March 4th



  • Speazzy
    Speazzy Posts: 79 Member
    D2L1 finito - this is my second time...starting it bad that I know what Jillian is going to say before she says it and I occasionally will mouth the words!!!???!! Not creepy at all, right!
  • csimpson954
    Day 4 done :)
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    Today will be L1D6 for me. Sunday was my off day so hoping I will have a good session this afternoon :) Better go get suited up and get to it!
  • elissascotland
    elissascotland Posts: 256 Member
    L1D4 - Done :)

    It seemed MUCH easier today, for some reason :)

    Happy Shredding!!
  • blasian603
    blasian603 Posts: 28 Member
    I wasn't able to wake up early to workout before work this morning. Today will be L1D4 for me and honestly, I'm not looking forward to doing it tonight when I get home. I DO NOT ENJOY 30DS!! But after reading that there are a few people who say they still don't "love" it yet gives me motivation to go ahead and knock it out!! It's only 27 minutes of my day...I can do it! :grumble:
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
    L1 day 4 done! see you all tomorrow!
  • Naamah18
    Naamah18 Posts: 42 Member
    Finished Day 3, Level 1. Still feeling pretty good. Used slightly heavier weights on a couple of the exercises where I felt I could handle it.

    I definitely find the side lunge arm raise thing hard. I also can't do anywhere close to a full push up. Hoping that changes!

    I have my Zumba class tomorrow so probably will take a day off from 30DS.
  • nikongirl29
    nikongirl29 Posts: 59 Member
    Day4 Done! I try to get it done in the morning so I can get my shower and have it done for the day (I too, do not like it lol!), but this morning I had an early appointment so I didn't get to do it until tonight AND... I did it!! I wanted to skip so bad, but I didn't - and I feel so much better about myself for doing it! I'm still going over on my calories and sodium, but I'm just coming off of my TOM so hopefully it's all going to even out and I will start LOSING!!
  • Christinichka
    Christinichka Posts: 171 Member
    For those of you who don't love 30DS. I don't mind the workout as much if I put the dvd on with sound off on either my portable dvd player or my laptop and then watch something else on the tv. That way I can look over and see if I am supposed to switch to something else, but I don't have to hear JM go on and on saying things I have already heard her say (she kind of annoys me even though I like her exercise routines). It works pretty well for me. For example, today I caught up on a little Downtown Abbey. Saturday it was Man in the Iron Mask, Friday it was the local morning news. Makes the time pass by much quicker imo :happy:
  • kb119
    kb119 Posts: 18 Member
    Felt like skipping today since I already went on a run, but your posts are encouraging me to go do it. Ok, ok. Here I go. I can do it!
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    I do the work out before bed myself too. I'm not a morning person and i have to be at work at 7:30 so to have to get up even earlier than 6:30 would be way to hard on me lol I enjoy doing it at night to release the tension from the day though. (working at a daycare with kiddos creates a bit of tension sometimes lol)
  • adianeschu
    adianeschu Posts: 491 Member
    Level 1 day 4 done early this morning. Usually I feel pretty good, and can get going after I exercise but this morning I was dragging! See you tomorrow!
  • marykpfist
    marykpfist Posts: 141 Member
    L1D4 -- check. And collapse. :-)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    For those of you who don't love 30DS. I don't mind the workout as much if I put the dvd on with sound off on either my portable dvd player or my laptop and then watch something else on the tv. That way I can look over and see if I am supposed to switch to something else, but I don't have to hear JM go on and on saying things I have already heard her say (she kind of annoys me even though I like her exercise routines). It works pretty well for me. For example, today I caught up on a little Downtown Abbey. Saturday it was Man in the Iron Mask, Friday it was the local morning news. Makes the time pass by much quicker imo :happy:

    I tried that, but I didn't put in as much effort. I do like muting her and going to music though.
  • LeeLee6184
    LeeLee6184 Posts: 53 Member
    I just found this website today and tried to register. It told me I already was registered! Guess I've been under a rock or something lol.
    Started L1 today - D1
    I seriously thought I was gonna collapse. Was out of breath in the first few min but I got thru almost to the cool down and my laptop died :(
    Maybe tomorrow will be better.
  • goldencoley
    goldencoley Posts: 45 Member
    Day 4 for me last night was by far the hardest day!! Not sure why, but it was tough!! But... I powered through and feel great today! Can't wait to start complete day 5!!!!
    Keep it up shredders!!