Breakfast Help!!!

sclark70 Posts: 9 Member
I need help...

I am almost 3 months out from surgery and have been cleared to eat anything, but I am finding that breakfast is an issue. Before surgery (actually for about 2 years before surgery) I had protein shakes for breakfast, they were quick and easy. I could make it just before walking out the door and drink it in the car as I drove to work. But since the surgery, and since I had to drink the protein shakes three times a day, I can no longer stomach them!!

Also I starting to find that dairy (especially milk) is upsetting my stomach and as well as soy milk, what else besides a protein shake can I make for breakfast that can be eaten on the run? And that does not take much time in the morning to prepare? I have been doing cereal or premade eggs cooked in a muffin tin, which work on days that I have 10-15 minutes to sit down and eat, but I need a go to for days that we are running late and do not have time to sit down. With two kids and myself trying to get out of the house it is near impossible to cook breakfast, eat and be to work on time when you are running late!!

Any quick and easy receipes out there that you can share would be very helpful!!

Thank you.


  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I make homemade Egg McMuffins ahead of time, cut them in half, and wrap each half in saran wrap. Microwave and go. One egg, one piece of Canadian bacon, and one piece of fat free American cheese per one whole muffin. I cut them in half because I can't eat a whole one at a time. The muffins get me through the whole week.
  • sclark70
    sclark70 Posts: 9 Member
    That is a great idea. I had tried Jimmy Dean's healthy version but it was too much and I was tossing 1/2 the sandwhich anyway!!

    I will have to try that, that you for the advice!
  • 130down
    130down Posts: 21 Member
    My breakfast routine is a greek yogurt and 1 pc of string cheese. It's worked well for the last 1 1/2 years.
  • grim_traveller
    grim_traveller Posts: 627 Member
    Try one of the fruit, coffee or tea flavored protein drinks. They mix with water instead of milk. I like the Syntrax Nectar lemonade and fruit punch.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    1/2 slice of bread, peanut butter and a touch of jelly, when I'm in a hurry.

    My favorite breakfast is steel cut oats and peanut better (no sweetener) but hard to take on the go.
  • pal00ga
    pal00ga Posts: 139 Member
    I like putting Greek yogurt, fruit, and either lemonade or a sugar free popsicle in a blender for a yummy smoothie.
    I still drink protein shakes pretty regularly. I am a big fan of Syntrax Cappuccino flavored (with a small shot of espresso added) or just mixing vanilla protein powder, sugar free vanilla syrup, coffee, and ice for my own coffee protein shake, but I have been trying to use the Syntrax powder more so I don't take in AS MUCH caffeine.
    I also like having chocolate pb2 spread on a piece of bread with a few pieces of banana, but I don't have this often as I like to start my day with protein.
    I used to be a big cereal fan, but I try to stay away from too too many carbs now. But days I really want a cereal-like breakfast, I have about a quarter cup of granola with fruit and nuts and add unsweetened almond milk and a quarter of a scoop or so of protein powder (I get in protein wherever I can :p)
    Eggface has some yummy looking recipes that seem to be just popping eggs and whatever veggies or meats you want into a mini muffin pan and eating those throughout the week. I am not a big egg fan, but I've been considering trying these. Of course they would take a bit to make initially, but they make a lot, so you can just reheat them throughout the week.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    :wink: i tend to have 2 rashers of "healthy" bacon for my breckys alot of morning its low cal and high protein too! and tastes soooo good! lol