Intimidated to join a gym

Hi guys,

I am here looking for a kick in the pants. I have been trying to research local gyms, but the only one I really want to go to is too expensive. So, looking at cheaper alternatives, and I have just been feeling frustrated and intimidated.

I JUST got out of the 400s. I feel like I am going to get a lot of judgment if I join a gym. Did any of you experience the same kind of feelings? What did you do to get over them?


  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    I am just like you.....I have been afraid for years to go to a was too intimidating. Now that I am older...I don't think my bones can handle any of the machines.....but everyone there is there for the same reason just in different sizes. They are not there to judge you and you can find a lot of help at the gym. I wish I had stuck with it when I was young. Don't worry about what you look like....just think of the goals you want to accomplish.
  • kjf1982
    kjf1982 Posts: 102 Member
    I was also intimidated, but then my frame of mind goes to "I paid to be here, I have just as much right as anyone else"

    If you are concerned with people looking at you and feeling uncomfortable, you could go during non-peak hours. My gym is PACKED right after work (From like 5-8pm) I have found going before work is awesome. Not only is it not that busy, but then I have my time after work to relax and run errands, etc. Not to mention, if I go to the gym right after work, I end up eating dinner at 8pm or later. NOT GOOD. When I go before work, I can eat at a reasonable hour.

    My advice is to do it. You won't regret it!
  • daniellebfit
    daniellebfit Posts: 91 Member
    Does your law school have anything?

    Way to go to get out of the 400 club. People call 199 wonderland what do we call 299 & 399 ? Wonderland squared, cubed and so on?
  • cmfruin2012
    cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
    My experience has been every gym has a certain culture -- some are definitely "pick-up joints" -- people go there to see and be seen more so than they go to work-out. I found this a lot at gyms in Chicago. Other places have people who are there because they are very serious, hard-core fitness junkies -- and this can be intimidating when you are just starting out. Then there are gyms that have folks from ALL walks of life -- all fitness levels -- I have found this is usually what you find at the Y -- which is why I like it. The Y may not have the best equipment or a big variety of classes, but it has real people who are there just trying to improve their health. Honestly -- people are not going to judge you for going -- they are not going to be paying as much attention to you as you THINK they are. Stand proud and go -- you will crave going once you get in the habit of it.
  • vicrandom
    vicrandom Posts: 80 Member
    At my local gym through the city's parks and rec department, the attitude is generally positive-- usually if someone opens their mouth to me, it's to say something encouraging, and the people-watching is great (little old ladies in hot pink SUITS on the weight machines? Par for the course). There are fit people, little girls doing cardio, big muscle bros, and tons of average/out of shape folks just trying to get something healthy going. I was a little intimidated, especially venturing into freeweights, but generally lpeople were polite and respetctful both of my novice-ness and of my efforts to be polite and respectful of others' space (ie, returned the favour). I went in weighing 360, and I felt like there were enough other weirdos that I really had nothing to worry about. I sometimes felt intimidated, but the payoff was totally worth it.

    I mean weirdos in a positive way, by the way.

    Even if the other folks at your gym are not some pretty funny characters, if you find a decent low key place you are going to be fine - focus on your own health and 99% of others will be doing the same. Unsolicited advice is the worst you're likely to encounter.
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    My experience has been every gym has a certain culture

    This is so true. I have 2 memberships. One is at Planet Fitness and the other is an Anytime Fitness.

    PF seems to be all kinds of people. When I first started going I was in the 300's and would notice people looking. I was put off at 1st but when I realized I was there FOR ME and not to impress them, I stopped caring. Now, when I think someone is starring, I yawn and if they yawn back, I smile and wave. Usually it makes them realize I know they are looking and they turn away.

