Stage 1 Lunge Question

danipals Posts: 143 Member
Hello there! Just did my second workout in Stage 1 today. I had a question about lunges. I did them today with dumbbells but my grip gives out before my legs do. I was holding 30 lb dumbbells in each hand. Can the Smith Machine be used for lunges? (I guess it would have to be static lunges not alternating.) We don't have "normal" barbells that I am used to. We do have the Olympic bar but I am nervous that I will hurt myself or is super long and I feel unstable with the movement forward and backward. Any suggestions?

Also, about how long does it take most of you to do a Stage 1A or B workout?


  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Wow, you're starting out heavy! I wouldn't recommend using the Smith Machine for lunges, or, well, for anything. It will restrict your movement straight up and down which isn't natural. Even if you did have "normal" barbells would you be able to clean them to your shoulders? Using the Olympic bar with a power rack might be safer, and using the barbell will really work your core as well since you have to stabilize the weight on your shoulders. That is what I used through stage 1. It is a little awkward at first, but you'll adapt. Your other option is working on your grip strength and waiting for that to catch up. Good luck, and hopefully someone else will have a better suggestion for you.
  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    I would suggest lowering your weights or "practice" with a barbell until you feel more comfortable with using it for lunges. My grip sucks as well so I feel your pain:)

    I finished Stage 1 today and it took me exactly 6 weeks with lifting 3 times a week.
  • sonhando
    sonhando Posts: 69 Member
    Wow that is impressive. I thought I'd start with 20 lbs in each hand but was not able to come back to standing position at the end of each rep I had to lower the weight way down to do the exercise correctly to only 12.5 in each hand.
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I have been working up to lifting heavier weights for a few weeks following another routine. I'm trying to really push myself!

    Is it as effective to NOT alternate legs and do more of a static lunge? I'm assuming that is how it would be done if in the Olympic rack?
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    The froward lunges are more advance as you know, they engage more muscle groups and also make you aware of balance and coordination. Why not start with the bar only and practice a few to get comfortable with the movements and go from there. I do fwd lunges with the bar, my grip is week as well :((.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I am pretty used to lunging but found that adding weights and the continual return to starting position (as opposed to static) was actually very challenging. I am holding 5kg dumbells (12? lbs) and finding that it is still hard to keep balance when pushing off the front heel to return back to the starting position. I'd prefer to stay lighter with weights and get the form right first
  • danipals
    danipals Posts: 143 Member
    Big old Olympic Bar forward lunge it is!

  • Holmfridur_Gestsdottir
    Thanks for the suggestions! I have been working up to lifting heavier weights for a few weeks following another routine. I'm trying to really push myself!

    Is it as effective to NOT alternate legs and do more of a static lunge? I'm assuming that is how it would be done if in the Olympic rack?

    I'd say that both are effective. However you might be better off to stick to the non static lunge in stage 1 because you will be doing static lunges in stage 2. This means that you will be able to change the load a bit for the 2nd stage and thereby challenge your muscles more than if you'd stick to the static lunge for both stages, that is like 12 weeks - that's a lot of time with the same exercise.

    You already got good advice with the grip issue. I am in the same boat - I'd try to clean the bells to your shoulders if possible, if not, the barbell is worth a try. You might also buy grip assistance such as Versa grips or something like that, but then you wouldn't be working on the problem, which is what we want, right? Good luck!