Prepping for The Plan



  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 195 Member
    I have trouble with some of the ingredients she suggests. Chia seeds is the main one. I can't afford to pay $12.00 a pound for seeds! I checked on-line and ground flax seed seems to be a good substitute, and it's a lot less expensive.
  • scubagal71
    scubagal71 Posts: 14 Member
    Ground Flax is a big no-no!

    I already learned my lesson not realizing that 2+ weeks in and still eating the flax granola was a mistake, too much flax can upset your estrogen balance, she talks about this in the book. I got stuck on day 5 or 6 (doing w/ my husband so if he failed, I had a rest day too)- and my period started 17 days the last one... and I am convinced it was 14+ days of eating flax.

    So stay away from the ground, it is considered even more problematic! It won't give you the same results as Chia anyway, Chia gels up into little bubbles, flax doesn't.
  • Chia seeds are expensive, however you only need 2 tablespoons for the chia pudding recipes that serves two (you won't believe how much they gel up) so you don't need alot for those.
  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 195 Member
    Thanks for the advice. I made the Blueberry Pear Compote on a rest day. Only lost .1 pound. The next day I made it but added sunflower seeds for the protein. It didn't gel up but I did lose .6 pounds. No more flax seed for me!
  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 195 Member
    I broke down and bought some chia seeds. I found them at GNC Nutrition. Nobody else in town had them except Walmart and that was in a 3 lb bag ($36.00). I haven't tried them yet but hope they live up to their hype - and cost.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    Yikes! $36!!!!??? That's a of chia seeds! If you have a Trader Joe's, I found a small bag there for $5. I've been adding them to rice cereals to get some of the benefits of flax. They remind me a bit of poppy seeds in size and texture, but then they kind of gel when wet.
  • GmaQueenBee
    GmaQueenBee Posts: 195 Member
    No Trader Joe's in my town. I'm waiting for the new Winco to open next week. It's supposed to have a huge bulk food section and stock many of the things that the current one does not. Hopefully Chia Seeds will be something that they add to their shelves.

    I tried the Pumpkin Pie Pudding for breakfast today. It was super tasty but I was hungry before lunch. Still, I'm going to keep it on my breakfast rotation.
  • kayceeme
    kayceeme Posts: 105 Member
    I haven't tried the pudding or the blueberry pear compote. Those sound good but more cooking than I want to do at breakfast time. But it's easy to throw some chia seeds into my cereal, soups or salads. I kind of like them. Not as

    Hope your Winco store comes through!