Hi everyone!!!



  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I'll give it a go. I did try day 1 about month ago and I really struggled, felt such a failure but since then I've lost a few more pounds and feel I may just be able to do it this time. What's the worst that can happen?

    p.s. not sure about pics but I will take measurements.
  • tabbyavalon
    i started before this is my 3rd day but can i still be in the group!
    of course, everyone is welcome :) good luck!!! we are all going to have different rest days and go at a different pace so a few day head start is no biggie!
    yey! im looking forward 2 some much needed encouragement
  • Fisher0217
    Fisher0217 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in! Looking forward to it! Good luck everyone!
  • Lottiehill29
    Lottiehill29 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm super excited to do this as a group!
    Will do measurements and my before picture first thing in the morning ready for the 30 day end!!
    Lets go team!
  • Juicyyy
    Juicyyy Posts: 38 Member
    Excited about doing this as a group. I have done it in the past but never finished. I am determined to finish this time! Pics and measurements being done tonight!
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    This is going to be my 2nd round of 30 DS - I completed the shred 2 months ago and did the Ripped in 30 workout next. The results have been phenomenal but I would have never believed it if it wasn't for the before and after pics - so make sure you take them!

    I planned to switch between the shred and the RI30 workouts but I noticed that I tend to slack off without the support of a group. So here I am :)
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    Hi everyone, good luck with this!

    I've done 30DS before all the way through and had great inch loss (although the scales didn't shift) and also Ripped in 30. I've been lazy for a while, doing a few days here and there and then quitting. So I hope joining this group will help me too. :smile:
  • GThibz
    GThibz Posts: 25 Member
    I purchased the video about 2 months ago and it now collects dust, wierd thig is I ran across it last night. Maybe this is a sign. I just went live on line today, have had the app MFP on my phone for over two years. Hoping this will be sucessful and Ill stilck to it! Need friends :)
  • hap2010
    hap2010 Posts: 101 Member
    Today was Level 1 day 3 for me, I am a little ahead but since I am going to take rest days it will all work out. Let's keep going. So far, it is hard but I feel so good when it is over and I am one more day closer to accomplishing the goal of completing this.
  • dmaloof2013
    dmaloof2013 Posts: 134 Member
    Every time I have tried this I have only been able to stay at level 1, so I am going to try my hardest to make this work. I'm getting married in June, so cheers to getting in shape!
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    I'm game to join. Not sure about something though. I have an injured right wrist. I have the video but haven't watched it yet. Is there weight lifting involved? If so, I'll do left hand AND what I can, but have to leave the right out for now. We'll see how it goes!!!
  • mdcjmom
    mdcjmom Posts: 597 Member
    Hi all i am mdcjmom and I am looking to add another workout to my routine. I already have this video and have done it a few times. Looking for ward to doing it consistently. I also run a walking challenge that I love and it will feel great to do something new!
  • RoeMo326
    Ok someone please help me! Is this the one we'll be doing?

    Also, has anyone tried to do it with Amazon Instant Video? I want to play along but I won't have enough time to get it before tomorrow.

    Finally, I'm terribly out of shape. Is this the type of thing that will kill me? Or can I do things at my own pace?
  • joeymalone142
    Hi! I did day 3 today, just started on Tuesday, excited to join the group!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Guys. I just did level 1. It was terrible! I love it When Jillian yells at me.

    There is a tiny bit of little weights and some push ups. I don't have any (and I'm flabby and weak) So I used soup cans! I plan on moving up to bean or fruit cocktail though ;)
  • joeymalone142

    Also, has anyone tried to do it with Amazon Instant Video? I want to play along but I won't have enough time to get it before tomorrow.

    Finally, I'm terribly out of shape. Is this the type of thing that will kill me? Or can I do things at my own pace?

    I've heard it's on you tube, but don't have a link, hopefully some one can post one. It's hard, but you can just do the best you can! You have to start some where! They do have a person to follow who does modified versions of some of the things to make it not so hard.
  • shanoa20
    shanoa20 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello everyone:)
    Started 30DS last week and I think that I would love to have each of you as my motivators! I need someone to help me stay acountable and MFP has really helped me in the last few weeks stay with the program so I think I am ready for a 30 challenge!!!
    Add me please so I have some friends.....and i can message you on MFP app....
  • TekMom
    TekMom Posts: 10 Member
    Oddly enough, I just came across this DVD too....sitting collecting dust on a shelf. Tomorrow is a great day to start - and I need people to keep me accountable & honest! If I know people are watching, I'll be more likely to stick too it....and I need to drop some weight before summer!

    Please add me as a friend & we will get thru these next 30 days!
  • kmchambers64
    kmchambers64 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone, I just started LV 3, but I wanted to encourage you all. You might be sore the first couple of days, but don't give up, push through it even if you have to go slowly. You won't regret. And there is no shame in doing the modifications. I have lost around 10 inches, or more. Another big tip drink water, lots of it, more than the recommended 8 glasses.