Post your starting weights here

angbieb Posts: 668 Member
SW: 208.5
CW: ?
GW: 135
Calories consumed yesterday: 2000
Exercise calories earned: 1050

Post whatever you'd like besides your weight....tell us how your workout for the day went! You people crack me up...I love to hear this stuff. Yesterday there was a post about the challenge...I think it was atuchon...saying she ran around her house for 5 min! Awesome! Everyone is going above and beyond!!!



  • bdreilly AKA Bridget
    SILVER team
    SW: 241.4
    CW: hopefully less than ^
    GW: ultimately 140 (I think)
    Cals consumed yesterday: 1652
    Excercise Calories earned: 765

    Nothing interesting to post so far today, however after walking around campus today/tonight I am sure that I will have something interesting tomorrow!!!
  • addictedtoglitter
    addictedtoglitter Posts: 29 Member
    SILVER team
    SW: 195
    CW: 190
    GW: 130
    Calories consumed yesterday: 1355
    Exercise calories earned: unsure, have not synced Fitbit yet (HRM says 507, but that includes weights, which I don't take into account--they're my extra/buffer calories!)

    Yesterday's workout was 45 minutes of weights and 30 mins on the treadmill at 4.3.

    Today's workout will be 45 mins on elliptical plus squats, lunges, push ups, russian twists, crunches and leg lifts.
  • TheScarlettOHara
    TheScarlettOHara Posts: 49 Member
    My starting weight is 140 lbs (for the challenge) by the end of the challenge I hope to weight 130.
    My ultimate goal is between 115-120.

    Tuesdays are my day for sleeping in. So it's 10:00 am, and all I have done is 50 sit ups. I will be at the gym around 2 though!

  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member

    SW: 231.7
    CW: 230.9
    GW: 190 (for now! small goals at a time!)
  • akopesky
    akopesky Posts: 42 Member
    SW: 250
    CW: 239.9
    GW: 175 (for now)
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    mikonei aka Kelly
    Team Rose
    MFP SW - 306
    Challenge SW - 281
    Challenge Goal - ?
    Total Goal - 180ish

    Uh.. That's pretty much it. I do some strength training along with walking and/or Zumba.
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    SW: 193.2 (yesterday)
    CW: 193
    GW: 130
  • brand new no team

    Sw (250) pounds December 2011
    CW 186 pounds

    GW: 162 pounds
  • jewels129
    jewels129 Posts: 3 Member
    Go Purple Team!
    jewels129 - Julie
    SW 190
    CW 181.2
    GW 140s
  • determined_erin
    determined_erin Posts: 571 Member
    SW: 221 lbs (01/01/13)
    CW: 196 lbs (02/26/13)
    GW: 130 lbs
  • ymeeks
    ymeeks Posts: 5 Member
    Newly joined the Group!

    OW: 170 (1/01/2010 first started trying to get truly healthy)
    SW: 140 (1/03/13 when started consistantly using my fittness pal)
    CW: 132
    GW: 120
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member

    MFP SW 276
    Challenge SW: 245.6
    CW: -
    GW: 185
  • brand new no team

    Sw (250) pounds December 2011
    CW 186 pounds

    GW: 162 pounds

    Asize8, I just opened a new Challenge Page on Skinnyo, go ahead and join it please, get on a team and get motivated to change your life.

    And anyone else not on a team please go to one of the open team pages and join a team, any team will do, JUST GET STARTED!

    Here is the new team link:

    If this one fills up let me know and I will open another one

    Oh yea, Asize8 Welcome to our Group :smile:

    Mr. C
  • 4Boys4Me
    4Boys4Me Posts: 16 Member
    I hope I signed up properly

    SW: 232
    CW: 202
    GW: 150
  • My name is Melanie and I'm currently in the running to win 40% of $2600 in an online Biggest Loser Challenge. Hoping this will give me a little more accountability! I just purchased a BodyMedia FIT armband and I'm thrilled with it; I think it will help me reach my goal weight (which I have not been in over 10 years). I'm vertically challenge at just over 5 foot and would love to be even less but for now, 130 would make me ecstatic! Two years ago, I was almost 200lbs so that would be a big loss :smile:
    SW: 161
    CW: 150
    GW: 130
  • Purple Team

    Hi! My starting weight is 178.6 - I want to get down to 140. Not going to do that in 8 weeks, but hopefully at least 10-15 (more would be good!)

    Currently just started Level 2 of 30ds - also going on my rower daily as I want to get fit enough to join the local rowing club. I'm hoping to start running more regularly too.

    I'm trying to eat cleanish - I eat protein and veg/salad 5 times a day (don't always manage to do that but I try!). My head is definitely in the right place at the moment, so making the most of it!!
  • How do i know what team i am on... go whatever team! Lol
    Starting weight:283.5
    Goal weight: 273.5 ( for this challange )
  • careybeth721
    careybeth721 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all. I am Carey (CareyBeth) - I am 50 years old, retired last July and moved to our 80 acres in SW Virginia. I am married and have a 10mo old rescue lab mutt named Hoover.

    About 8 years ago I weighed almost 180 lbs. and lost 50. I kept it off for 6 years. Then, I discovered I have hypothyroidism (now on meds) and between that and retirement last year, I am up over 165 lbs. .... something I said would NEVER happen again. So, bought a Fitbit, have been trying to keep very active, and am on a quest to be healthy again. This is just the kick start I need.

    Team RUBY (I think)

    Currently 165.4
    Goal: 145
    10k steps every day for last 8 days.
    Trying to keep a daily calorie deficit of at least 600 - 700 per day.

    Other goals - get off blood pressure meds and get my cholesterol in check :)
  • I am now on super mommies team. will begin my first challenge tomorrow
  • swright920
    swright920 Posts: 10 Member

    SW: 227.5
    CW: 215
    GW: 190 (end of year goal, then I'll adjust)

    My name is Sue. My end of year goal will bring me to my weight when I got out of the Army and pre-pregnancy weight, I haven't seen that number since 2001 but am determined this time to get there. I can't keep saying I just had a baby since my youngest is 9! :)