Chit-Chat, Introduce Yourself.

luvs_choc8 Posts: 788 Member
Hello All and Welcome to March,
Things have been really quiet in this group and I feel like I am doing all the talking so I thought I would start a chit-chat thread and give everybody the opportunity to introduce themselves and talk about anything. I see everybodies names and weights and often wonder who you all really are. Are you married, do you have kids, how old are you, where do you live, do you work, what your goals are, what you are doing to achieve those goals, what struggles you have etc.........

I will start.

My name is Donna and I am 46 years young. I have been married for 24 years and have two sons (age 22 and 20) and we live in cold cold snowy Alberta Canada. I am a receptionist/office administrator for a small company. I have been overweight all of my life and tried every "diet" there is. I started MFP September 2010 and have totally changed my life "style". I have been in a slump for the last 6 months and lost and gained the same 10 pounds at least 10 times and mainly because I slide back into old habits a little. I am only human....... I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!

Have a fabulous day everyone......:smile::wink: :flowerforyou:


  • jaajh
    jaajh Posts: 1,262 Member
    Great idea Donna!

    My name is Ali. I am 42, married, with 3 wonderful kids (girl 13, boy 11, girl 7). I am from the UK but have been living here in Mali, West Africa for the past 17 years. There was a time when I would always have to explain where Mali is, but unfortunately our country has been on the news far too much recently :-( All is quiet in the area in which we live, but we did have to evacuate out for two months last year, and nearly had to do so again about a month ago. Planning on staying put if we can though! My husband is Malian, so evacuations are always our last resort, even when other expats decide to go.

    I have been on MFP for about a year and a half. Lost 26 lbs, put 2 of them back on. I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for the past 8 months. Blaming stress of life here for that, but really I just need to knuckle down and get serious. March 1st saw (another!) new start for me, so I am hoping this time to get those last 25 lbs off that NEED to go!

    Looking forward to hearing more about the rest of you!
  • Ashleyann72
    Ashleyann72 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Ashley and I'm 25. I live in Washington (state, not D.C.) USA with my husband and two dogs. About two months ago I started a new job as a staff accountant, but for the six years before that I was a tax accountant. It's a big change, but there is a lot less stress and a lot more structure at my new job which is great for my weight loss goals! I joined MFP about two years ago. And I haven't been as consistent as I need to be. Last winter I was at my highest weight (178 lbs) and I realized that I REALLY needed to change. So about a year ago I joined a bootcamp gym started logging everyday and I lost ~20lbs. Unfortunately I really struggled this fall and stopped logging and exercising regularly and gained back a few pounds. Now I'm trying to get back on track!
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    Hello! I'll go next. :) my name is Kim, i'm 30 years old and I live in Princeton, Illinois. I'm a single mom with a 4 year old daughter. I've lived in Texas my whole life, but I moved up here a year ago after I separated from my husband so that I could be closer to family. I've always been overweight, and I hit my highest weight right after my daughter was born, when I weighed a whopping 265 lbs. at 5'4", I was rolly-Polly and miserable. I vowed to change to set a good example for my daughter. I started studying nutrition and my husband and I got into weightlifting and general fitness. I joined a couple weight loss challenges and eventually dropped down to 183, the lowest weight I can ever remember being (I hit 200 in high school). With the separation and the move, over the last year, I started to put the weight back on. I crept back up to 205, so at New Years I decided to lose the remaining weight once and for all. I joined MFP, got active on Fitocracy again and even signed up to do something that I have wanted to do for two years, I'm doing the AVON Walk this summer. Unfortunately, there aren't too many health and fitness fans up here, so I'm relying on my online communities to keep me motivated, but I'm doing it. Since deciding to really get things together, my diet has been cleaned up and I'm back down to 188. I'm also going back to work for the first time since my daughter was born, with a part-time job at Walmart (it's a small town, so of course I got the typical small-town life job :)). Nothing glamorous, but I'm looking forward to getting away from "mom-mode" for a couple hours a day.
  • DNeumeier
    DNeumeier Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm Donna and I live in small town Saskatchewan. I am 51 years old and have been married for 34 years. I have 3 kids and 4 grand children. I work as an office adminstrator for a small company close to home. AIways been very active and very fit. I quite suddenly put on about 30 lbs a year and half ago and have been battling ever since to get rid of them. Lots of stress in our lives over the last couple years with aging parents and I am at the age were menopause is also an issue. Looking forward to working with all of you to get some new ideas and finding somrthing that works!
  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    I am Sheila. Live in Stevensville, Maryland. Also known as Kent Island. It is a tiny island between Annapolis and the Maryland Eastern Shore connected by bridges. Married for almost 12 years to my best friend. I am 54. Have a 32 year old son who is a fantastic kid. (will always be my kid). Work for an IT company as their Services Coordinator, - Mom - Nanny - Babysitter for Engineers, staff and clients. My commute is an hour but I get to carpool with my husband who works 15 min away. Since I was 30 I have had issues with weight. Stress from marriage going down hill - don't know...then in mid 40s having full hysterectomy (sp) Definitely an emotional eater. Am much more active the last three years. Have a great gym - caters to people like me....age and size and everyone else. Need the accountability of weighing in. Once I stop looking at the scale, I will gain it all back. Glad to have this forum and support. Please let me know if I can be of help to any of you.
  • JayFred71
    JayFred71 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name Jeannette, most call me Jay. I'm turning 42 in May. Been with my husband for 23 years and married for 17 almost 18 years. We have a daughter that's 16.

