
d2jump Posts: 39 Member
Welcome reriders. I hope we can help motivate each other. I plan to post pics tomorrow. I am sitting here watching The Biggest Loser which helps motivate me. More later! Denise (paradox farm on COTH).


  • RRDewey
    RRDewey Posts: 7
    I'm here!

    Nan (Dewey)
  • SuperD06
    SuperD06 Posts: 3
    Thanks!! This is a great idea and I hope to stay motivated!!! Although knowing that I will be walking many XC courses soon will help. I need to be able to keep up with my trainer!!
    Kristin ( Superd on COTH)
  • I'm here as well! Lauren (soloudinhere on COTH)
  • So, TarheelJD was apparently already taken on myfitnesspal, so I flipped my COTH name to JDTarheel! And my name is Meredith in real life.

    I am not particularly computer savvy, so I'll need to see if I can figure out how to post pictures. If I do figure it out, I'll post one from our show this weekend, so my "benchmark" can be how I look in breeches!
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Glad everyone has found their way up here. It will take a while to get used to people's real names! :) I'm anxious to get started. Today, it's raining, of course. I wanted to get some sort of exercise in. So what do I do? Make cookies. But to my defense, my husband has a business associate coming over so I made them for him. :)

    Tomorrow I will delve into the food logs on this site so I can start tracking. I think that will help!

  • bumnees
    bumnees Posts: 1
    I made it to.
    I only hope I can keep up and support you all in your endevors while I attempt to gain.
    My name is Tish and I hope we all succeed what ever our goals are.
  • Hey guys! I *just* signed up and didn't get a chance to play with any of the features on MyFitnessPal yet, but I'm so happy to be here with an awesome group of ladies! We can do this!!! :happy:

    ~Jenny~ (aka: ClassyRide on COTH)
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    I'm thinking of weighing in once a week and hopefully posting my loss (fingers crossed) on my little "ticker". Maybe I will make it either weigh in Mondays or weigh in Fridays. Maybe Fridays are better since weekends are harder to be on track for me. So I will start my weigh in on Friday (not this Friday, though!) March the 15th!
  • I think weekly weigh-ins is a great idea! Unfortunately, I don't have a scale at my house. The only time I can actually see my weight is when I go to the gym (which I hate to use, because it's always at night when I'm the heaviest), or when I visit my parents, which is maybe once a month or something? I might just keep track via measurements for the most part, which is totally fine except that my ticker won't get updated as much.

    Either way, I'm thinking I'll start this whole thing tomorrow. That gives me today to get out the "cravings" and get myself pumped up. Then maybe I can take some "before" shots tonight or something.
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    I do the same things. Get rid of all the junk food in the house this week and start on Monday! haa. But really, I do plan to do that. I don't have much junk in the house (or I would eat it).

    Measurements work, too! Or when you use the gym scale, deduct two pounds each time or something. That's what they do at weight watchers now when you weigh in.

    My goal this weekend: Bike riding!
  • Hi everyone - I just found this COTH group, I'm "Fun Size" on the site. I'm moving to riding weekends only, so I'll be relying on the gym and my bike during the week to keep me fit enough to get the most out of weekend training.

    I've been a little sick, and had lots of personal life interference, but my normal "plan" is spinning M/W/F and weight training T/Thursday. I'm hoping to get back to it next week!
  • Just joined!

    I went and weighed myself while I was signing up and just about died. :( I told hubby to go weigh himself to check to make sure there isn't something wrong with the scale.... Ugh. I thought I'd lost weight since I've been stressed at work and nothing stays in me. Guess not!

    My biggest hurdle is TIME. I work 12 hour days and have a two year old. Gonna have to try to motivate myself to get up SUPER early because that's really the only time I can think of to get a workout in.
  • ShrinkingGinger
    ShrinkingGinger Posts: 16 Member
    Hey guys! I'm "Only By Night" on COTH, though I lurk more than I post.

    I've got a little over 100lbs to lose, and my mare is one of my main motivators. She's on the petite side (~15.2hh) and I'm... not so petite anymore, haha. I haven't been riding her because in addition to my massive weight gain, I haven't ridden consistently in years. She is barely green broke at 5 - my fault, not hers! - so me being heavy and wobbly up there doesn't do her any good. I hope to really work on my weight loss over the winter so we can start getting serious with our training in the spring.

    I welcome friend invitations... I need all the motivation I can get! And nothing better than sharing the journey with fellow equestrians.

    - Julie
  • KatTheAmazon
    KatTheAmazon Posts: 16 Member
    I just joined! I have been struggling a lot with my weight and working out this year, so hopefully being in a group with other riders will help :) Next month I am starting a quarter lease on a fantastic horse (and hopefully will do a half lease starting in January) and I owe it to myself to lose weight and get in better shape. I would love to start showing again and get in some cross country schoolings next spring and I can't do that in my current state.

    Overall, I have around 70-80 pounds to lose. Right now I'm aiming for 37 pounds. I keep getting derailed by my own making.

    Feel free to add me!!
  • twentyfourpaws
    twentyfourpaws Posts: 6 Member
    Just joined as well! As I said on the Coth ot thread (I'm bits619 there, Derr why didn't I keep the same name?! Lol!) I had been using Lose It to track my calories, with success. I don't have much to lose (5 more? 7?) but need all the help I can get!

    It started with a trip I took with family members. Amazing what walking for 8 hours and not snacking at all will do for you in two weeks! Came home 6lbs lighter.
    Then I started tracking, to see if I could lose more. Lost another 11lbs from end of may to July.... Then the vacations started.... So much harder to enter 'unusual' foods, as well as too easy to eat too much of them!! Plus the beer... So I fell off the tracking. Since July I've gained back a pound or two. I need to be in the habit of tracking before the dreaded holidays arrive, so that's why I'm here!
  • d2jump
    d2jump Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, all new members! I hadn't realized folks were using the Welcome board, as I always use the other one to check in and I've been the only one on there. I'll remember from now on to check both places.

    I've been on a mission to lose weight, to ride better. I'm halfway there. I've lost 29 so far and I have 28 pounds to go. I have noticed a little more balance in the saddle, but I'm not yet perfect. Well, I'll never be perfect, but you know what I mean. :) I think my horse appreciates it, too. He's not super tall, and he's going on 20 years old, so I want to take care of him. Being overweight does not help his joints, I'm sure.

    So, welcome, all. Let's keep this forum going. I hope you will all check in more often and we can get some motivation going here. I'm d2jump, but on COTH I'm ParadoxFarm, and in life, I'm Denise. :)