Self-esteem and gaining weight?

kori333 Posts: 174 Member
Few people I speak to understand my issue. I thought maybe someone here would get it.

I spent 9 months last year losing 40+ lbs and getting myself down to 135 before getting pregnant in September. I was feeling really good about myself for the first time in my life! This is baby #4 for me and the first time I've started in a healthy BMI range. I'm almost 23 weeks now and despite knowing that gaining is healthy, it is still so hard to watch that number on the scale tick back up. It doesn't help that none of my old maternity clothes fit from previous pregnancies (I was way bigger for those) so I have only a couple new maternity items that fit. The rest of the time I wear the few items of "fat clothes" I kept after losing the weight last year. I would love to buy some more maternity items but money's a little tight for that, and it's hard to spend it when it's only for a few months.

When I look in the mirror it's hard not to see the old "fat" me even though I know it's all baby in front. My husband points out that my face hasn't changed so I don't look fat, just pregnant, but I don't see what he sees obviously. I've gained right in the average amount of weight according to my midwife and she's pleased with where I'm at. Maybe it's a mix of the fat clothes and numbers ticking up on the scale that are messing with me. It all feels like a mind game and I'm just having a hard time with it. It just makes me feel rotten about myself.

Anyone else lose a bunch of weight before getting pregnant and having a hard time watching your shape and weight change now? I can't be the only one, right? My husband reminds me I've lost it all before and I'll do it again, but for NOW it's just hard on the self-esteem. :frown: It sounds so vain and selfish to even care about this when I know I'm so blessed to be having this baby.


  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I'm only 6 weeks, but I know I'm going to end up feeling the same way you do. For me this pregnancy - though much desired - was a huge unexpected surprise and it came as I just hit the 40lb lost mark. I am finally feeling confident and happy with my body, more than in years, and have worked so hard to get here only to now "lose" it so soon. I am not sure how I'm going to deal with it, other than reminding myself that my body is doing exactly what it needs to right now to bring a healthy baby into the world. I realize that's not much help, mostly just posting to let you know you're not alone.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I just spent the last year getting into shape and losing almost 40 pounds. I had an unhealthy pregnancy with my daughter and gained too much, too . I am only 5 weeks, so I haven't gained any weight yet, but I am a little worried about how I will handle it and how I will make time for my fitness routine once the baby is here.

    I just pulled out all of my old maternity clothes and they are HUGE as well. We are also on a budget and this is our last pregnancy, so I don't plan on investing in too many more. I am hoping I can borrow some from a smaller friend.

    I am very excited and blessed for this baby, but I can feel where you are coming from. Especially after working so hard to get to where you are. My plan is to keep up my routine as much as possible and take good care of myself... unlike last time. I am 21 pounds lighter than I was when I got pregnant with my daughter and much healthier overall, so I just keep trying to remind myself of that.

    Don't worry mama, you will get it back!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I haven't started a pregnancy in a healthy BMI yet, but I have had 2 pregnancies where I lost a significant amount of weight before getting pregnant. My first and third (current). With my first, I could not watch the weight go back up. I had a hard time focusing on eating enough for the pregnancy and I had a total **** of a doctor that gave me a hard time about my weight the entire time. About half way through, I stood facing away from the scale and asked that they not tell me my weight. I could no longer handle it. I asked that they only bring up my weight if there was a problem (not gaining, gaining too fast, etc.) this really helped me deal. Now that this is my third pregnancy, I have a pretty good idea of how my body handles the weight gain and loss, so watching the numbers go up, while difficult, isn't nearly as hard this time.

    I do think you should feel good in the clothes you wear. You don't have to spend a lot of money to find even a few things that will make you feel good. This pregnancy I am not able to wear much from my previous because I am smaller, and I donated quite a bit of it since we weren't planning on more children. I have a few dresses that I wear with leggings or tights that I was wearing pre-pregnancy, that are still working for me now, and I'll continue to wear them after my pregnancy. There are a lot of cuts out there now that actually work pretty well for pregnancy, even if they aren't maternity. I have spent $15 or less on these dresses at JCPenney and Target. Only one of them is maternity. You can look at Salvation Army too for maternity clothes. I understand they can have some pretty good ones.

