Food Choices

1. How often do you choose to snack on less healthy foods, or 'junk' food?
2. What 'junk' food do you eat most often?
3. How often?
4. Why?

5. How often do you choose to snack on healthy foods, like fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean meats...?
6. What healthy food do you eat most often?
7. How often?
8. Why?


  • 1. Mostly All Of Time .
    2. Chips , And Little Debbie Snacks.
    3. Mostly All Of The Time , Any Day .
    4. Mostly Because its There And Because Its Easy To Get With A Low Cost.
    5. When We Go Grocery Shopping We Get Strawberries And Watermelon Fruit Trays.
    6. Fruits Or When My Mom Cooks Then We Have Veggies.
    7. When Ever My Mom Cooks.
    8. Because Its A Source Of Energy And Protein.
  • I eat rely heathy.

    1. I eat junk junk food not much.
    2. I eat chips and mountain dew the most often.
    3. very rarely
    4. Cause it blocks away all the pain
    5. All the time
    6. Family eats real healthy. strawberries and fruit smoothies, corn carrots and green beans mostly
    7. all the time
    8. Why else? Its just what I eat.
  • 1. most of the time
    2. hotdogs
    3. once a day
    4. good
    5. once a day
    6. apples
    7. same as 5
    8. good two
  • 1. most of the time
    2. chips
    3. all the time
    4. because they are good
    5. most of the time
    6. apples
    7. most of the time
    8. because they are healthy
  • #1) 2 times a week
    #2) hot fries, fruit snacks, chocolate
    #3) 3 time a week
    #4) because some times i just am in the mood to eat something sugary i get a sweet tooth

    #5) every day
    #6) apples, carrots, bananas, and more
    #7) 4 times a week
    #8) because its healthy and good for u and there really taste
  • when i get lazy and i dont want to make anything and when i go out side and i miss dinner
  • dbugg001
    dbugg001 Posts: 8
    1. Not too often
    2. Usually hot cheetos or a can of pop
    3.I usually eat hot cheetos or a pop once every 2 days or so
    4.I usually eat them because I don't want to make anything and would rather get something that's quick and easy to get

    5. Whenever we have them usually
    6. I would say a banana or apple
    7. Whenever my mom buys them
    8. Because bananas and apples are pretty good.