The 'before' photos



  • rmaglathlin
    rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
    Hello everyone! I am on day 9 of Insanity... never thought I would actually do it! :) I am so excited. I just have one problem, I am not using the results and recovery formula and not sure what is a good substitute... any suggestions? and is there like a regular food alternative?

    i usually drink a whey powder, 1/2 banana and 1 tblsp ground flaxseed shake after my workouts

    i think as long as you get some protein and a bit of carbohydrates within 30-60 minutes of working out you'll be fine. that can really be in any form, but the recovery drinks or smoothies are nice because 1) they are easy 2) they are more quickly digested and can be processed into glycogen in your muscles faster than whole foods.
  • rmaglathlin
    rmaglathlin Posts: 20 Member
    i am almost finished with month 1 of my second insanity round and thought i'd chime in. In theory the exercises shouldn't get easier, because the fitter and stronger you get, the harder you can push. I still finish each and every insanity workout face down on the floor in a puddle of my own sweat, even though my fit test results have more than doubled. so if you are successful or not really depends on if you are willing to push yourself to the limit each day for 60 days straight. it's tough but i can promise you it is worth it.

    definitely take a look at the nutrition plan. you don't have to follow it by heart but at least know the basics. you are making a commitment for 60 days on the workout side so i would be a shame to ruin that effort by neglecting your nutrition. In particular I found getting in the routine of 5-6 small daily meals with breakfast being the biggest and dinner the smallest worked best for me. also watch your calories, neither eat too little (you don't want your body to go into starvation mode plus you will need the energy) nor too many, take a look at the calorie formulas in the guide book.

    also if a particular exercise is too much, I would recommend letting the dvd run, catch your breath, and then restart asap. Don't pause the DVD as this will only tempt you to take unnecessary long pauses - at least that was the case with me. after every exercise i ask myself "did I push as hard as i possibly could? or did i slack off". if it's the latter i will try to make up fr it the next day. insanity will test your self-discipline big time.

    and last but not least: it is not uncommon to hardly lose any weight in month 1. having said that you will see your body getting toned, ie less fat and more muscles. for me the real weight loss came in month 2. so don't let the scale discourage you.

    yeah, totally agreed. i am actually finding that the workouts are getting harder the more i do them because i can push harder. the nice thing though, is that translating that intensity into real life exercise is so cool! for example, i went for a bike ride today and totally killed it on a 20 min climb! i would never have *thought* i could push myself to just go from 20 min without stopping at high intensity, but pushing through the insanity workouts, working at a high heart rate for 10-15 min straight, really convinces you that anything is possible!
  • cbwilliams2004
    cbwilliams2004 Posts: 24 Member
    I think I figured it out. Hopefully this works

  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I think I figured it out. Hopefully this works


    Huge difference! Keep digging deep, man. You're doing great
  • I think I figured it out. Hopefully this works


    Huge difference! Keep digging deep, man. You're doing great

    you can definitely see a difference, great job!