February Week 3 Winners

luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
And here is the final one.

The third week of February we were down in numbers to 66 participants on the spread sheet. Of those there were 26 people that lost (total of 53.3lbs), 24 people that stayed the same or did not record, and 16 people that gained (total of 26.3lbs). Very Very well done everyone.

Top 15 Losers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

ScarletFyre -2.84% -5.6lbs
sammilynn624 -2.32% -7.6lbs
gutterball -2.30% -3.4lbs
farmwife3815 -1.71% -6.2lbs
DonnaLeeCattes -1.57% -2.0lbs
mandafay923 -1.29% -2.6lbs
wendrz -1.13% -2.9lbs
Farrahrm -1.09% -2.5lbs
countrymom75 -0.99% -2.0lbs
brazjez -0.93% -1.5lbs
kosmo24 -0.92% -1.8lbs
luvs_choc8 -0.89% -1.6lbs
ima2thwoman -0.83% -1.4lbs
lynz4589 -0.76% -1.5lbs

Congratulations to all.

Have a great Week 4.



  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    I am sorry that I have not been able to continue with this contest. It isn't because I didn't want to participate with you anymore but because my chart ended on Feb. 8th and I could not find the new one for the rest of Feb. However, I was with you in spirit!! I lost 5 pounds this past Friday (215) and 2 pounds the previous Friday (220). I am currently at 214. I don't know why I couldn't find you any more, but I wanted you to know that I am still interested in this contest and am working hard on losing my weight. I would like to continue with you guys in Mar. if you are still doing it and if you would get me the spreadsheet some how. I also sent you a message (you have not probably had time read it) last week about not being able to find the spreadsheet thread. Please let me know if I can or cannot participate. June / junerbooner
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    June I had similar problems finding the spreadsheet before christmas but Im sure Donna will sort it for you, well done on all your recent weeks loss!
  • luvs_choc8
    luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
    My sincere apologies to both of you. Congratulations on sticking to the journey even without the spread sheet. I most definitely would love to have both of you in for March. Here is the link to the February spread sheet.:


    And here is the the one for March:


    Good Luck and Keep Smiling,
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    I hate to be a pain, but the first web site sent me to the mini challenges and the second said no results were found. Do you have any more suggestions?
    My e-mail address is jjd2007@grundyec.net Could you email it and see if I can transfer it that way? Thanks for helping me out!!
  • lynz4589
    lynz4589 Posts: 389 Member
    sorry for the confusion Donna, I am still on the spreadsheet my issue was before christmas which you were very gracious to sort out very quickly for me :D
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Since I can't download the spreadsheet, could I just give you my weights here and could you put it on the spreadsheet for me? I am so frustrated that I can't find that darn spreadsheet!! I didn't have any troubles in Dec. and Jan. I don't know what the difference is? I haven't heard anything more from you so, if this is not too much trouble for you, we might do this until I can get the spreadsheet loaded. As I explained earlier, the first url sent me to mini goals, not the spreadsheet for Feb. The second one said that no results were found for that address. Sorry for the troubles I am causing!! I do want to participate with you guys and I feel unhappy because I can't. Let me know if this is a working option for you??? Thanks again for your patience!!

    My weight was 214 this morning. Last week I was 215. I lost a total of 10 pounds in Feb.

    June/ junerbooner