Hello everyone!

My name is Tara and I am a 24 year old mom, full-time student, fiancé, blogger, and geek! I have been obese my entire life and I have a long road ahead of me but I know that I can do it. Here are some of my stats.

HW: 460
SW: 447
CW: 442
GW: 180

I am very interested in nutrition, food, and food production. I have been adapting my lifestyle and eating habits the more I learn about food. It's also why I do not allow my daughter to eat school food and pack her lunch everyday myself. I am open to people adding me if you would like but please send me a message first telling me a little bit about yourself.

Thanks for joining the group!


  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    I feel like I'm following you all over this site, you have interesting things going on. I am pretty new the idea of looking at NSVs . But I agree that NSVs are a great celebration of everything that shows how we are getting our life back. This is a really great way for all of us to get encouraged.
    I stared last Feb. to get healthy for a trip to Europe coming this June. I joined mfp in August after losing @70 lbs. in September I began exercising and joining mfp challenge groups which have motivated me and taught me so much. I learn new tricks and tips every day from my friends on this site. On valentines day this past month, i hit my 100 lbs gone goal. I have about 40 lbs to go until I reach my weight goal, then it's on to the goal of fit for life.

    I am 5'8"

    I've been married 29 years to a great guy. I have 4 sons and 2 daughters who are all very athletic and fit because I never want them going through what I have. Praise God.

    Thanks so much for starting this blog
  • doodlemeg
    doodlemeg Posts: 57 Member
    Hello Ladies!

    I think this is an AMAZING idea! I get so focused on losing the weight for several different reasons but then I forget to be excited and proud about the NSVs that I accomplish. I have just started my weight loss journey for the last time lol I don't want to have to start again, ever again. I think this is a great group idea.

    My Name is Megan and I am a 20 year old mother of a 3 year old and I love that part of my life. Once I get a handle on my weight I know the rest of my life will increasingly get better as well. If any of you would like to add me please feel free! :)

    SW: 220
    CW: 216
    GW: 145
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Oops I forgot to introduce myself before posting headfirst in the NSV thread. :blushing:

    I feel like I'm getting A TON of NSV's and I don't want to clog up my news feed with me going on about ankle bones and what have you. So now I have somewhere to post them!!

    I am...
    SW: 162
    CW: 159
    I, at some point during Febuary, got down to like 157. I don't know. Weird. Stupid scale. Stupid gravity.
  • newcat31
    newcat31 Posts: 4
    THANKS so much for starting this group! I loathe the scales and no longer weigh myself, I go by how my clothes fit instead. I'm 45 and need to improve my fitness levels. I really believe sharing our non-scale victories will do more for us than sharing pounds lost.
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks so much to ALL of you for joining up. If you have friends that could benefit from this group, feel free to spread the word!
    I think all of you are completely amazing and motivational in your own ways. By spending time thinking about all the amazing things that ARE happening with our bodies and not just looking at the scale numbers we might also be able to help keep ourselves motivated, remembering that good things are going on!

    Whether it's ankle bones, pants sizes, seatbelt clicks, parking further away from the store, whatever. It's something to be proud of. You're all amazing, you can do this!

  • newcat31
    newcat31 Posts: 4
    Thanks for your welcome & encouragement xbloomerbrigade - I believe this group you have started is a breath of fresh air and a much needed type of group on a weight loss site. I'd much rather focus on all the wonderful changes we are seeing in our lives than focusing on the scales. I was a border-line anorexic when I was 17-18 and the scales really messed with my head - to this day they still mess with me so this is why I no longer use them. All the best to you and the members of this group :)
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    Heyy :)

    I go by Rosemary, I am 21 years old. I work with special needs, and disabled adults, as of late, their health has been known to come before my own. Which is why I have come here. My health needs to come first to me. I was a super skinny child until I hit about 8, parents divorced, we moved around a bunch, and food became my new best friend... (Its still is, just in healthier portion sizes, and healthier choices!) I refuse to spend the rest of my life as the Fat Chick. I want to have children, and be known as a cool mom, someone they can be proud of. I want to go dancing, and be able to stay out for more than two songs in a row. And I want to be able to hike the mountains that I LOVE so much.

