Not feeling it today - help!

kete05 Posts: 13 Member
Hi. I am new here. Just finished week 1/2 and I am supposed to start week 3/4 today. But I am just not feeling it. I was up all night with sick kids and I am just exhausted with a major headache. Today is also the longest and busiest day of the week for me. I am afraid that if I skip it I will fall off track because consistency is key for me. But I have zero motivation or energy. Should I just suffer through it or wait a day? I need some encouragement or advice please.


  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    You will feel SOOOO much better if you just work out and you will be so proud of yourself!!! PLEASE just get up and do it - screw that headache!!! seriously, do it :)
  • Seconded. Do it! I have those days that I just don't want to do anything. But I push myself, and I always feel 10 times better. Now all I need to do is force myself to actually do more than 10 minutes of Workout #5 before giving up and going back to Workout #3!
  • kymkan
    kymkan Posts: 444 Member
    Seconded. Do it! I have those days that I just don't want to do anything. But I push myself, and I always feel 10 times better. Now all I need to do is force myself to actually do more than 10 minutes of Workout #5 before giving up and going back to Workout #3!

    It's really not THAT terrible!!! REALLY! it's only a 1/2 hour. YOU CAN DO IT~
  • bodyafterbaby4
    bodyafterbaby4 Posts: 20 Member
    You HAVE to do it. It is ONLY 30 mins!
  • mylifemynow
    mylifemynow Posts: 55 Member
    I was so exhausted tonight, I couldn't keep my eyes open - but I decided I'm worth this and I can do 30 mins and it'll be over. It went by faster than it had any other day! You can do it!
  • kete05
    kete05 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks everyone! I finally got my butt in gear after dinner and did my first day of workout 3! I'm glad that I did it. The fact that I got my husband to suffer through it helped me a lot. I appreciate the encouragement ladies, it helped me to change my perspective. And @erinkelly77 I managed to survive workout 3 so you can definitely get through workout 5!
  • SueZ26
    SueZ26 Posts: 8
    Hi everyone! I'm new to this group and look forward to lending and receiving support from others doing JMBR.

    kete05, I'm glad you were able to follow through and get it done! I started week 3 yesterday too, and getting up for workout 4 this morning required some convincing and it took a while to talk myself into it, but I'm so glad I did. Keep it up!