How's it going?

Just checking in with everyone. How's it going? Any particular hard times?

I hit 38 lbs lost today. I don't see it much myself since I had more to lose but I did lose half an inch off my neck so that's something.


  • taberareru
    I sometimes forget to log in for a week, so I can't really say how well I'm doing. Usually right around my calorie goals, but I also don't get as much exercise as I should.

    I also need to buy a damn bathroom scale. I didn't care about owning one when I was like, 125lbs, but now I kind of do.
  • jealous_loser
    I am doing alright. Canadian Thanksgiving killed me a little, and we will see by how much tomorrow morning. I think I need to buy a scale too. For people and for food.
  • OMGitsaLisa
    I exercised for the first time today! Well, I mean, I've exercised before but not in the 2 years since I jacked up my tailbone and I got plantar fasciitis in one foot and broke the other. Basically it's been a while. I only managed 10 minutes of a yoga warm up, but it's better than nothing and I'll manage longer next time.

    I sort of ate like a piggy the last couple of weeks and don't expect to see any loss when I weigh in tomorrow, but that also changed today. I'm refocusing myself and getting serious again. I will be super sad if I show no loss this week - my first failure since I started this 3 months ago, but it's my own fault.

    My calves are less fat than they were 25 pounds ago. They fattened unevenly so the left one still doesn't rotate freely in my pant leg, but the right one finally does again! I look forward to no more fat leg. That's about it.
  • taberareru
    I finally started exercising regularly again, and I hurt all over, but in a good way. Did about 90 minutes of high-impact martial arts, two days this week, one day last week.

    Unfortunately, the fates are conspiring against me. I used to take karate at my community college, and tried to get back in last week when the new semester started. It turns out I've maxed out on units for that class, so I tried the other college in the district. It's a different style of karate, but I was willing to give it a go, especially since this college is only a couple miles away, and the other is a 20 minute drive. Turns out, both courses have the same name and I can't sign up at either college. There's a slim chance that my new sensei will be able to get me into one of his other classes, but I need to get it taken care of by tomorrow or I'm screwed.

    I really hope this works out. If not I can always take karate at a different college, in a different district, but they're on a different schedule, so I wouldn't be able to start until April. :(
  • HisHuskerGirl
    HisHuskerGirl Posts: 7 Member
    So far, so good. I've lost 4.8 lbs since I joined here, at the beginning of the month. I have about 120 lbs to lose total.

    I bought a super fancy glass scale the other day, and it's become entertaining to see the difference in what I way at different times during the day. I only count when I weight first thing in the morning though.

    I started doing Tae Bo! I unfortunately skipped all the easy introduction tapes and put in the 8 minute kick your *kitten* tape....but I did it! I can't do all the fancy kicks as high as they did them, but the important thing to me is that I didn't stop.

    For now I'm just going to stick to excercise and not try to change my diet too much. As is I stay pretty much where MFP says my calories should be, but my food choices are not good. I'm on medication that makes me want crap food and soda....argh.

    Today I had oatmeal for breakfast instead of a donut! Yay! I also brought a SALAD for lunch! We'll see if I eat it! :D
  • taberareru
    Well, I managed to get into my class! It's been fun so far, but man is it kicking my *kitten*. I even have bruises from the other day when we were practicing with a partner. Oops. Hopefully that'll clear up soon.

    Hopefully it'll also help me drop a couple pounds, because I'm really ****e at eating healthy and changing my diet. I usually skip fast food and all, but I still have a lot of guilty pleasures. Drinking being one of the main ones. Then again, even on days I don't drink it's awfully hard to get under my calorie goals without feeling like I'm starving. I feel like 1470 is a really, really wrong number.

    One of these days I need to buy a scale so I can actually weigh in.
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    So this seems weird, but I'm having a problem getting enough calories. I changed habits and got rid of things when Car Guy and I started dieting, and it appears that I did that too well. So now I'm not only having problems getting near my calorie goal (never mind eating back workout calories), I'm struggling to hit 1200.
  • ahhhneedaname
  • tisane42
    tisane42 Posts: 46 Member
    Peanut butter, man. Peanut butter.
  • taberareru
    Yeah, both of those are pretty good sources calories. Sometimes I just eat a giant spoonful of peanut butter if I'm low on calories for the day. My friend's doctor actually "prescribed" cheese to her kids, because they were underweight for their age!
  • aszwarc
    aszwarc Posts: 200 Member
    I figured out my lack of appetite last weekend was because I was sick. I had pretty much no other symptoms other than fatigue. Until a fever broke in the middle of the night. ick.

    I try not to eat too much peanut butter because it throws off my protein/fat/carb ratios.
  • taberareru
    Ick, hope you feel better soon!

    If you're still struggling to eat enough calories once you're well, maybe something like lean chicken breast would help. Lots of protein in there.