    I would ask friends, family, acquaintances through any organizations or church, or school that you know that have maternity clothes that they would be willing to loan or give to you. With my first child, I wouldn't ask for anything, my second, I was willing to ask for more, now, I am asking anyone I know for baby clothes, gear, etc. Especially since we have none of that stuff left. Our surprise baby won't be using anything that his big brothers had!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I would ask friends, family, acquaintances through any organizations or church, or school that you know that have maternity clothes that they would be willing to loan or give to you. With my first child, I wouldn't ask for anything, my second, I was willing to ask for more, now, I am asking anyone I know for baby clothes, gear, etc. Especially since we have none of that stuff left. Our surprise baby won't be using anything that his big brothers had!

    I agree with this! I plan on asking around as well and maybe even posting an inquiry about it on facebook when I announce the pregnancy. Last time I had people coming out of the woodwork offering up maternity clothes. I did not have to buy much at all.
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you for starting this conversation. I have spent the last 24 hours crying and feeing very very down about what my body is doing with this pregnancy.

    This is my 4th pregnancy. But its been 10 years since my last pregnancy. I have a 17 yr old, 15 yr old and 10 yr old. I was a healthy weight with all 3 previous pregnancies. BUT I gained a lot with each one. 1st - 65 lbs, 2nd-45 lbs, 3rd 90lbs!!!!!!!! I lost the weight from the 1st 2 with in 6 months of giving birth. But with my 3rd I only had lost 50 of those 90, recently 20 right before I got pregnant, so I was still up 40 lbs from my goal weight when I got pregnant this time.

    So....thats where I begin. Down 50, but still up 40. This is the biggest I ever started out pregnant. And as you can see, I have a history of gaining a lot of weight when pregnant. Before anyone jumps on me about the weight you need to know, YES i ate healthy, YES I exercised, NO I did not eat junk food!
    I promised myself I was only going to gain 15-20 lbs with this pregnancy. I have continued to track cals and continued exercise. ( 1200-1500 calories, 30-90 min cardio, eating back some exercise calories)
    I gained 10 lbs at my 8 wk appt. and contined gaining 10 lbs monthly. Currently I am 24 weeks and am up 40lbs!!!!!!!
    This is impossible when you do the math. Hormones? Must be...., retaining water? YES.
    I am DEVISTATED to say the least. I dont even know what to do, and my OB simpliy says that this is what my body does when pregnant. I never lost all the weight in the 1st place, now I will have to start out again up 90lbs!!!!! or MORE!!!!!

    I am having a very hard time with self esteem after every dr appt. I am having a very hard time with even being on MFP and reading about all my prego friends maintaining weight, gaining very little weight, and even some losing weight while pregnant!!!!!
    Is there anyone else out there like me???? Because I am ready to lose my mind! And my OB's answer is just not cutting it with me.

    And for the record: I eat whole foods. Organic 90% of the time. No wheat 90% of the time. No processed foods 90% of the time. My cardio is speed walking at incline on treadmill or eliptical.

    So, I completely understand why you are afraid to gain weight. I feel like I am living my own weight nightmare right now, even while being escatic about being pregnant again, this is not making my pregnancy enjoyable. I want to stop the madness!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Nope, you are not alone! I am just now adjusting to the weight gain- 6 months into my pregnancy. I lost 36 lbs and maintained my weight loss for quite a while before getting pregnant. And when you put that much work into losing weight, it is kind of a shock having to switch around and do the exact opposite. But here are some things to keep in mind that have helped me:

    If you are being mindful and eating healthy, you are not gaining the same kind of weight you gained before. The amount of weight YOU actually gain through fat (if you are eating healthy, of course), is actually not that much. That weight is also amniotic fluid, fluid retention, enlarged breasts, placenta, increased blood volume, and your baby. Think of it this way- your baby is gaining the weight. Not really you. Yes, you will have some to shed, of course, but think of it as your baby's weight.

