not quite success yet, but...

natesangel Posts: 210 Member
in case some of you need a little motivation! i've been stalking this group for a while. a few months ago i decided to start up'ing my cals.
i didn't quite 'get' all the info but the concept made sense so i started small. from 1300+ cals i up'd 100 or so cals a month, watching the scale and the tape measure with no movement, and a slight gain at one point. to where i am now!

little on me; i'm a stay at home mom of 1 very active 3 yr old (almost!) who has watched jillian with me so many times that she is doing most of it with me using 3-5lbs weights, and does burpees and caterpillars better than i do! i am 33 yrs old, 5'5" currently 164 lbs (okay i cheated and just now, 3 hours later than normal and after having coffee, water and breakfast and i'm down another 1.3 lbs!)
i LOVE eating during the day. i LOVE that i am fuelling my body more appropriately. i LOVE that my mood (i'm bipolar), my complexion (adult acne here), and my waist line are ALL improving! and i love the support on this board!

so while i haven't seen a lot of movement on the scale or the tape measure i wanted to let some of you that are just starting out know, it's a process, give it time, and don't give in!!! i've spent my adult life watching fad diet come and go, doing slim fast (1200 cals) working out and not eating back anything (aka netting 500-700 cals a day) being cranky and sore and tired. it takes time to repair that damage and it's not just physical, there's a whole psychological side to this. getting it in my head that i'm doing the right thing eating over 1700 cals! eating over 2200 cals if i do extra activity still blows my mind! but i do it! and now after a few months, i'm seeing the results i've always hoped for, and it feels great on so many more levels than it ever did at the lower calorie attempts!!!

alright a few pics for you! (hoping these work!)
starting pics, before the up (aka hungry, cranky and 1300 cals a day!)

last night! that would be a junior fit 12/14 suit!

keep on believing in yourself and the amazing abilities of you body and mind!!!


  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    lol okay so not sure why they aren't posting, did the whole lower case bit and all! you can see pics on my blog though!
  • sukielovesveggies
    sukielovesveggies Posts: 12 Member
    Congratulations! You are looking great. (and what a cutie girl) I am also on the slow boat... but eating more makes me feel so much better, and so much less compulsive about food. I have 20 to lose... it had slowed to a stop at 1200 and is still stopped at 1800....but Im not done yet and those 600 cals make life so much easier, I am also really enjoying getting into lifting! Best of luck to you. (by the way, I lost 80 pounds two years ago, gained 20 last year, and now am in transition eating more and doing weights)
  • living2lose2
    living2lose2 Posts: 12 Member
    Hey gurl,
    Our stories are so similar, except that I have a lot more to lose. I’m at home with my almost 2 year old, paired with going for my Baking and Pastry degree 2 days a week. It’s encouraging to know that your little one is taking up the healthy exercising. I want my Bradley to never become the “fat Kid” in class; I’ve been there and wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. I joined MFP while I was on Weight Watcher (WW); I wanted to see if would work for me. I had plateaued on WW and kept gaining and losing the same 10 lbs over and over again. It was so damn frustrating.

    also, I started at 1,300 calories and was so lethargic and HUNGRY! Seriously I was about to give it up until I stumbled upon the EM2WL group. I started slowly adding on 50 calories at a time, then 100 calories every day until I reached my TDEE-15%. Every morning I would have a mini panic attack right before got on the scale, but eating more was the catalyst to getting rid of my WW plateau. I’m so happy that I found the secret to weight loss and it starts with eating more food.

    Love the post gurl,

    Ps- your lil one is adorable!
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    Awesome job! Thanks for the pictures - always nice to get visuals! You look great!!!
  • natesangel
    natesangel Posts: 210 Member
    thanks for the love all! it's amazing what we can get accomplished when we can get out of our own dang way! lol!
  • amandacepstein
    amandacepstein Posts: 93 Member
    Natesangel, I would call this success! Maybe not done yet, but you have come a long way. I have to say I think you looked beautiful in all the pictures. Your NSVs are awesome!!
  • misskym
    misskym Posts: 52 Member
    That is such a wonderful NSV! Even if you haven't seen measurement or weight movement, I can definitely see the difference! Sometimes it's easier to see your NSVs when you put before and after (or middle :) pictures side by side.