How to get over crappy food/exercise days?

So... I had a horrible food and exercise day. Just junk and crap all day. No exercise. Only thing I did do right was drink water. Had an emotional and moody day and just feel like I went crazy with my food and laziness. How does everyone deal with those days (if you have them)?


  • Spindigo1
    Spindigo1 Posts: 123 Member
    I had one of those today, too! I think the key is to just let it go and start fresh tomorrow despite what happened today.
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    You cant be good all the time I know you feel rubbish but tomorrow's a new day :) , everyones allowed treats now and then, if you watch my diary this weekend , its going to be messy , its my birthday weekend , and we are out on saturday for dinner , then doing a pub crawl on sunday ! hehe !

    Dont worry about it :) just start again tomorrow :D
  • SheedahSmile14
    SheedahSmile14 Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone! I had a crappy weekend food and exercise wise, but I'm pushing forward and not letting the past get in the way of today. You all are great. Happy belated bday Vixen!
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    Awh thank You .. just need to get rid of the cake now lol !
  • Heather4nne
    Heather4nne Posts: 566 Member
    If you feel like shipping the cake across the pond, I'll eat it lol It'd probably spoil on the way over, maybe that would be for the best... Man, somehow I didn't exercise enough to be under my goal such that I can eat anything else tonight. I try to budget for a tasty dessert or bad supper every few days, but I guess not tonight =(
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    I bring it that much harder the next day! The only thing that matters, is that you don't give up. Even if you have bad days :).
  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    I did the same thing! Two days in a row..! But today I brushed it off and just did everything right. I did beat myself up though so I feel u! Just keep moving forward and we'll get results!