    I've also been overweight and curvy all of my adult life, but just recently I accepted my curviness for the beautiful thing it was. Once I did that, I decided that my body deserved to be healthy as well. As a gift to myself, I started taking better care of my body and spirit. At a starting weight of 260, I had an uphill battle, but those are always the best workouts! I've since got down as far as 190, but fluctuated back and forth for the last year. Got back onto MFP to keep myself true to my routine. And back down a solid 12lbs.

    I work in an accounting office, but have a side job as a fitness instructor teaching pole fitness. That was my way of challenging myself into getting way into fitness. Became a certifified AFAA Group Fitness Instructor...something that I would have NEVER thought to do...and keeps me honest in my fitness journey.

    Now ready to step it up and get the final 25-30 lbs down...and bust out some muscle definition!!

    Thanks for the group Donna! And good luck to everyone!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hi All! I'm Ashley. I'm 29 and live in Orange County, CA though I grew up in the Bay Area (about 45 mins south of San Francisco). I live with my fiance, who I have been with for just over 7 years, and our cat and two dogs. I work a desk job managing online advertising accounts for a local search company, though I have a degree in Psychology and I might pursue a masters in a few years.

    Growing up, I was never overweight. I was one of those high schoolers convinced I was a cow even though I was a healthy weight, and fit. Then I went to college and started gaining thanks to alcohol and dorm food. I yo-yo dieted for years. Then I went through some personal troubles and gained more. Eventually I moved in with my boyfriend (now fiance) and gained even more, until I realized- holy crap- I gained 70 lbs after high school!

    I've been on MFP for over a year- losing, and then falling off the wagon and gaining, then getting back on and losing...I've been on consistently for about a year. I still have too many "bad days" but it's getting better and now that my wedding date and venue are booked, I'm more determined than ever to lose weight and get healthy! I want to lose 70 overall and am about 13 down right now.
  • soaps54
    soaps54 Posts: 567 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Sophia and I'm 29. I've been overweight or obese since middle school and could never really get over the hump of losing a few pounds then giving up until I joined MFP last year. I still have about 20lbs to go until my goal weight but I'm trying to teach myself not to be so obsessed with the scale. I hope to start weight training one of these days and wean myself off of the strict cardio thing I've had going for a while.

