Challenges Week of 2/25



  • I only drank 11 glasses yesterday...BUT that is better than the 8 that I usually drink. I am working up to 15...I will get there today.
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    Ok I opened a second part for the challenge there are only 10 spots so join quickly
  • 150 sit-ups (this part is going to kill me) and 15 cups of water (the bathroom is my friend).
  • shanoa20
    shanoa20 Posts: 9 Member
    well it seems that my posts from my phone are not making it to the group forum so I am copying and pasting my last few days here now i can feel the burn! Downloaded daily ab workout free edition on my smartphone and tried the 10 minute one first and only made it maybe half way! But i am on my way;)
    3 days ago ·

    shanoa20 well here i am again....although nothing else seems to be going my way i still did another 200 sit ups today and did the corpse pose for 15 minutes and i am still wanting to walk but i dont know if i can.... my stupid computer shut down while i was working on my school work and i lost everything....... now i am just depressed and have so much work to do that it is overwhelming and i dont know if i can do it all again.... lost everything......
    2 days ago

    shanoa20 did my 200 and 30 more today. started using NTC nike training center?? and it kicked my *kitten*!!!!! sweating in the first ten minutes whew wiped out! headed for a much deserved bath..... hope you all are doing good, I'll be getting on a computer (not mine its dead for good!) tonight to see how everyone in the super mommy group is doing;)
    21 hours ago
  • shanoa20
    shanoa20 Posts: 9 Member
    Just joined the group 30 Day Shred if anyone is interested come and join us starts tomorrow.......
  • Just joined the group! Was reading through some of the posts......holy water! Uggg....I am getting in about 6 glasses per day and already think I pee alot! I will have to work on that. As far as the crunches.....ummmmm, yeah. I have 3 young ones at home....6,3 & 18 mo. I work full time, until 4:00 - get home around 4:30 - chat briefly w/mother in law (she watches the kiddos during the day) and then I have to start making dinner. Then we eat, then dishes and cleaning up....then it's showers/baths, pj's and pick up the house time. By that time - my 18mo is ready for his cuddle time......once I sit and cuddle....I have a hard time getting up again! And it's late. I go to bed by at least 9....cuz I have to get up early. When do you guys find the time to exercise????? Oh, and my husband works a really messed up schedule so he doesn't even get home till after 8 at night, so - no help there!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    So far I've done 650 crunches out of the 1000, but today I am taking a day off. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold (could be that I am, or it could just be PMS. Not sure.) and I want to be well for my trip to Bend on Monday so I'm resting.
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    If you are in the SkinnyO Biggest Loser Challenge please remember to post your starting weight on there and message it to me for the spreadsheet
  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    So far for the challenge I have done 675 crunches! Ouch!
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Ended up doing another 150 last night anyway, bringing my total up to 800 for the week for crunches! Doing another 150 tonight, and going to shoot for ANOTHER 150 tomorrow just because I think it would be awesome to say I did MORE than 1000 crunches in one week. Because I'm weird like that. lol
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    I hope everyone is having a great weekend, I still need some folks to update their skinnyo photo and send me their starting weight I need Kayla, Beth, Katie, and Melissa to update and message me on here please.
  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    Finished my 1000 crunches today- thanks for the challenge, it's what motivated me to get my abs workout in this week!
  • LadyShadows
    LadyShadows Posts: 51 Member
    I didn't make the crunches or the water. Although trying helped me get up to 13 on water for the most part a day. Crunches I did more than I would have but no where close on this one. Great job everyone who made it! :)
  • sowenby1984
    sowenby1984 Posts: 101 Member
    Congratulations to everyone! Y'all did great this week!!!! I didn't make my water but I drank a lot more than I had been and I made my crunches! I hope everyone had a great first week