What are your 2013 goals?



  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Get a strong back and core.
  • scribb
    scribb Posts: 3,659 Member
    2013 Goals

    Gain more upper bbody muscle

    Tone up the muscle I have

    Run in the Boston Marathon

    Feel better about looking in the mirror when I step out of the shower.

    Get a nice tan this summer with minimal tan lines
  • RyanRobertJ
    RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
    Update! It's been another difficult week, but progress is progress!

    Jan. 7th - 230
    Jan. 28th - 223 (-7)
    Feb. 4th - 222 (-1)
    Feb. 11th - 219 (-3)
    Feb. 18th - 217.6 (-1.4)

    12.4/30. 14 weeks left.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    1) Be able to squat my bodyweight (stretch goal - 1.5x bodyweight) - currently I can do 75lb with good form, so I'm about halfway there.
    2) Deadlift 1.5x my bodyweight (stretch goal - 2x bodyweight). Currently max is 125lb
    3) OHP 75lb. It might not seem like much compared to my other goals, but it's my weakest and most slowly-progressing lift.
    4) BF% down to 20%. This would be easier if I knew what exactly my BF% actually was... depending on the machine/calculation system, I get anywhere from 24% to 33%, but I'd like to believe that since the calculations that require more info give me in the 27% and below range that that's probably it.
    5) Log my food every day.
    6) Exercise at least 3x/week.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    Hmm, lets see ~ In 2013, I'd like to ...

    - Add actual weight training into my workouts
    - Not stress out about losing a certain amount of weight per week
    - Possibly try out Yoga or Pilates
    - Get to where I want to be weight and size-wise ^^
    - Prove that with my determination, I can achieve almost anything I want to

    I'm most nervous about #1 and I don't know why! ^^;;
  • nzs110b
    nzs110b Posts: 56 Member
    Loose the next 25lbs...maybe by mid July

    Start to exercise

    Eat healthier foods
  • NSRunningGirl
    NSRunningGirl Posts: 4 Member
    My goals for 2013:

    - Loose at least 30lbs
    - Complete a half marathon in May
    - Be happier with myself and learn to love the moments where I shine!
    - Inspire others
    - Get into the world of Roller Derby – even if that means just going to watch some jams

    I hope you all meet your goals this year and find more love and happiness for yourself!
  • LizLeigh19
    LizLeigh19 Posts: 28 Member
    My goals for this year...

    -Stick with the calorie counting and exercising
    -Get back into school
    -Find another part time job
    -Find a partner
    -Be happier overall
    -Enjoy the time I am devoting to me
  • muggs1090
    muggs1090 Posts: 45 Member
    My goal is eat healthier, not just say it but actually do it! Get to a weight I feel good at and can maintain. Also exercise with more consistansy. Lastly have a wonderful wedding with my partner of 14yrs in Key West, May 2013 even if I dont lose any weight from now till then :)
  • SteveTeacherGuy
    SteveTeacherGuy Posts: 4 Member
    1. Start my career
    2. Reach my goal weight
    3. Lose the love handles
    4. Take the kids to Disneyland for the first time

    This is my year. I'm going to make this happen.
  • ruinswithin
    ruinswithin Posts: 7 Member
    1- Weigh 150 pounds by my 21st birthday in November
    2- Complete an album and actually feel satisfied with my work
    3- Move into my own home!
    4- Play shows ALL THE TIME. :D
  • 1) Ride my bike more. It's still cold out so the days I actually do it are too far too few

    2) Go to lunch with a friend once a week.

    3) Take a trip to Seattle with my man. We've never been away together.

    4) Buy a fixer-upper in vegas. but it HAS to have a pool.
  • RyanRobertJ
    RyanRobertJ Posts: 19 Member
    everyone can do it! :)

    Jan. 7th - 230
    Jan. 28th - 223 (-7)
    Feb. 4th - 222 (-1)
    Feb. 11th - 219 (-3)
    Feb. 18th - 217.6 (-1.4)
    Feb. 25th - 215.2 (-2.4)

    14.8/30. 13/20 weeks left.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Goal one for me was completed 2/21/13....complete surgery.

    Next goals are to get back to exercising as soon as I'm able (doc says at least 6 weeks) but in meantime keep eating clean.
    I definitely want to get under the next milestone and be able to write my weight at 1_ _ something instead of 2_ _. I have no actual number, perhaps get to 171 and make it an even 200 lbs lost?

    Overall, enjoy life to the fullest instead of from the couch out of a fast food meal.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I have a tentative plan to lose 20lbs by October and then start a bulk.

    Continue doing Stronglifts.

    Squat and Dead 1.5x bodyweight (about 135kg)

    Bench, press and row my bodyweight (about 90kg)

    These may be unrealistic on a cut, but I'll see how it goes.
  • Love all your goals! Good luck everyone! My goal is to lose at least 15 lbs this year, and be able to do some sit ups!
  • ChefSchnauzer
    ChefSchnauzer Posts: 29 Member
    I'd like to be down 100 - 120 pounds by New Years Eve 2014. I've been through this before and I know what is required so there is really no excuse.
  • Izzerial
    Izzerial Posts: 58
    Maintain my weight, eat healthy, move my *kitten*. Study. For real, study. I need to start taking college seriously.
  • tldust
    tldust Posts: 103 Member
    Reach my goal weight!

    And gain muscle.
  • libertygirlfla
    libertygirlfla Posts: 184 Member
    Stick with MFP and your friends online and we'll all make our goals!