    I LOVE sports, I'm an absolute fanatic and have been since childhood. My favorites to watch are baseball, football, and hoops but I'll watch almost anything sports-related if it's on TV. I love playing volleyball, do it every weekend.

    I've been doing the Life's New Journey challenges for a year now so thanks Donna for sticking with us, this has been more of a help than you'll ever know. :)
  • evelyngrice
    evelyngrice Posts: 350 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Evelyn!

    I am a 21 year old student, in my third and final year at University in London, studying English Language & Linguistics.

    On the 4 days that I am not in uni, I am a teaching assistant in a special needs schools, so this keeps me up and about a lot of the time!

    I am currently only 5lb away from my goal, and have been there before but gained some of it back. I am hoping to get to goal within the next 2 months and then have another crack at maintenance (I really struggled last time).

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can chat more intimately :)

  • cmkell87
    cmkell87 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey everyone! I am Cara and I'm 25 years old. I currently live in Dallas, Georgia with my dog Rufus. I am from New Jersey but I have been living in Georgia for about 7 years. I work as an academic advisor and a teacher in a community college.

    I've been the "cubby kid" or overweight for most of my life and have always struggled with loosing weight. I was super athletic and active growing up, but always had a sweet and salty tooth. I had a bad knee injury in high school which changed the plan of me playing field hockey in college. After my knee injury I slowly started gaining weight since I was no longer as active as I used to be. I entered college gained some more, then lost some, entered grad school gained more, then lost some, started my first job and gained more. I'm sick of the cycle and want to end it once and for all!

    I started my weight loss journey in August and am down 25 pounds. Its been a little slower than I anticipated, had a few bumps along the way but I'm on track and am not giving up! I've got a fun filled summer coming up filled with weddings and 2 vacations. I am planning on getting to a healthy weight by then :)
  • traci0620
    traci0620 Posts: 46 Member
    My name is Traci. I am 34 and live in Mid- Missouri. I have 2 kids, a 6 year old daughter and almost 3 year old son. I have been on this site for 2 years and have had little success mostly because I tend to sabotage myself. I am working really hard not to do this again. So far since Feb 1 I have lost about 4 pounds and managed not to gain them back. Wish me luck.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    My name is Renae. I live in a small village in Saskatchewan. All through high school I was thin. Then sometime in my 20's I started to gain weight and fast, it was like one day I woke up and the clothes didn't fit any more. Since then I have had 2 children, a son in 2005 and a daughter in 2008. I had at least 30-40 pounds that needed to come off for me to feel good about myself again. I have lost around 20 so far since 2011, but then got stuck in that dreadful rut. I have around 10-15 more pounds to go. I feel now that I have my head in the game and I am ready for change and for a healthly skinny me.
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hi Donna and everyone else: My name is June and I live in North Central Missouri in a small town called Princeton It is about 13 miles from the Iowa line. I married 6 years ago and gained 3 wonderful step-daughters and have 8 delightful grandchildren. I am a retired school teacher and still sub a lot in my old school system. I have been heavy all of my life (since puberty) and now that I am pushing 60 years old, I must change that. I officially started my life style change on June 1, 2012 at 303 lbs and have lost 90 lbs as of yesterday. I joined MFP on Aug. 12, 2012 and have been hooked every since. I log daily, drink 64 oz. of water daily, eat clean (salads, vegetables, fruits, lean meats) and avoid breads, refined sugar, enriched flour, processed foods, canola oil and margarine, starchy foods like white potatoes, corn and peas, etc .I exercise at least an hour a day (primarily walking). I still want to get off 70+ lbs and be down to 140 lbs or somewhere in that vicinity. If I feel good at 150, I may stop there. I WILL get out of Obese and Overweight categories and that means I must be below 155 lbs. This is my life style change and I will never go back to my old ways of eating whatever is in front of me with no exercise to compensate. Good luck to everyone on there weight loss journey.