March Check-in

RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
Well it's about that time. Lets see how you guys did last month or if youre just starting out great too.

Starting Weights I started from the bare minimum. I doubt I would have gotten the results I had if I went with my ego and started heavier. I implore anyone that doesnt have a weightlifting background to do the same. Or if you do start lighter than you think you should I believe it can only help you in the long run.

Squats - 45
Ohp - 45
Deadlift - 95
Rows - 45
Bench - 45

After the first week of feb
Squats - 175
Ohp - 95 and stalling
Deadlift - 225 bodyweignt
Rows - 135
Bench - 115

Squats - 215 next session will be bodyweight yay!
Ohp - 95 and stalling still grrr deloaded and worked back up last time was my first re attempt at 5-5-5-4-1 I hate this exercise.
Deadlift - 265
Rows - 145
Bench - 135

Have seen a lot of good progression this month (exception being OHP) it's getting a lot harder now, but I welcome the challenge. I am fighting through the reps. I hope this doesn't mean im stalling soon. I am going to work hard and if it happens then it happens and Ill follow the program. I am eating at a deficit so that may have some effect but I hope not too much.

Goals this month
Squats - 275
Ohp - 105
Deadlift - 325
Rows - 175
Bench - 160

My body has been changing a lot. I am a big fan of this program and I am proof that if you stick to it that it will work out.


So just stay motivated and I know you guys and gals will too! :drinker:

Sorry that was long TL;DR Good luck and act awesome and you will BE awesome!


  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    I've only recently begun and I started with just the bar and increase in small increments because I have NO weightlifting experience.

    Starting weights:-
    Squat 20kg
    Bench 20kg
    Row 30kg
    OHP 20kg
    DL 40kg

    I've just completed Session 7 and my weights are:-
    Squat 32.5kg
    Bench 27.5kg
    Row 37.5kg
    OHP 25kg
    DL 50kg

    I know those figures look puny but, as I said, I have NO weightlifting experience. In fact, I have NO gym experience at all. BUT ........... I am loving the gym and StrongLifts. I'm working hard to get my form sorted before the weights get really heavy. I spend ages watching form videos on YouTube and applying those techniques to my lifts. I'm struggling to get my form right on the deadlift and have a curved back but I'm working on it..

    The owner of the gym is going to do some work with me later in March and is encouraging me to use him as a spotter to find out my 1RM for each lift to give me a benchmark. Is this a good idea cos I don't have a clue???
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    The owner of the gym is going to do some work with me later in March and is encouraging me to use him as a spotter to find out my 1RM for each lift to give me a benchmark. Is this a good idea cos I don't have a clue???

    Unless you're actually training for 1rm this is just purely for vanity purposes. Plus as you progress in stronglifts that number is going to change. Plus there is the risk of getting yourself hurt. That said I am always curious as to what my max weight is but I just cant bring myself to take the risk. I also dont want it to screw up my lifting schedule with stronglifts so I guess Ill just have to wonder. Maybe down the road after I move on from stronglifts Ill try and train for it. But unless you going to compete in lifting i dont see a need for it.

    My 2 cents
  • nykdem
    nykdem Posts: 119 Member
    The owner of the gym is going to do some work with me later in March and is encouraging me to use him as a spotter to find out my 1RM for each lift to give me a benchmark. Is this a good idea cos I don't have a clue???

    Unless you're actually training for 1rm this is just purely for vanity purposes. Plus as you progress in stronglifts that number is going to change. Plus there is the risk of getting yourself hurt. That said I am always curious as to what my max weight is but I just cant bring myself to take the risk. I also dont want it to screw up my lifting schedule with stronglifts so I guess Ill just have to wonder. Maybe down the road after I move on from stronglifts Ill try and train for it. But unless you going to compete in lifting i dont see a need for it.

    My 2 cents

    Thanks for that. What you're saying makes sense and, like you, I don't want to jeopardise my SL progress.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Just finished week 2. Everything is still pretty easy right now as I lifted before but I am still going to go by the program. Started at 115 on bench since I could do 5X5 with 150 or more before I ever started.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    My final Feb lifts were
    Squat 310
    Deadlift 345
    Press 115
    Bench 170
    Row 150

    No missed reps on any set.

    I'm doing 2 days a week, workout A on Monday, workout B on Thursday. Each week when I deadlift I think I'm going to have problems and each week it feels about the same degree of difficulty as the last, so I'm clearly progressing. Bench and Squat have all been fine- not easy, but I'm not close to missing a rep (yet).

