Survey: How many cals do you eat per day?



  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    woah, 16 is a lot... are you certain about your logging? Do you think its possible you underestimate some things or do you weigh everything? Any chance you forget to log food, little bites of stuff, milk in your coffee?

    I weigh and measure EVERYTHING, been doing that since Jan. 2011 when I started my weight loss journey. I didn't have my weight log with me earlier so I just rechecked and I'm up 14.4# since 5/12/12 (one day before starting SL). I'm wondering if I should stop SL and go back to my kettlebell workout instead. I think I can still return the home gym equipment.

    SL shouldn't cause hat big of a gain (I mean, its not like its making you fatter...) no matter what else, so maybe it accounts for 5 lbs and you could have something else wierd going on that might account for a couple more (That would be a lot though) but that still seems like a big gain fora relatively small amount of food.

    Have you been tested for thyroid and PCOS? That seems like maybe there's more going on than just food and exercise, I'm lighter than you (I think you said you were 188), eat a lot more, and do basically NOTHING except SL. I weighed in at 166.8 today and I've eaten 2300-2700 calories every day this week except for like, 1 day that I managed to rein it in at 1900. I'm pretty sure *I'm* overeating but I find it hard to believe that you are. That sounds like something else, like pcos.

    I had my thyroid and FSH hormones checked a couple mos ago because I felt cold all the time and hadn't had a period since January. Both were normal. Sometime after that I attributed my symptoms to not eating enough, as I've also had hair falling out, I've had about 4-5 colds in as many months, weak/splittling nails, etc., which are all symptoms of not eating enough.

    But I just emailed my doctor to let him know what's going on with my rapid weight gain. He'll probably reply at the end of the day so we'll see what he says.
  • micls
    micls Posts: 234
    I'm 5'7, 139lbs and maintaining.

    Eating a base of 1760cals a day. I don't particularly eat more on lifting days, I will if I'm hungry, but I actually find I eat more non workout days cos there's more time I'm sitting around.My exercise cals go towards my inevitable eating more at the weekend!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    1. 5'6"
    2. Six weeks
    3. 2200-2400 calories
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I am on week 4, I believe. Not been keeping track of dates.

    I used to add my exercise calories, but now I am just doing a small cut from my TDEE, so I have my goal set to 1900.

    I do pretty intense cardio 3-4 times a week for an hour, and stronglifts twice a week, as well as some bodyweight exercises and walking.

    I am 5'10 and around 133-135(depending on how good I have been, lol).
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    im 5'5. 131lbs and I'm averaging 2000 a day.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    1. 5'5 about 135 lbs and 40 years old

    2. Since late September, with some slacking around the holidays. I stopped counting the weeks after 12, and had to deload when I went back to lifting after the holidays.

    3. Between 2000-2300 when I log, a little more on weekends when I don't log.

    When I started SL, I was at 2000 and kept losing, then upped it to 2100 and kept losing, then upped it to 2200 and started to feel like too many bones were showing in my chest, so I took a few weeks off from logging (around Halloween) to gain a few pounds and eat chocolate. :smile: I aimed for 2300 after that.

    I also run 3x a week, typically between 3-6 miles.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I'm 5'6" 202ish, been doing SL for 7 weeks worth of workouts (2 weeks off for injury/illness.) I do 20-30 minutes of cardio with my SL for warmup/cool down, and maybe other random cardio once a week. I average 2k calories a day.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    1. 5'6.5
    2. Week 5 of Cycle 2 (17 weeks)
    3. 2200-2400 (trying to eat over TDEE)
  • Iron_Duchess
    Iron_Duchess Posts: 429 Member
    Hi, (Using this to also introduce myself to the group)

    1. 5'-2"
    2. This is my 3rd week
    3. 1650 (try to net a min. of my BMR of 1343)
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Netting 1500, although I'm frequently under by 300-500 averaged over a week & I'm trying to stop doing that!
    Couple of months of SL, interrupted by illness & holiday
    I burn around 1200 Cal a week in cardio on top of my lifting
    I keep stalling on the weight loss,so I'd definitely not recommend doing what I'm doing!
  • vegannlg
    vegannlg Posts: 170 Member
    I read the whole thread with interest because how much to eat has always been my quandary.

    1. I am 4’10”, 123 pounds – the scale has not moved much in months

    2. Doing 5x5 since last summer, shifted to more cardio/less lifting to prepare for a strenuous mission trip, now after holidays, back to 5x5 schedule with cardio in between.

    3. Averaging 1550 cal a day. I had MFP set to 1350 then add exercise but I was HUNGRY (like wake me up in the middle of the night hungry) so I’m just going up to 1400 as a base for now. My TDEE is 1675

    Being short seems to give me less wiggle room on calories. I should also say I am about 4 pounds from my original goal, and though the scale doesn’t move, I have gone from a size 10 to an almost loose size 8. The pants I bought because my old pants were too big – are now too big!
    The biggest problem I have is hitting macros. I am vegetarian and lactose intolerant, so I feel like I am always over in carbs and under in protein. I do shakes to help that some but still don’t hit it well. I guess it boils down to self-discipline, but at 52 I’m starting to get the attitude of wanting what I want.
    Like Red Velvet cake.