    Also- my husband agrees with this statement: Many men find the pregnant form one of the most sensual shapes a woman can have. So enjoy the extra curves, and be empowered by the knowledge that you are NOT just gaining weight. Your body is being used in an incredible, miraculous way!

    Keep your chin up. Use the knowledge you gained while on your weight loss journey- you will be ahead of the game this time around!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Thank you for starting this conversation. I have spent the last 24 hours crying and feeing very very down about what my body is doing with this pregnancy.

    This is my 4th pregnancy. But its been 10 years since my last pregnancy. I have a 17 yr old, 15 yr old and 10 yr old. I was a healthy weight with all 3 previous pregnancies. BUT I gained a lot with each one. 1st - 65 lbs, 2nd-45 lbs, 3rd 90lbs!!!!!!!! I lost the weight from the 1st 2 with in 6 months of giving birth. But with my 3rd I only had lost 50 of those 90, recently 20 right before I got pregnant, so I was still up 40 lbs from my goal weight when I got pregnant this time.

    So....thats where I begin. Down 50, but still up 40. This is the biggest I ever started out pregnant. And as you can see, I have a history of gaining a lot of weight when pregnant. Before anyone jumps on me about the weight you need to know, YES i ate healthy, YES I exercised, NO I did not eat junk food!
    I promised myself I was only going to gain 15-20 lbs with this pregnancy. I have continued to track cals and continued exercise. ( 1200-1500 calories, 30-90 min cardio, eating back some exercise calories)
    I gained 10 lbs at my 8 wk appt. and contined gaining 10 lbs monthly. Currently I am 24 weeks and am up 40lbs!!!!!!!
    This is impossible when you do the math. Hormones? Must be...., retaining water? YES.
    I am DEVISTATED to say the least. I dont even know what to do, and my OB simpliy says that this is what my body does when pregnant. I never lost all the weight in the 1st place, now I will have to start out again up 90lbs!!!!! or MORE!!!!!

    I am having a very hard time with self esteem after every dr appt. I am having a very hard time with even being on MFP and reading about all my prego friends maintaining weight, gaining very little weight, and even some losing weight while pregnant!!!!!
    Is there anyone else out there like me???? Because I am ready to lose my mind! And my OB's answer is just not cutting it with me.

    And for the record: I eat whole foods. Organic 90% of the time. No wheat 90% of the time. No processed foods 90% of the time. My cardio is speed walking at incline on treadmill or eliptical.

    So, I completely understand why you are afraid to gain weight. I feel like I am living my own weight nightmare right now, even while being escatic about being pregnant again, this is not making my pregnancy enjoyable. I want to stop the madness!

    Deep breath. The worst thing that women do to themselves is compare themselves with other women. Those "other pregnant women" are not you. Focus on the health of your baby, not the scale. Because when it comes down to it, wouldn't you rather have a healthy baby? I just read a ton of birth stories of healthy women who gained 50+ lbs while pregnant. If your body insists on doing this, ITS FOR A REASON. You must keep that in mind. This is ALL for a reason. It's not like you are gaining weight "just because". You are forming a human being within your body. Shift your focus- do your personal best to provide the best nourishment for your baby (and calories are do not provide the whole story about food. Keep in mind that the lower your calorie intake, the harder it is to get necessary nutrients), and forget the rest.

    This is my 5th pregnancy, and I don't know where this new maintain during pregnancy thing came from... I have always been told that you need adequate weight gain for your baby to thrive. MFP is the only place I have ever seen this advice. So don't punish yourself because your body knows what its doing. Have faith in it, and enjoy this miracle. Because when you look back, you don't want to feel like you missed out on the enjoyment of the process because you were so hung up on a number on the scale. You will never get this time back- please enjoy every moment!!
  • amchha
    amchha Posts: 33 Member
    impanda- you are an ANGEL! Thank you!

