have to maintain exercise and healthy choices. :) I still have 20# more to go and will get there when I can resume exercise. :) I was insulin dependent ( lot of insulin each day) and now I am diet controlled with an A1C of 5.5. Which is normal! Woo hoo! I had NO complications at all and the only thing I cannot consume is milk, it causes dumping syndrome. I can eat all other dairy except ice cream. Other than that, I can eat what I want. :)
  • staceyhotmama
    staceyhotmama Posts: 98 Member
    I'm an old timer :) I had RNY Dec 19, 2006. My weight that day was 364 lbs. My 1 year surgiversary I weighed 169.

    Within the first week of surgery my Type 2 Diabetes was gone, eventually my high blood pressure and sleep apnea were gone as well. The surgery was the best thing I've ever done.

    Last year, unfortunately, old eating habits crept back into my life and I gained some weight back. I started snacking on crackers and chips- basically way too many carbs. I am now tracking on MFP and I've lost 14 lbs which I am so happy about!

    RNY was the best thing I've ever done for myself and my health. Would go through it all again in a heartbeat.
  • NeewMee
    NeewMee Posts: 26 Member
    I'm a brand spankin' new lap-bander. I was banded on 12/13/12 weighing in at 331.6 lbs after two years of trying to keep weight off with a nutritionist. My insurance had me running circles to get approval but I finally did and couldn't be happier!! I decided on lap-band because I wanted the least invasive surgery and felt losing weight at a slower rate, even though I have so much to lose, would give my body time to adjust better. Right now I only have 3cc in a 14cc band- not much restriction but it has forced me to change the way I live. I have wondered if I knew then what I know now would I do it again... I think YES! I may be doing 90% of the work involved but I don't think I had the courage to make the lifestyle changes pre-surgery. My band keeps me focused and on track. It has also helped encourage my husband to eat better and get more active so my band is helping BOTH of us! :happy:
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    You all are super inspirational!! I'm having RNY on March 6th and it CANNOT get here fast enough! I can't wait to be the withh 100+ lbs of weight loss. I have about 150 to lose for my personal goal (120 for my dr's goal) and I have lost about 25 lbs since my highest weight on the presurgery diet. I start liquids on Wednesday....
    Congrats on all your success and I cannot wait to join you!
  • Susann1963
    Susann1963 Posts: 126 Member
    These stories are all so personal and inspirational. Congratulations to each and every one of you.

    I had RNY on 2-13-12, and am at (actually a little below) my goal weight. I have had no complications, feel great and agree about the great SEX life that has been an unexpected side effect. I think it is just reflective of being more secure with my body (even though I have virtually no boobs left (thank goodness for Victoria's Secret!!), and that is the only thing that I may consider plastics for in the future. I do obsess about gaining the weight back, though, and almost wish I would dump on days like today when I eat too many sweets at work!!

    Would i do it again? In a heartbeat!!
  • Barbara2420
    Barbara2420 Posts: 51 Member
    Sugery: RNY 2/28/12

    I originally wanted to have a vertical sleeve, but my insurance wouldn't cover. After a long discussion with the surgeon and team, became comfortable with RNY. When I left the hospital I was no longer a type II diabetic, within a week no longer needed the C-PAP, and am no longer in need of several BP meds. The only post-op problem I developed was an allergy to the glue--made for a few intensely itchy days!
    I now either walk, run or go to the gym 6 days a week. I can climb ladders, kneel in the garden, play with the dog on the floor. I can climb stairs with no shortness of breath. Original pants size was 26-28 and am now a 10. My hips, ankles and feet no longer complain to me on a daily basis. I am a happy woman!

    The only sadness that I have is not having the surgery decades ago!
  • March 13, 2012 RNY (gastric bypass surgery)

    Absolutely THRILLED with the choice. Wish I would have done it 10 years ago.

    I work my *kitten* off, though! I exercise 5 days a week for 60+ minutes. This is only a tool and I'm using it for all that it is worth!

    My total loss includes the 64 pounds I lost during the 6 month "hoop jumping" waiting period.

    I was pre-diabetic, on high blood pressure medicine, in pain and tears walking 1/4 of the way around the block, needed a cart to lean on at the grocery store, extreme GERD which resulted in Barrett's Esophagus, SEVERE sleep apnea. Not sure why I didn't die in my sleep.

    My blood pressure is perfect, as is all of my bloodwork, GERD and sleep apnea is cured. I have run two 5Ks since the surgery and jump around like a cardio freak to TaeBo and TurboJam.

    I run up and down stairs to do laundry. I used to do 3 or 4 loads and wait to put things away upstairs. Now, I go up every single load, even to just put a pair of socks away. My energy level and endurance is through the roof!!! The family can't keep up with me walking through the mall or grocery store. LOL

    Pre-op I was busting out of size 28 pants and wearing 4X shirts. I currently wear medium shirts, my size 8 pants are very loose and I wear size small workout pants.

    No going back!!!