    HW: 248
    SW: 244
    CW: 230
    GW: 150
  • Hello Ladies this group is awesome!.. I believe that if we focus on things we accomplish in our daily lives, not just food, it
    helps us feel better about ourselves and thus we eat better....

    I love photography, framing a picture today that I took of the Autumn matches my colors in the bedroom so it
    will be displayed there. excited because i love picking out frames as well to go with pictures.
  • Budding_Flower
    Budding_Flower Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! :D I love the idea of celebrating victories not related to the scale!
    My name is Heather. I am 20 and a full time college student. I have been obese for a really long time now and it feels so great to finally be getting healthy. I have been on My Fitness Pal faithfully since January, but I have been on and off since 2011 when I was introduced to the site by my Physical Education professor.

    SW: 205
    CW: 184
    GW1: 140
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to all of you!

    I really hope that this group provides something that I felt was really missing on here. For me it makes me really excited and motivated when I hear all the great stuff that is happening in your lives. I think you all addressed things that really effect all of us, whether it's putting ourselves last, emotional eating, what have you. I know it's all things that others can relate to. I hope you all find the friendly encouragement you all deserve here and that you finally have a place on MFP to share the joy in the other victories in our lives. There is no NSV to small to celebrate. I hope to see all of you posting about your amazing journeys here whenever you can and that the group grows to be something beautiful, welcoming, and inspiring for others.

    Thanks again for joining the group. I look forward to getting to know you all. :)
  • aeich8899
    aeich8899 Posts: 55 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Amanda. I started at 270 in Jan 2011 and am fighting my way out of the 240s now. My goal weight is 170. and I am looking forward to all the NSVs!
  • Suzziee7606
    Suzziee7606 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello group,
    I'm a 40 something gal who is getting back on the fitness bandwagon. What a blessing to read these posts. I reminds me I am not alone in wanting to live a healthier lifestyle.
    One of my MAJOR accomplishments is my stamina's improving I'm .trying out classes at the gym,( started with just a few minutes) and now I'm sticking it all the way through class. You know how great that feels!?

    SW 235 lbs.
    CW 211
    GW 160

    Wishing all continued success. All vicories count, no matter what the size.
  • witchblade
    witchblade Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, needless to say but I hate scales. They demoralize me immediately.My past behavior was to give up. For whatever reason I am ready for change. I am a 44yro single woman who weighs 315lbs. I am going to join the ymca and start using Walking Fit and Fabulous with Debra Mazda . I like her because she has women of all sizes exercising. My old thinking was Its not easy for someone as big as me to workout....However my new way of thinking is great because I can lose weight and be healthy. No more excuses. I am new here and would like to make new friends
    sw 315
    cw 315
    gw 169
  • vickielabrake
    Hello Everyone,
    I'm a 50 year old mother of 4 & have fostered may teenagers over the years. 8 years ago, I was in a fire at worked, my lungs became damaged. I now have 33% of my lung volume. I had to take large quanities of predisone to stay alive. I gained well over 100 pounds in a matter of weeks. Last summer I had to come off the predisone, it went toxic in my body. I have lost over 80 lbs in 6 months all water weight. I got down to 267lbs. then my husband asked for a divorce. my daughter had a baby, she became a doctor. And needed a sitter to make it through residency. I moved 350 miles away. It is drier here I'm able to walk. not in so much pain, can breath better and started to loose more weight. now i'm down to 229 lbs. and for the 1st time in 8 years I can see my feet! down to a size 16. I'm happy to ave found this blog cuz. my family is getting tired of hearing my say " WOW" this fits again. my doctor only looks at the scale. I will make to my goal weight.
  • blu64
    blu64 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone:
    I didn't see any other guys in the introduction topic. I hope it's ok for me to be in this group. If not just let me know.
    So I am a 48 year old guy who's doctor (in 2008) told me I was going to die if I didn't lose weight and get healthy.
    I was prediabetic, had metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, and couldn't walk even a block. Hell my belly rubbed the steering wheel in the car.
    My stats:
    SW: ~350
    CW: 241
    GW: 214 with body fat of 15%