    I know you are right! My fear of weight is taking over my everything! I want to cherish this time SO BAD!!!! And I know I need to
    I agree.....never before did I hear of maintaining weight before MFP. It is like looking at air-brushed pictures of swim suit models and comparing myself to them....for me at least...maintaining is impossible, and therefor reading others with -much more success in the weight department- posts are not helping my self esteem. Dont get me wrong, Im happy for each and every one of them, good for them! But it is killing me.... I am wondering if I should not just sign out for awhile instead of comparing myself daily to others. At first it was motivating, but now, it is not.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Thank you for starting this conversation. I have spent the last 24 hours crying and feeing very very down about what my body is doing with this pregnancy.

    This is my 4th pregnancy. But its been 10 years since my last pregnancy. I have a 17 yr old, 15 yr old and 10 yr old. I was a healthy weight with all 3 previous pregnancies. BUT I gained a lot with each one. 1st - 65 lbs, 2nd-45 lbs, 3rd 90lbs!!!!!!!! I lost the weight from the 1st 2 with in 6 months of giving birth. But with my 3rd I only had lost 50 of those 90, recently 20 right before I got pregnant, so I was still up 40 lbs from my goal weight when I got pregnant this time.

    So....thats where I begin. Down 50, but still up 40. This is the biggest I ever started out pregnant. And as you can see, I have a history of gaining a lot of weight when pregnant. Before anyone jumps on me about the weight you need to know, YES i ate healthy, YES I exercised, NO I did not eat junk food!
    I promised myself I was only going to gain 15-20 lbs with this pregnancy. I have continued to track cals and continued exercise. ( 1200-1500 calories, 30-90 min cardio, eating back some exercise calories)
    I gained 10 lbs at my 8 wk appt. and contined gaining 10 lbs monthly. Currently I am 24 weeks and am up 40lbs!!!!!!!
    This is impossible when you do the math. Hormones? Must be...., retaining water? YES.
    I am DEVISTATED to say the least. I dont even know what to do, and my OB simpliy says that this is what my body does when pregnant. I never lost all the weight in the 1st place, now I will have to start out again up 90lbs!!!!! or MORE!!!!!

    I am having a very hard time with self esteem after every dr appt. I am having a very hard time with even being on MFP and reading about all my prego friends maintaining weight, gaining very little weight, and even some losing weight while pregnant!!!!!
    Is there anyone else out there like me???? Because I am ready to lose my mind! And my OB's answer is just not cutting it with me.

    And for the record: I eat whole foods. Organic 90% of the time. No wheat 90% of the time. No processed foods 90% of the time. My cardio is speed walking at incline on treadmill or eliptical.

    So, I completely understand why you are afraid to gain weight. I feel like I am living my own weight nightmare right now, even while being escatic about being pregnant again, this is not making my pregnancy enjoyable. I want to stop the madness!

    I am so sorry you are going through this, but so glad you posted cause I am going through the same thing! I lost over 100 lbs prior to my first pregnancy. I kept the weight off for many yrs and during my first pregnancy which was 8 yrs ago, I gained 55lbs even though I watched what I ate and exercised up to the day I delivered. This time around I started off a good 5 lbs over my normal weight, and at 18 weeks I have already gained almost 20 lbs! In 1 month from DR scale I put on 10lbs!!! I am eating abut 1800-1900 per day (which is about 50cals under maintenance, and i am not eating back exercise cals. I only do this to prevent even more weight gain, I am certainly not trying to lose. I asked my dr about it and she wasnt really too concerned, but she said alot of times during the 1st and second trimester if you are gaining more than expected it may be due to too many carbs as being pregnant causing some insulin resistance. For the past week I cut way back on carbs, and really only getting carbs now through fruits and veggies, and when I checked my weight after 1 week I was up 3.5 lbs!!!!!!!!! ARGH. Its funny cause other than my belly, I dont "feel" bigger. I know my legs are a tiny bit bigger, and my arms, but still. At this rate I may gain 100lbs.
    Anyway you are not alone!!! I cant even go and read the thread about how much people have gained cause its just too depressing. Maybe you should just stay off the scale! During my last pregnancy, I would leave the DR in tears after weighing in. IF my wgt continues to increase at the same rate I am going to start getting on the scale backwards and not even look at the number!
    Dont be discouraged!! Not matter how much you gain you can get it off!!!
  • TRHuston
    TRHuston Posts: 69 Member
    I'm in a similar boat. Spent the last year (a little less) losing a little over 30lbs. I'm 20 weeks and have been feeling the same way. I know it's easier said than done, and I should take my own advice, but don't sweat it. You have been down the road of gaining weight and have been able to come back. It's different this time because you aren't just gaining weight for lack of discipline, it's to create life. Also you have the tools to get right back to where you were pre-pregnancy. It is a time in your life that you experience so many changes, you shouldn't focus on one you haven't much control over. At least with the knowledge you have about healthy living and eating, you will probably have an amazingly healthy pregnancy. You probably understand the importance of exercise and nutrition better than most of the general public and hopefully that can put you at ease. You will do your best and that's all you can do. Cheer up and if you need someone to share woe-I-feel-too-fat-for-even-my-sweatpants-today stories, we are all here for you. You aren't alone!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Hang in there girl! I would definitely try to get a hold of some maternity clothes that fit you, it will make you feel so much better! I felt the same way, I started at my all time low (I weighed 138, a number I hadn't seen since grade school) and now am at an all time high. It is SO HARD to tell yourself you are gaining for a good reason!

