February 19, 2013

Morning Vixens!

How was everyone's weekend/Monday?

What are your health/fitness goals for this coming challenge week?

Today's challenge: 30 minutes of cardio, 30 minutes of some other exercise.

Don't forget to send me your weigh in by midnight tonight.


  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    My health/fitness goals for this coming challenge week is to get all of my workouts in - cardio today/wed/thurs/mon/tues, weights today/friday/monday and to keep my eating in check.

    My 30 minutes of exercise are done and I'll get my 30 minutes of cardio done at lunch.

    Hoping to see a lose on the scale when I weigh in tonight :)
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    My goals for this week are to incorporate the protein powder I bought the other day into my daily eating habits. NO SODA! and up my water intake.

    So my exercise and cardio are in the books too. Have a great week everyone!
  • cmotting
    cmotting Posts: 97 Member
    My weekend was good. All of my social plans this week happened this weekend. So I went out to eat twice. And then girl scout cookies came! Ugh. I worked out, but still didn't see a lose on the scale. At least there was no gain. And tonight my sister has a late basketball game so I am not sure I will have time to work out. And then tomorrow we are celebrating my brothers birthday! Will it ever end?! Haha. I am just ready for some nice weather and more daylight so I can be outside.

    My goals for this week are just to be more aware of what I am eating, and to plan ahead as much as possible.
  • eazieske
    eazieske Posts: 212 Member
    Hi ladies!!!! my plan this week is to keep my food in check!!! I want to go on a walk on Friday so well have to see how that goes!!!
  • tslose
    tslose Posts: 420 Member
    Hi ladies. My weight is down a bit as of monday But didn't do very well yesterday. Today is a new day. Headed to the elliptical shortly. My goal is to work in exercise more regularly. I always seem to say. I'll exercise right after I ....... Do laundry, vacuum, clean, then the day flies by and I didnt get what I wanted to done.

    So I will do a better job of scheduling my time for exercise. Also will track my food better. Have a great day to all!