smell of sweat and prevent fungus

bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
I took my first bikram yoga class and I was successful in completing all poses and the 90 minutes. My question is how to deal with smell of sweat, body odor and not getting fungus. I am terrified by this idea. Any ideas you can share? The studio told me I can not bring my flip flops to set my mat, I walked barefoot and terrified. I want to challenge myself and complete 20 classes as a my goal.

Thank you,



  • uberkrafty
    uberkrafty Posts: 38 Member
    I've been going for 2 years now and have always gone into the studio barefooted. Maybe this is just my personal preference but I didn't really mind the smell -- probably got used to it after a while. Needless to say, I never developed any fungal infection or anything of the sort for stepping around the sweaty studio LOL. I normally would avoid the big puddles of sweat in some areas though. Maybe you can also ask if you can use indoor slippers to avoid stepping onto the carpet directly.

    It's really great that you can complete all poses and stayed in the room. I'd say give it a few more classes and see if you feel any positive effect.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Day 2 completed and the smell appeared less as I try to get it off my mind. Thank you for your advice. Mind sharing how long do practice bikram yoga on a weekly basis? I was hoping to try indoor socks and will certainly ask. Do you wash you hair after each class?


  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    I wear my flip flops to the door and then when in the hot room I just avoid the puddles of sweat (usually I wait until they have mopped up after the previous class then I don't have to worry about, but sometimes I need to get my spot!) I have had the unfortunate experience of having a fungal infection and having half my toenail fall off, but I didn't get it from the studio.

    You will get used to the smell. I wash my hair after every class but I don't practice every day. I don't wash my hair on the days that I don't practice. When I did a 30 day challenge I just used a lot of deep conditioner, a good leave in and more oils on my hair as well to make up for all the washing.
  • smithta1
    smithta1 Posts: 9 Member
    the Yoga house that I go to is very good with cleaning the floors after each class. Also, they have showers there so I always shower before I go to class since I usually go after work or working out. I have never really had a problem. yesterdays class was hot flow 90 min and it was completly filled with 28 people and I didnt notice a smell. I guess it all depends on where you go and if the people who also go care about what they smell like.