    I'm so glad you have a suppotive husband and try real hard to listen to what he is telling you. I had a guy make a comment "wow, that's going to be a BIG baby" and I found myself not eating much for the next week. SO NOT HEALTHY! But my hubby caught on and reminded me that I'm supposed to gain weight and my doc told me I'm a perfect size so not to stress out about it. Take a deep breath, give your self permission to cry about it, and remind yourself that it's for a very good reason and your baby will thank you! :) Good luck hun!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I started my last pregnancy probably around 190 (I'm 5'7"), which was about where my weight liked to hang out if I wasn't dieting, and I ended up 255 lbs right before delivery. I lost about 25 lbs postpartum then gained a few back. I started MFP at 235.8 and lost 82 lbs over a year (153.8 was my low). I gained a few back due to laziness before getting pregnant, but I was in the same boat that you are in now. I'd sold all my maternity clothes from the first time around (when it became clear that they would be too big for me during my second pregnancy), and for a while I hung out in my "fat" clothes before I finally made the switch to smaller maternity clothes. I hated spending the money for what I knew would be my last pregnancy, but I figure I will sell these, too, and make some of that money back.

    However, I understand how hard it is to watch that scale go up and how not fun it is to be wearing my "fat" jeans even though it's because I am pregnant!

    I know this is sort of a lame answer, but it took me until about 16 or 17 weeks to wrap my brain around the fact that I'm just going to have to gain weight. In fact, I'm gaining more than I'd like, but as long as my doctor is happy with my gain, I'm ok. I know I will be a little chubby postpartum, too, but what I have to keep reminding myself that even with my gain, I am SOOOOOO much better off than I was the first time! I won't be 255 lbs when I deliver, and I won't be 235 when my weight settles. Even if I'm 200, I'm still way better off! I also have SO much more knowledge as to how to get to a healthy weight, as well as the knowledge that I can do it because I already did it once before after a baby! I'm actually changing my postpartum strategy this time around, too, so that I will be happier with what will hopefully be a more effective plan. (I'm using the "MFP Roadmap" this time rather than MFP's suggestion of 1200 calories/day: - plus I plan to add in strength/weight training, whereas last time I did almost all cardio.)

    I'm just trying to get by and cast my self-esteem issues aside, and I will be on the offensive after I give birth and am cleared for exercise.

    I hope that helps a bit - sometimes just knowing you're not alone is helpful :flowerforyou:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thank you for starting this conversation. I have spent the last 24 hours crying and feeing very very down about what my body is doing with this pregnancy.

    This is my 4th pregnancy. But its been 10 years since my last pregnancy. I have a 17 yr old, 15 yr old and 10 yr old. I was a healthy weight with all 3 previous pregnancies. BUT I gained a lot with each one. 1st - 65 lbs, 2nd-45 lbs, 3rd 90lbs!!!!!!!! I lost the weight from the 1st 2 with in 6 months of giving birth. But with my 3rd I only had lost 50 of those 90, recently 20 right before I got pregnant, so I was still up 40 lbs from my goal weight when I got pregnant this time.