    Soon after my doc told me that I started Taekwondo. I earned my black belt in september 2011. But was still pretty heavy. Just in the last 2 months I have finally got below 250 for the first time in about 20 years. Anyway thanks for this group.
  • Sondrasr
    Sondrasr Posts: 49
    Hi everyone. My name is Sondra and I am happy to have found this group. I feel like the scale hasn't moved in weeks but other parts of me are moving in the right direction. To me as long as I can still feel like I am changing my body and moving in the right direction the scale will eventually catch up.

    My sw was 209 my goal weight is 165 or so and my current weight is 185. My doctor is saying not to go below 180 but that still puts me in the obese range as I am 5'9" so I am going to see what I feel like when I hit 180 and take it from there.

    Thanks for letting me join you all. I love nsv's.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    Hi everyone! I like wise hate the scale and try my best to primarily focus on inches lost.

    my name is Katie. I'm a single mom of a 11 year old daughter.

    SW: 250 pounds December 2011
    Cw: 186 pounds

    GW : 140 pounds the least amount for me would be 134 pounds
  • xbloomerbrigade
    xbloomerbrigade Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to all the new groups members! I am so excited to see that people are connecting personally to my group concept. I wish you all lots of luck with your goals both on and off the scale. This is a place for men and women alike, so welcome to you joseph. I hope this becomes a supportive group that people can enjoy and feel comfortable posting in. :)

    Welcome again!
  • jessmadd37
    jessmadd37 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Jessica, I'm a 23-year-old full-time student, part-time hostess at a restaurant. I have been struggling with my weight for only a year now, but I already miss my size 9 jeans. I can't make myself get rid of them because I am convinced that I will fit into them again and I'm determined to get there! About a year ago I started dating my current boyfriend, who lived mainly on fast food and Red Robin cheeseburgers (he worked there as a cook and therefore got a free meal every day). He got me back into the fast food track and I'm desperate to get out. It's not as easy as I'd hoped. Fast food really is addicting. My boyfriend and I have just started a competition: he has to gain a 6-pack and I have to lose 20 pounds in six months (deadline: September 3rd). Winner gets an all-expense paid weekend to a destination of his or her choosing. I have been trying to lose weight for a few months now and the scale reading goes down a few pounds (no more than 4) only to go back up the next week. I'm getting discouraged and looking for additional motivation and support. And of course, I'd love to help support and motivate all of you.

    My biggest issue is my profound love of nearly anything edible, particularly carbs. I just can't stay away from pasta, cheese, potatoes, salt or butter. I love them too much. :3

    Here are my stats:

    SW: 168
    CW: 168.5
    GW: 135

    I wish great success upon all of you!!
  • maluttrell
    maluttrell Posts: 29 Member
    What a great idea! I love a place that celebrates all victories not just the scale.

    My name is Michelle I am a 41 y/o mother of 3 and step mother of another 3. I have a wonderful, loving and supportive husband. I joined MFP in December 2012 after a family member suggested it as her spouse used it to get back to his high school weight (down 91 pounds).

    height 5'1" starting weight 198, current weight 171, goal weight 130

    I've been frustrated as of late, no matter my effort staying at or under my 1200 calories and now exercising for an hour evey single day the scale just creeps down...wished it would go faster...

    BUT I am glad for my NSV's such as being able to exercise for an hour because when I started I was dying to just make it to 30 minutes.