Enter Sore Complaining here ;)



  • I just do the knee pushups because that way I'm able to do it the whole time. I know for sure I can't do real pushups properly. Its weird but my calves feel better today then they did yesterday, even after the workout. Taking that as a good sign and tomorrow is my rest day so hopefully i will be pain-free for sunday.
  • chickpeas1
    chickpeas1 Posts: 29 Member
    Inkmonster - I struggle with the lunges, can't balance, lunge and hold weights at the same time :s I fall over.

    I can only do push ups on my knees, but they're getting easy (day 3 level 1).

    Crazycleo - My calves hurt a bit today.

    Anyone else feel super hungry after the work out? Not sure if it;s my body craving food or my stomach muscles tightening.
    I feel so much stronger 3 days in :)
  • Trying protein shakes, having more protein is supposed to minimize muscle pain because they'll be able to heal faster. I'll let you know how that goes.
  • chickpeas1
    chickpeas1 Posts: 29 Member
    My husband is trying to get me on protein shakes :/
  • I am in pain and this is only my second day! I am very hungry too :( But if I eat any more, I'll be over my calorie intake! I'm only doing the 25 minute work-out. Is this enough?? :/ Really achey!
  • If you're hungry, you should eat! Try to keep it reasonable but never starve yourself!
  • AngNY
    AngNY Posts: 193
    I am in pain and this is only my second day! I am very hungry too :( But if I eat any more, I'll be over my calorie intake! I'm only doing the 25 minute work-out. Is this enough?? :/ Really achey!

    You will be in pain for the first few days. if you take a 1 day off after a few days you should be good. Or just work out thru the pain. Eventually your body will get use to it. I was so sore in the first 3 days now im on day 8 and I feel fine.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Fell on my behind week and half ago and moving is still guarded and limited. I can do most the workout for Level 1 but cardio kills me. Jumping jacks I can handle during the warmout, but the jumping starts to hurt when it gets into the cardio. Jump rope is out completely. I usually try to do butt kicks which don't hurt too bad and then lots of boxing.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of any other cardio that I could try to throw in during those intervals that might be a little more low impact? It gets boring doing the same thing and I would like to keep my muscles more confused. Hopefully the bruised tailbone hurries up and heals, so I can workout normally again.

    Thanks for any suggestion!
  • Thank you very much for the suggestions :) My thighs are really hurting today and struggling to even sit on the toilet - hah!. After reading everyone's posts - glad to know I'm not the only one who can't do push-ups!

    Struggling with what to eat though. (Never had to worry about food but I've recently been diagnosed with ibs and still getting used to what to eat and what not to eat!) Thinking of having spag bol - bad idea??

    stephysd - I have trouble with the jump rope too. So for now, I'm not really jumping - I'm hopping from one leg to the other (makes it a little easier for me, I have very weak ankles - ouch!) It may help? :/ xx
  • teenytinybikini
    teenytinybikini Posts: 49 Member
    So I completed level 1 in 10 days with a bit of aching on various day, I did level 2 day 1 on Friday and ached like hell on Saturday - also the fact that I was hungover - so didn't do my day 2. Went to the seaside yesterday so was out all day and didn't get the chance to do it again, I hope 2 days rest will make me come back stronger and not mess things up.
  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    Do you guys wear shoes when you do 30 DS? That sounds like kind of a dumb question, in the video they wear shoes but I just prefer to be barefoot, especially since I'm working out in my living room and it seems like it might be slightly quieter for the people in the apt below. That was fine for level 1 but level 2 has so much bouncing around that I've ended up with some pretty nasty blisters... should I switch to shoes? I find balancing to be tough in this level and i feel like toes are more grippy than shoes. Maybe I'm being crazy.?!
  • hebehrens
    hebehrens Posts: 55
    Yes, I definitely wear shoes. I don't think I could tolerate all the plank position stuff in level 2 without them! I also have weak feet/ankles though, so I need some decent support. I do feel like I'm more likely to go all out in trying a move with shoes on for some reason too.
  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    Yeah I might try that, I also have weak ankles and wearing my orthotics might make life easier, I also am worried about hurting my ankles during high knees.