    So....thats where I begin. Down 50, but still up 40. This is the biggest I ever started out pregnant. And as you can see, I have a history of gaining a lot of weight when pregnant. Before anyone jumps on me about the weight you need to know, YES i ate healthy, YES I exercised, NO I did not eat junk food!
    I promised myself I was only going to gain 15-20 lbs with this pregnancy. I have continued to track cals and continued exercise. ( 1200-1500 calories, 30-90 min cardio, eating back some exercise calories)
    I gained 10 lbs at my 8 wk appt. and contined gaining 10 lbs monthly. Currently I am 24 weeks and am up 40lbs!!!!!!!
    This is impossible when you do the math. Hormones? Must be...., retaining water? YES.
    I am DEVISTATED to say the least. I dont even know what to do, and my OB simpliy says that this is what my body does when pregnant. I never lost all the weight in the 1st place, now I will have to start out again up 90lbs!!!!! or MORE!!!!!

    I am having a very hard time with self esteem after every dr appt. I am having a very hard time with even being on MFP and reading about all my prego friends maintaining weight, gaining very little weight, and even some losing weight while pregnant!!!!!
    Is there anyone else out there like me???? Because I am ready to lose my mind! And my OB's answer is just not cutting it with me.

    And for the record: I eat whole foods. Organic 90% of the time. No wheat 90% of the time. No processed foods 90% of the time. My cardio is speed walking at incline on treadmill or eliptical.

    So, I completely understand why you are afraid to gain weight. I feel like I am living my own weight nightmare right now, even while being escatic about being pregnant again, this is not making my pregnancy enjoyable. I want to stop the madness!

    Honey, I stopped looking at the "How Much Weight Have You Gained" thread about a week ago. I'm not trying to be mean to anyone, but it really bugged me to see people around my timeline in pregnancy complaining about having gained 10 lbs because I've gained over 30. (I was up 33 lbs at 24 weeks, which was my last OB appointment. And those women are just as entitled to be upset over their smaller gain as I am to be upset about my bigger one - so I just stopped reading that thread.) My jump from the previous OB visit four weeks earlier was 10 lbs! Considering I didn't have that big a jump over Thanksgiving and Christmas, and my eating hasn't changed, I don't get it. The only thing I know to be different is that I am retaining water like crazy. My OB knows about this and says that I just need to cut down on the sodium (done), drink water with lemons or lemon juice (which I was already doing), and elevate my legs in the evening (hard to do and be comfortable + not lie flat on my back).

    You might just be like me, and no matter what we do, we gain. It just happens sometimes, unfortunately. You can see what I just posted above - I'm trying to make peace with it. I'm 25w4d today, so you and I are in a similar place - keep in mind that we really don't have *that* far to go. I mean, we're not about to deliver (hopefully), but we're almost in the third trimester.

    Just keep eating healthy, and try not to stress too much. I know that's easier said than done, but you're not alone, either! :heart:
  • lk27
    lk27 Posts: 267 Member
    Thank you all for your words of encouragement! I am headed to the doctor today for my 20 week anatomy scan! While I am super excited, I have also been very worried over the past 2 weeks that I've gained too much weight from my last appointment. Although I don't feel like I look all that much bigger, the scale just keeps creeping up! Everyone keeps telling me to relax, that I'm pregnant and I'm supposed to gain weight. I know this, but it is still very hard to see those large jumps in numbers especially when I feel like I've never eaten so healthy in my life! I know I'm just putting too much pressure on myself, but it's really hard not to. I agree with not looking at the "how much have you gained" tread. I'm constantly comparing myself to everyone else and it makes me seriously depressed seeing a post that someone has only gained 5 pounds at 25 weeks or is in the negative. That is great for them, but I need to realize that I cannot compare myself to them.
    Thank you again to everyone for letting me see that I'm not alone. That everyone is different.
  • BBeccaJean
    BBeccaJean Posts: 453 Member
    I've always had issues with self-esteem and weight--even outside of pregnancy (especially because I'm in the military)--so it's definitely a struggle. It's more about feeling like I'm making bad food choices and not living up to my potential to be the healthiest I can be! I read a Joel Osteen devotional this morning that reminded me to let go of the past and look forward:

    At some point or another, we are all "trapped in a poor, defeated mentality, focusing on problems and always complaining about obstacles. But, no matter what we've gone through in the past, no matter how many setbacks we've suffered or who or what has tried to thwart our progress [sometimes we even cause our own setbacks], today is a new day, and God wants to do a new thing in our lives. Don't let your past determine your future."

