To cut or not to cut...that is the question.

I'm finishing my first phase of NROL and eating at TDEE-20%. I'm taking a break next week from lifting. Should I also eat at TDEE or continue to cut? I know it's recommended to eat at TDEE for a week every 4-8 weeks, but wasn't sure how that worked with exercise.



  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Take your diet break and feed those recovering muscles.
  • If I don't work out next week, should I change my activity from moderate to light? Or should I do some cardio?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If I don't work out next week, should I change my activity from moderate to light? Or should I do some cardio?

    Walk during your workout time. And Lightly Active would probably be correct TDEE level for that level of exercise.

    I'd suggest 2 different weeks though. Exercise break with correct TDEE and still deficit. Break from exercise is enough, and extra food when not needed won't be used.

    But week after, with body refreshed and ready to go hard, now eat at correct TDEE for lifting with no deficit. Your body will really be able to make use of the extra food during that repair time. Add the extra calories post-workout.
  • Thanks!