30 Day Shred Challenge

King22046 Posts: 23 Member

I've noticed lots of interest with Jillian's 30DS workout. Is anyone interested in a challenge starting on the first? Personally, challenges help keep me motivated and I REALLY need the motivation right now. I plan to measure lbs and inches since, as we all know, the scale doesn't tell the full story.

If you are in, we can post starting on Friday out starting measurements and IF you chose, our current measurements weekly. We can do a final tally on the 31st (rest day) to see how much we have all accomplishment. I'm on board, I hope some of you are as well. If this is already being done elsewhere, please let me know and I will join up there.

Until then...


  • Glitter_Boots
    Glitter_Boots Posts: 13 Member
    Great challenge! I've been doing this workout on and off for a few weeks but need to peer pressure to do the true "30 Day Shred". Consider me signed up!
  • Count me in too please! I was planning to start tomorrow anyhow, and I have a feeling this challenge and you ladies will be a huge help to make me stick with it
  • Sure I'm in. I'll do the initial weight in and measurements. However, I'll get discouraged if I do weekly measurements. I've already dropped 20 pounds and barely lost 1 inch. Uggh. Please feel free to friend me.
  • Malcah1
    Malcah1 Posts: 32 Member
    I just completed day 2 of level one, but will join for support...
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Will be starting tomorrow with my daughter. Just scanned. through the DVD. It seems to be very intense. Will give it a try.
  • Raesin70
    Raesin70 Posts: 11
    I previously tried two days of level one and it was murder on my knees. So I switched to level two and didn't experience the discomfort. Hopefully, this time I can do 30 days. I'll start this evening. Good Luck all.
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Completed Day #1 of level 1 , 30day shred .Surprised myself. Did better than I expected. Looking forward to tomorrow. How did you guys do?
  • frog131908
    frog131908 Posts: 9 Member
    Doesn't dr Ian have something like this?
  • Raesin70
    Raesin70 Posts: 11
    sw: 164
    Completed Day 1 level 2 (w/ modification to protect my recent laminectomy)
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    Ladies, I completed D1L1 and then did a 2.5 mile walk on the treadmill. Needles to say I am already sore, and I have a step class in the morning. Anyway...here are my stats as of this morning. I typically record my monday morning weight, but I will log my Friday info here for the month. Good luck to us all! :flowerforyou:

    Height: 59 in
    Weight: 188.8
    Upper left arm: 14.5
    Upper right arm: 15
    Chest: 42
    Waist: 43
    Butt: 49.5
    Hips: 48.5
    Left thigh: 30.5
    Right thigh: 29.5
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    sw: 164
    Completed Day 1 level 2 (w/ modification to protect my recent laminectomy)

    Please be careful. I've had to do modifications as well, but as long as we are consistent we can do it!
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats on getting through day 1. As we all know, the hardest part is getting started.
  • King22046
    King22046 Posts: 23 Member
    I previously tried two days of level one and it was murder on my knees. So I switched to level two and didn't experience the discomfort. Hopefully, this time I can do 30 days. I'll start this evening. Good Luck all.

    What's different in level 2? I have a bad knee, so anything that would remove the pressure would be great.
  • Raesin70
    Raesin70 Posts: 11
    sw: 164
    Completed Day 1 level 2 (w/ modification to protect my recent laminectomy)

    Please be careful. I've had to do modifications as well, but as long as we are consistent we can do it!

    Thanks, I will.
  • Raesin70
    Raesin70 Posts: 11
    I previously tried two days of level one and it was murder on my knees. So I switched to level two and didn't experience the discomfort. Hopefully, this time I can do 30 days. I'll start this evening. Good Luck all.

    What's different in level 2? I have a bad knee, so anything that would remove the pressure would be great.

    The knee circles, 3 different types of squats that were followed by side lunges in level 1 did the number on my knees. Besides the knee discomfort, I barely hit 60% of my MaxHR.
  • Well done all of you for getting through day 1 yesterday! Sadly got off to a not so great start and didn't start yesterday, but have got back on the wagon and just finished day 1, level 1....and can I just say how out of shape I am?! Ha, guess we've all been there, which makes knowing you all are sticking with motivate me to get up and having Jillian time, too.

    Raesin, you've got me very excited about level 2 now as I've been imagining it must be a bit more brutal than level 1 but that sounds like a nice change up. Must admit I've never made it past day 5 or so in previous attempts, but this time *will* be different! Happy exercising today ladies!
  • Malcah1
    Malcah1 Posts: 32 Member
    I forgot to do my measurements yesterday, but here they are:

    SW: 164
    Bust: 35.5
    Upper waist:30.25
    Lower waist (navel): 36
    hips: 40.5
    thigh: 23
    arm: 11.5
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Just completed Day 2, level 1. OMG! 28 more days to go .I'm taking it 1 day at a time.
  • Honeytips
    Honeytips Posts: 337 Member
    Did this in February and my last day was this morning!! So glad to see the end of it but I might revisit it in about 3 months. I enjoyed Levels 1 and 3 but Level 2 was the killer!!!!!
    Have fun ladies!!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Congrats ! I browsed through level 2 and you are right. It looks like madness but I will be looking forward to it . Hope that the joints will loosen up somewhat. Did you shred?