    I have to admit that too often I get stuck in the "poor, defeated mentality." At least every day that I wake up, I know I have the opportunity to do better!
  • kori333
    kori333 Posts: 174 Member
    Thank you all so much for your responses! It is so nice to know I'm not alone in feeling like this. I know getting some new maternity clothes is something I really need to do. I haven't been eating the healthiest but at least I'm doing better than my previous pregnancies. I need to cut out more sweets so that when I do gain wait I can feel like it's the baby and not me. There was some really good advice given here and I'll probably be rereading this thread often to remind myself of it all. THANK YOU!!!
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    I had to stop reading the 'How much weight gain' thread too. I am gaining more than is expected, but I did start this pregnancy about 15lb lighter than my first, so I'm trying to say positive. I keep hoping the gain will level off occasionally. Last time I bloated like crazy and then lost a lot during the birth (I was only 4lb above my start weight a week after the birth!). I want my priorities after the birth to be breastfeeding, bonding and helping my little boy get used to the intruder in the nest, not worrying about my weight.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I want my priorities after the birth to be breastfeeding, bonding and helping my little boy get used to the intruder in the nest, not worrying about my weight.

    I'm in this boat, too - I have a 2-year-old son who still doesn't get the concept that he'll have a baby brother or sister by the end of May. He's a good kid, though, so I'm hoping he stays that way :wink:

    I'm giving myself a pass until my 6-week postpartum check-up, assuming I have a vaginal birth again. I don't want to cut back on my food and risk messing up my milk supply (which is a major issue I had last time), so I'm going to try to chill about my weight and let whatever falls off, fall off. Then when I'm cleared to exercise, etc., I'll get back to logging daily and working on my Roadmap :smile: Like I said above, even if I'm 200 lbs at my settled postpartum weight, I'm still way better off that I was last time, and I know (1) that I can lose the weight and (2) what I need to do to lose the weight.
  • ToFatToBeSick
    No, you are not a lone. Before I got pregnant I had a total weight loss of 93 pounds. My total weight loss now is 85. I'm 28 weeks pregnant and have gained 8 pounds. On top of just being pregnant, I am Bulimic as well. It's a devastating experience for me at least. I'm at the point now that even sticking to my 1590 calorie intake each day is going to result in me most likely maintaining my weight now since I'm in my 3rd trimester and the baby is going to start gaining weight. I feel gross and the little bit of confidence I did have went out the window after realizing there is nothing I can do about a weight gain at 1590 calories a day and changing my calorie amount for the day (decreasing) is out of the question because it can affect the baby's health.
  • LawBug17
    Please don't feel bad you are definitely not alone! In 2009, I used MFP and lost about 23 pounds the healthy way. I felt more amazing about myself than I ever had. In 2011, I got married and shortly thereafter had a complication from shingles known as Ramsay Hunt Syndrome. It was very scary and my weight dipped even more. After I got better, I kept eating and gained my pre-sickness weight back, plus a few more. I am about 17 pounds down from when I started in 2009. DH and I are about to start TTC but I am constantly in fear of gaining the weight back. I almost dread being pg because I "don't want to ruin" my hard work... I constantly read fit pregnancy articles, stuff about calorie intake when pregnant, etc. Then I feel awful and selfish and like I will be a bad mother because I worry about my weight when a future baby's health should be my only concern. You definitely should not feel bad about thinking this way - you should be proud that you were brave enough to voice a concern that many of us have but are ashamed of! Looking forward to getting pg and having a healthy and happy pregnancy.