March 6, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Today I kept to my plan and did Fitness Blender's Cardio Kickboxing and Core - Smackdown your Stress and also Fitness Blender's Flat Belly Workout - Abs and Obliques.

    It worked me out pretty good. It wasn't pretty at times, as "core" is my utter weak point, but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it. I'm not sure if I'll do these workouts again. No reason not to, but there are so many different workouts to try, and these two didn't "stand out" at me.

    This afternoon I'll walk to son's school and partway to his lessons (walk to stop, catch a bus to another neighborhood, and walk from stop to lessons), followed by 30min fast walking & 30min medium walking at the park; and walking/bus back home again. I will also do my chair dips for this week's challenge. But pushup practice has fallen to the wayside this week because the chair dips already kill my arms.
  • Cara85K
    Cara85K Posts: 122
    I didn't exactly stick to my plan today. I did my 30 min C25K but did not do any elliptical. I'm feeling pretty sick today and just had no energy at all after the C25k. I"m going to try to get a 30 min. walk this afternoon to make up for it.
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Finally.. after 2 days of being a lazy pain in the !@##$%^.. nevermind, lol. I am going to push through and do this the rest of the week.

    6March: 31 min of The Biggest Loser, Cardio Max (week 1) = 260 cals.
  • WindmillTilter
    WindmillTilter Posts: 51 Member
    I did hot yoga last night and my kettlebell workout this morning. After work I'll finish up with 30-40 min of cardio.
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Good Morning Partners!

    It was a Debbie Sieber Keep It Up (circuit training...cardio, abs, strength) session. I got through it being able to do all moves and number of reps with the exception of some of the floor leg work and push-ups. Instead of using resistance bands/tubes like Debbie I used my 5 lb dumbbell set instead for the strength training exercises. It is 40 minutes long and I always end up with a runny nose doing this

    Nareena - you CAN do it....keep pushing play:smile:

    Cara - do you need to allow your body to heal from the sickness?

    Sherry, WTG on sticking to your scheduled workout and it's okay to vary what you do. I will substitute workouts that have been scheduled as well for something else along the same line. OUCH ouch regarding those chair dips!

    Everyone have a great day.:wink:
  • cdnkatherine
    Good morning everyone!

    Today I kept to my plan and did Fitness Blender's Cardio Kickboxing and Core - Smackdown your Stress and also Fitness Blender's Flat Belly Workout - Abs and Obliques.

    It worked me out pretty good. It wasn't pretty at times, as "core" is my utter weak point, but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it. I'm not sure if I'll do these workouts again. No reason not to, but there are so many different workouts to try, and these two didn't "stand out" at me.

    This afternoon I'll walk to son's school and partway to his lessons (walk to stop, catch a bus to another neighborhood, and walk from stop to lessons), followed by 30min fast walking & 30min medium walking at the park; and walking/bus back home again. I will also do my chair dips for this week's challenge. But pushup practice has fallen to the wayside this week because the chair dips already kill my arms.
    I did abs and cardio yesterday and I seriously suffer from my 'powerhouse' being in the 'outhouse'!!! LOL Good for you for sticking with it!
  • Cara85K
    Cara85K Posts: 122
    Pam-I'm taking it easy the rest of the day and probably the rest of the week! I just didn't want to get off track with C25K :)
  • cdnkatherine
    Today is strength day again followed by cardio.

    After forcing the past two days of workouts when I didn't want to, today I know I can do it. I haven't been allowing myself any excuses...because really there aren't any. I'm not injured nor deathly ill. I can't allow myself to not work out simply because I don't feel like it. Whether I 'feel' like it or not is irrelavent. What matters is that I keep doing this to get healthy and stay there. I feel great afterwards knowing I did it when I didn't want to and the only consequence is that I keep killing the fat!!! Overall the past 2 weeks I've lost 7.8 lbs. Don't really care too much about the number because I woke up this morning, marched over to the scale, had gained a pound, looked in the mirror and the fat is smoothing out. My body is changing...for the better. What a difference a little commitment can make.

    Have a great day! See you all tomorrow!
  • freindsofmine
    freindsofmine Posts: 123 Member
    I.m doing weights today with chelean extreme and Julian m..And a walk mud meds out so maybe extra cals for slipping sliding ,hehe )
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Pam-I'm taking it easy the rest of the day and probably the rest of the week! I just didn't want to get off track with C25K :)

    Hope you feel better. :) Kick the bug's butt, and keep us posted. :bigsmile:
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Today is strength day again followed by cardio.

    After forcing the past two days of workouts when I didn't want to, today I know I can do it. I haven't been allowing myself any excuses...because really there aren't any. I'm not injured nor deathly ill. I can't allow myself to not work out simply because I don't feel like it. Whether I 'feel' like it or not is irrelavent. What matters is that I keep doing this to get healthy and stay there. I feel great afterwards knowing I did it when I didn't want to and the only consequence is that I keep killing the fat!!! Overall the past 2 weeks I've lost 7.8 lbs. Don't really care too much about the number because I woke up this morning, marched over to the scale, had gained a pound, looked in the mirror and the fat is smoothing out. My body is changing...for the better. What a difference a little commitment can make.

    Have a great day! See you all tomorrow!

    That's AWESOME!! Sometimes we have pivotal moments, where we are faced with a choice. It's not always easy, but the right choice is always a reason to celebrate!!! I'm so happy to be here to celebrate with you!!! YAY YOU!!!!

    What's funny is that this year, I finally realized that I have to make a total lifestyle change. I always thought in terms of, "Oh I'll just diet and then I'll be skinny." like you only have to do it once for the rest of your life! Duh! HAHA!! Now I realize that it's about making the right choices and forming THE RIGHT HABITS and replacing the wrong habits with new, better habits. Once the habits are in place, there are fewer choices and it won't feel like such effort any longer. It took me half a lifetime to figure this out, but now that I know, I know that every RIGHT choice is a step toward the RIGHT habits (and thus, it getting easier)...but every WRONG choice is like driving with your foot on the gas and the emergency brake engaged.
  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    hi everyone!

    Today was day three of my insanity workout, cardio power and resistance and it was a killer but I powered through! Now's time for a quick bite to eat then taking my dog for a nice long walk so I can stretch out my legs after that workout!

    Good luck to everyone on their fitness goals today!
  • WindmillTilter
    WindmillTilter Posts: 51 Member

    I always thought insanity workouts were fun. Challenging, but fun!
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    My plan was to take a mini rest day and just do Body By You, but I ended up doing: Body By You Cycle 1 Day 2, 6W6P Level 1, and wii exerbeat boxing along with my mini challenge (100 raises in bridge). Today was not such a great day calorie wise for me, so I tried make up for part of that with some extra exercise.
  • LizardQueen4PointOh
    LizardQueen4PointOh Posts: 245 Member
    I got my second day of SL5x5 (workout B) done with the hubby! Let me just say that i was not the only one wincing at every stair I had to step up. We were on the road for five hours yesterday and five hours today (with three kiddos in tow) to attend an out of town funeral, so I'm proud of him for doing it with me tonight even if we're not going to sleep until after midnight! On that note, nighty night!