    AF also has all kinds of people but they are different than my PF folks. I've found these folks to be much more welcoming. I think it's a combination of the fact that it's smaller, it's down south, and my brother owns I do like the fact that AF's are smaller. I'd go to the one here local but I'd have to pay a bridge toll and gas and by the time I pay all that the free membership is more than the PF

    I know it can be intimidating and scary to get in there but you have to set your resolve at the knowledge that it's you making your life better. Something I have began noticing is that there are other heavy people at the gym around the same time that I go and though we don't workout together, we do tend to smile and give non-verbal thumbs up to one another.
  • Dianescraps
    I belong to a small gym at my township's rec center, it's almost an 'everybody knows your name' kind of place. I am definitely the biggest female I have seen there. But I just put on my headphones and start working.

    Honestly the yuppies who go in in groups, take up all the treadmills and chat at 1.5 MPH for an hour have WAY more to be ashamed of then I do! I'm working!
  • tallulahthunderbird
    tallulahthunderbird Posts: 138 Member
    Honestly the yuppies who go in in groups, take up all the treadmills and chat at 1.5 MPH for an hour have WAY more to be ashamed of then I do! I'm working!

    I love that!
  • pnpatti
    pnpatti Posts: 7
    All the posts are great. If you have a "Y" near you, try that. If they have a pool that is even better. That's what I do - take the water exercise class and don't fret about wearing a bathing suit. Many of the ladies wear swim dresses or swim shorts and a tank top. The other suggestion to go in the morning before work is good too. I found when I did that, it wasn't quite so crowded and I felt more comfortable. At the end of the day, remember this is for your health and happiness and the more you keep going the more comfortable you will feel. Good luck!
  • margieyoumans
    margieyoumans Posts: 181 Member
    Honestly the yuppies who go in in groups, take up all the treadmills and chat at 1.5 MPH for an hour have WAY more to be ashamed of then I do! I'm working!

    So true!
  • PeriwinklePineapple
    PeriwinklePineapple Posts: 31 Member
    I go to Planet Fitness. It's cheap, and it does the job. I've never felt judged. The staff has actually been ridiculously friendly every step of the way...but a friend once said to me, that when you walk into a gym, you've got to "check your ego at the door", and I chose to take that advice.

    I've also joined another gym that is just for group fitness classes. That was strange at first, and probably could have been very awkward because there are a lot of fit people, but i decided i was there for me, not them, and to focus on just that.

    Just do it! Realize its for you, nobody else.
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    I am 354 and I go to Youfit 3 times a week fir weight strength training. I go at 1 pm when it is very crowded and have had the staff and about 4 members come up to me over the last month and give me "that a girl- your doing great" encouragement. I do have a coach that I paid for as I have physical limitations and need the extra help. I have not received one single negative comment or stare down from anyone. When my time is up with the coach I am sure I will continue as it makes me feel better and that is what it is all about. Feeling better each and every day. Don't let anyone stop you from feeling better and doing what you wish to do.
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I felt this way as well.I know it is intimidating but remember you are there for YOU!! The gym is a great place to become encouraged and meet great people to help you along the way. If you want to work out at home I suggest trying the daily burn app. Everyday it has videos from a program of your choice. You can get a free month trial at their website. Good luck to all of you
  • meadow_sage
    meadow_sage Posts: 308 Member
    I used to be over 400 pounds, as well. The first gym I ever went to I weighed under 300 pounds and everyone there was fit little bugs. I felt so uncomfortable. That was about 20 years ago. Many gyms today, like Planet Fitness or the Y, have people of all fitness levels. When I started going about 5 years ago, I found it uncomfortable at first but then I one was paying any attention to me. Everyone is working out and in their own little world. Besides, I'd rather be judged for doing the right thing for me, at that point their issues with judgment is theirs, not mine.

    Hi guys,

    I am here looking for a kick in the pants. I have been trying to research local gyms, but the only one I really want to go to is too expensive. So, looking at cheaper alternatives, and I have just been feeling frustrated and intimidated.

    I JUST got out of the 400s. I feel like I am going to get a lot of judgment if I join a gym. Did any of you experience the same kind of feelings? What did you do to get over them?