March 2, 2013 Chat and update!

breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
Good morning! Wow, I went to be to 53 members and woke up to 61. I had a great day yesterday. Had some cravings..always do when I am over tired but got through and stayed under my goal.

it is the weekend and I always allow more..I swear it helps to have those two days with a bit more.

Then tight and strict during the week.

How are you all doing? Any issues? Challenges? We can trouble shoot solutions for you just always ask yourself this question.

Is this a reason or an excuse.

My child was sick, I ended up at emergency starving and got vending machine junkfood is a reason.

I can't find time to make healthy food...may be an excuse..because you don't find MAKE time. Write it in your daily planner, set a reminder in your smart phone, spend Sunday making convenient healthy food for yourself,

Have kids..get them cutting up veggies if they're old enough..have them help...somebody here has 8 kids...some of them must be older...get them to make the grocery list of healthy foods, get them to google healthy recipes...get them to help cook!

No excuses...let's do this!


  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    Good morning!! Had a great work out this morning and love the way I'm feeling, but can't get myself to step on the scale. So afraid that I won't see weight loss and then I'll eat out of frustration, so I'm avoiding the scale like the plague.........but I really would like to know if all that I'm doing is working. Hate when I use the scale as my only measure of success but find that that's something I really need to work on.
  • Lilu1977
    Lilu1977 Posts: 4
    Good morning,
    I just did my weekly weigh-in and thankfully I haven't gained anything but sadly I didn't lose anything either. People have been bringing lots of food into work lately and with it being so busy and chaotic and not getting time for a proper lunch I've been finding it hard to resist. Hopefully I can get back on track next week.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    It'll all come along....make that your goal this taking any of the shared food....just make that one thing the thing you do.
    Plan for it of course...taking nice alternatives.

    I am so tired today...