    By the end of March I should be in the 350 squat range, 375 dead, and 210 bench. If I can hit those without missing any reps I'll be pretty stoked!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    oh btw- RunDoozer- thanks for posting your pics. I'm at 230 right now with a 200 goal and seeing how you changed in 3 months is highly motivating!
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    Just finished session 20. I had to break for a week due to being sick.

    Squats - 140
    Overheads - 80
    Deadlifts - 180
    Bench - 110
    Barbell rows - 80 (tore a tendon in my elbow 3 weeks ago and have been in "rehab" mode)
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    Alright, this is my first post in here. I'm back to lifting after 3 months off. Hoping to keep it going for a while this time.

    I'm currently at:

    Bench - 190lbs
    Squats - 240lbs
    Deadlift - 265lbs
    OHP - 115lbs
    Chin ups - 5x5, no extra weight.
  • jeadie78
    jeadie78 Posts: 5 Member
    I had a near 2 week break for vacation but felt great to get back into it.

    I am currently at:

    Squats - 165
    BP - 135
    DL - 185
    OHP - 105
    Rows - 115

    Everything is still good but OHP is getting hard. Good luck this month to all.
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    Just started the program (RunDoozer thanks for the inspiration!)

    Felt weird during my first workout squatting an empty bar but then I thought - to hell with it, I am not doing this for show. Did two workouts and can definitely feel my quads. Also I think my upper torso is getting bigger although that might be just wishful thinking.

    I love the program and hope it brings the results. Counting hours to my next workout tomorrow evening.

    My gym doesn't have 2.5 lbs weights so I will have to increase in 10 lb increments which is fine at this stage but might slow me down later. I am going to play it by ear though.

    Currently I am at:

    Squats - 55
    BP - 45
    OHP - 45
    DL - 95
    Rows - I misread the app and started at 95 instead of 65. I did 5x5 no problem but I think I will downsize to 75 and work on my form.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Just started the program (RunDoozer thanks for the inspiration!)

    Felt weird during my first workout squatting an empty bar but then I thought - to hell with it, I am not doing this for show. Did two workouts and can definitely feel my quads. Also I think my upper torso is getting bigger although that might be just wishful thinking.

    I love the program and hope it brings the results. Counting hours to my next workout tomorrow evening.

    My gym doesn't have 2.5 lbs weights so I will have to increase in 10 lb increments which is fine at this stage but might slow me down later. I am going to play it by ear though.

    Currently I am at:

    Squats - 55
    BP - 45
    OHP - 45
    DL - 95
    Rows - I misread the app and started at 95 instead of 65. I did 5x5 no problem but I think I will downsize to 75 and work on my form.

    I've seen that a lot of people buy those ankle weights and just bring them and throw them on the end. They're pretty cheap too.
  • my first check in but loving the program. I just finished seasion 10 on Monday and have session 11 today.

    No problems for me yet, only having slight dificulty on the OHP so far but still managable with 1:30 rest.

    I cannot believe how scared/intimidated I was when I started. I wish it didnt take me so long to get over my fear and start b/c this system makes it so easy to learn and improve your 5x5 being you start from scratch and progress your way up.
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member
    I hate the OP as well, I've switched to a clean & press because it gets my heart rate up and I just find it more enjoyable. Plus my glutes and hammies need all the work they can get.

    I'm 6'0" 183lb

    Squat : 185
    Bench : 135
    Rows: 135
    Deads: 250

    My max on OP was 80, doing 105 on clean & press.
  • RobertHendrix
    RobertHendrix Posts: 98 Member
    I am so glad I have started this program. I used to lift back in high school/college fro football and wrestling but nothing really as structured as this was more just hey no need to lift more than 225 on bench just do it as many times as you can and then work down doing sets until exhaustion and then do the same thing with leg press no need for squats. I had decent endurance but never the gains that I can see happening with this program. My numbers are below and at my size I still have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of room for strength gains but what I have loved most about this is that my 13 year old daughter has started lifting with me doing the same lifts but at a 3x5 instead of 5x5 and the look on her face each week as she sees the weight going up and the change she has seen in her physical abilities is so much more motivation for me to keep working as well. with her we started with a 35lb olympic bar instead of the 45lb for bench, squat, and deadlifts, and then a 25lb curl bar for op, and rows. She hasnt moved up each workout but over the last 5 weeks she has seen a big difference in what lifting can do and was able to do 5 unassited chin ups in PE the other day at school during their mid year fitness tests after never being able to do even 1 and was so excited she called me in between classes just to let me know.

