Scales - friend or foe?

cinbol Posts: 27 Member
The scale goes up and down and it gets frustrating... how do you handle those ups and downs when your clothes are telling you the weight is coming off? Do you ignore the scales and go by your baggy pants?


  • BlessedWith3
    It is neither to me. :happy: I had to change the way I looked at the scale because I was letting it dictate how I felt. How could I give this little gadget that power over me? The morning I weigh, I tell gauge how I feel. If by chance I am feeling off (and a gain would upset me) I give myself a pass at the scale.
  • ZipperJJ
    ZipperJJ Posts: 209 Member
    I make sure I weigh at the exact same time every day (when I first get up, after I pee) and wearing the exact same thing (nothing). If I forget to do it and I eat or drink, or get dressed, then I skip it for the day.

    I also look for trends, not just daily numbers. If I'm up a pound since yesterday I say "grr!" If the next day I'm up even more I say "Argh!" If after a few days I am still going up, then I get worried. But if it goes up and stays the same, or goes up and then comes down, it's ok. I log my weight every Monday, to give myself a week to go up and down and stabilize.
  • sue2328
    sue2328 Posts: 22 Member
    definite foe - only weigh once a week maximum - but I am trying to get to only weighing once a month! fluctuations on a daily basis were too frustrating. That said, they do seem to shout at me across the room, I have tried hiding them to make it easier to not get fixated.
  • stl_nana
    stl_nana Posts: 99 Member
    I made peace with the scale when I stopped weighing every day. I now only weigh once a week if that. If I know I've been bad, I choose to stay off the scale as I already know what I've done.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    I say this constantly, and I do generally do it this way, though I do obsess occasionally... "Just a little tip from some PhDs regarding our love/hate relationship with our scales. If you are addicted to your scale and are compelled to weigh daily (mememememe), a good rule of thumb is to first weigh at the same time of day and under the same circumstances (e.g. w/o pjs after morning potty break... haha) then average all of those daily weights and use that as your weekly 'true' weight, as your weight WILL fluctuate daily due to many factors. Then, you can average your weekly 'true' weights and see what your monthly weight is.... This is a more accurate picture of where you are over time... It also takes some of the stress out of the fluctuations you might see daily so you don't obsess over it.... Just MHO, so always check it out for yourself! :o) "
  • EricCowperthwaite
    I got to the point where I hated the scale. So, I quit weighing myself. I refused to get on a scale for a month. I finally did get on a scale last weekend and had lost weight and measurements. Haven't been back on the scale at all the rest of this week since. I am focused on my healthy and fit lifestyle and ignoring the scale.
  • binknbaby
    binknbaby Posts: 207 Member
    I try to take it with a grain of salt, and weigh only once weekly. I use it as a rough guide to let me know if I'm on the right track. But I also use other things for that as well (how I feel, digestion, energy, stamina, inches, how clothes fit, etc.) so it's not the end-all for how well I'm doing. The actual weight goal I have set for myself is allowing quite a bit of wiggle room, because I want muscles. Not huge body-builder muscles (just not for me), but enough to be toned and in-shape. But I know for me, that's going to be about 10-20lb over what mainstream medicine says is the "right" weight for me. But like I said, I'm only using it in these beginning stages to figure out what my body thrives on, what's working, and what I should avoid. But other than that, it's just a number and I try not to let it get me down or control me.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    I weigh myself almost daily. I watch the downward trend for weight loss. The daily ups and downs is how I monitor how much water-weight I'm carrying. If it jumps up 4-5 pounds overnight then I take a closer look at my sodium intake.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    My new scale is my friend. My old scale was my enemy.

    My old scale wasn't very accurate. It could be off by 2 lbs on any given day. (Took me awhile to figure that out.) I weigh myself nearly every morning when get up, so it was very frustrating.

    My new scale is awesome! Totally accurate every day! I like to weigh myself daily as it gives me an opportunity to know how yesterday effected my body, and the knowledge to do great again or redeem myself. I'm able to correlate what foods my body does and doesn't like. I can also see if I've gained or lost weight because of muscle%, water %, or fat%. This can also be encouraging if I've gained a little weight because of more muscle and not fat.

    It's important to remember not to beat ourselves up for having a bad day, but to look forward to doing better.
  • SueM86
    SueM86 Posts: 28 Member
    What type of scales do you have? Do they tell you your muscle percentage too? My scales are pretty ancient - maybe it's time to invest in a new set. I'd like any personal recommendation people have before I take the plunge though.
  • Citrislazer
    Citrislazer Posts: 312 Member
    I'm really happy with my EatSmart scale. Bought it off It can track up to 8 people, is accurate up to 0.2 lbs, and does body percentages.
  • JanetLynnJudy
    JanetLynnJudy Posts: 173 Member
    I weigh at the same time every day on my Wii and only update my fitness pal when I drop below my lowest recorded weight. There have been times in the past few months where I would hover up to 3 or 4 pounds above my lowest for even a couple weeks and I still lost every month. I know I'm staying under and that I'm exercising an hour every day so I know I'm getting healthier. I also like that on the Wii if I zoom in on just recent days it will look like a crazy horizontal zigzag line, but when I zoom out for the past year, it looks like a bunch of tiny dots forming a nice downward slope. I view the year progress almost every day to remind myself that every single day can make a difference in the big picture.
  • Valerie_Malone
    Valerie_Malone Posts: 59 Member
    Scales are evil... I try to weigh myself in the morning when I get up. I try to give myself a week or two in between weigh ins, but sometimes I just can't help myself. It's like I'm addicted to weighing myself and I hate it.
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    What type of scales do you have? Do they tell you your muscle percentage too? My scales are pretty ancient - maybe it's time to invest in a new set. I'd like any personal recommendation people have before I take the plunge though.

    I love my Withings scale. It recognizes users automatically; synchs weigh-ins via wifi; and can even synch directly to My Fitness Pal. It tracks Lean Body Mass % or Lean Body Mass in pounds; or you can do Fat % / Fat in pounds. I can also view my data on iPhone or iPad. They also weigh to the nearest TENTH of a pound! (Trust me - some days seeing that .1 pound drop is a BIG WIN!)

    It is pricey, but I really like it.
  • EricCowperthwaite
    I have heard that the body fat % can vary quite a bit, depending on a bunch of factors. Have you ever calibrated the Withing vs. a caliper or tape body fat determination?
  • kiramaniac
    kiramaniac Posts: 800 Member
    I have heard that the body fat % can vary quite a bit, depending on a bunch of factors. Have you ever calibrated the Withing vs. a caliper or tape body fat determination?

    Eric - No, I haven't. I definitely don't take that as a fixed number - but more the relative change. I'm sure the actual body fat in pounds that it shows me isn't correct. But I think the change in body fat is probably pretty good (if comparing an evening level to an evening level, for example). I believe hydration is one of the biggest factors. There's a big difference in numbers between morning and night.