    I'm 6'3" 419lb

    Squat: 185
    Bench: 165
    Rows: 120
    OP: 105
    Deadlift: 205

    13 yr old Daughter 5'9"

    Squat: 60
    Bench: 40
    Rows: 35
    OP: 25
    Deadlift" 85
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Finished Week 6, workout A last night and so far so good. I started off heavier than the bar on beginning the program as I had just started back working out prior a few weeks before. So as of last night:

    Squat 195
    Bench 155
    OHP 100
    Row 155
    Deadlift 185

    I can tell that the squats and rows are about to become challenging in the next couple of weeks. I am still adding accessory lifts for those targeted muscle groups, but we'll see how that goes once it really gets to my threshold.
  • Cognito1025
    Cognito1025 Posts: 323 Member
    I am so glad I have started this program. I used to lift back in high school/college fro football and wrestling but nothing really as structured as this was more just hey no need to lift more than 225 on bench just do it as many times as you can and then work down doing sets until exhaustion and then do the same thing with leg press no need for squats. I had decent endurance but never the gains that I can see happening with this program. My numbers are below and at my size I still have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of room for strength gains but what I have loved most about this is that my 13 year old daughter has started lifting with me doing the same lifts but at a 3x5 instead of 5x5 and the look on her face each week as she sees the weight going up and the change she has seen in her physical abilities is so much more motivation for me to keep working as well. with her we started with a 35lb olympic bar instead of the 45lb for bench, squat, and deadlifts, and then a 25lb curl bar for op, and rows. She hasnt moved up each workout but over the last 5 weeks she has seen a big difference in what lifting can do and was able to do 5 unassited chin ups in PE the other day at school during their mid year fitness tests after never being able to do even 1 and was so excited she called me in between classes just to let me know.

    I'm 6'3" 419lb

    Squat: 185
    Bench: 165
    Rows: 120
    OP: 105
    Deadlift: 205

    13 yr old Daughter 5'9"

    Squat: 60
    Bench: 40
    Rows: 35
    OP: 25
    Deadlift" 85

    That's really cool that you're doing this with your daughter. Mine is 11 and I have a 9 year old boy, I can't wait to introduce them to lifting. Nicely done....
  • ay1978pa
    ay1978pa Posts: 142 Member
    I've seen that a lot of people buy those ankle weights and just bring them and throw them on the end. They're pretty cheap too.
    Found the 2.5 lbs weights. They only have one pair and it was well hidden.
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I've seen that a lot of people buy those ankle weights and just bring them and throw them on the end. They're pretty cheap too.
    Found the 2.5 lbs weights. They only have one pair and it was well hidden.

    Great you found them. I'd be stashing them away someplace that I could find them next time lol. My gym has like 20 pairs and somehow I still can't find any. One pair would be really annoying lol
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I am so glad I have started this program. I used to lift back in high school/college fro football and wrestling but nothing really as structured as this was more just hey no need to lift more than 225 on bench just do it as many times as you can and then work down doing sets until exhaustion and then do the same thing with leg press no need for squats. I had decent endurance but never the gains that I can see happening with this program. My numbers are below and at my size I still have a lot of weight to lose and a lot of room for strength gains but what I have loved most about this is that my 13 year old daughter has started lifting with me doing the same lifts but at a 3x5 instead of 5x5 and the look on her face each week as she sees the weight going up and the change she has seen in her physical abilities is so much more motivation for me to keep working as well. with her we started with a 35lb olympic bar instead of the 45lb for bench, squat, and deadlifts, and then a 25lb curl bar for op, and rows. She hasnt moved up each workout but over the last 5 weeks she has seen a big difference in what lifting can do and was able to do 5 unassited chin ups in PE the other day at school during their mid year fitness tests after never being able to do even 1 and was so excited she called me in between classes just to let me know.

    I'm 6'3" 419lb

    Squat: 185
    Bench: 165
    Rows: 120
    OP: 105
    Deadlift: 205

    13 yr old Daughter 5'9"

    Squat: 60
    Bench: 40
    Rows: 35
    OP: 25
    Deadlift" 85

    good for you and your daughter! Some of my best times with my son were in the weight room.
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    OHP beat me down AGAIN. I could only manage 5-5-5-5-4. Grrr, I hate OHP on Mondays.