Due April 2013



  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    cakes, I'm with you about being excited to lose this weight!

    Is anyone else finding themselves becoming increasingly critical of other people's parenting style as the time gets closer. I try to remind myself that "if that works for them then that's ok" but there are times that I just want to say to my friends "Who is the parent here?!" I can't believe the way some parents let their children talk to them (or to anyone for that matter cause it's just disrespectful) and the unsafe, obnoxious things they allow their children to do. There is such a thing as making you child sit at the dinner table while you are out to eat!....rant complete!
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    i really feel a lot bigger than i did with my first. my daughter was 8lb 10oz when she was born so our babies aren't too small. i am scheduled for a c-section, but for different reasons. thanks for the chart!!! super cool!!!
    At my 32 week mine was 4lbs 6oz...I found a chart online that gives you their percentile and that's 34% so I guess it's not too big! According to the chart you are in the 50th precentile which I don't think it too big.

    Did you doc tell you that ultrasounds this late can be off by a pound or two in either direction? It's really a rough estimate so don't put too much confidence in that. Also, don't let your doc convince you into an early induction or c-section because he's "too big." Apparently ultrasounds this late are not standard and lots of doctors who do check one the baby via ultrasound this late use the "too big" tactic for early interventions (my nurse friend told me this)

    this is the chart I used: http://www.baby2see.com/medical/charts.html
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    Hey mommas! I haven't checked in for a while! I had a lot of stuff going on but as we reach the end I'm getting excited about losing some postnatal weight and so hear I am!! My update: 34 weeks today (due 4/9). Baby boy is named Dmitri. His big brother Dante is thrilled and turns 4 on Sunday! Nursery is finished. The last loads of newborn stuff are being washed today.

    My question for all of you pertains to preparing meals for after birth. I'd like to start doubling recipes and freezing half in the next few weeks. Do any of you know of any good crock pot or casserole sites that offer low cal recipes for freezing?

    Happy last tri to you all! You'll see me more and more especially after my son's birth!! Best wishes to you all!

    i use allrecipes.com a lot. they do have healthy recipes and crockpot recipes, but i'm not sure how to find both. i can't wait to hear from everyone afterwards as well so we can all become healthy and smaller together!!
  • BlondAnnieOakley
    BlondAnnieOakley Posts: 28 Member
    Hey mommas! I haven't checked in for a while! I had a lot of stuff going on but as we reach the end I'm getting excited about losing some postnatal weight and so hear I am!! My update: 34 weeks today (due 4/9). Baby boy is named Dmitri. His big brother Dante is thrilled and turns 4 on Sunday! Nursery is finished. The last loads of newborn stuff are being washed today.

    My question for all of you pertains to preparing meals for after birth. I'd like to start doubling recipes and freezing half in the next few weeks. Do any of you know of any good crock pot or casserole sites that offer low cal recipes for freezing?

    Happy last tri to you all! You'll see me more and more especially after my son's birth!! Best wishes to you all!

    I have been preparing meals also! I'm due around the 11th of April!!
    Today I bought a bunch of RAW boneless, skinless chicken breasts, separated them into dinner sized portions, put them in Freezer bags with different sauces, labeled them and threw them in the freezer. In example, I made one Dinner Bag, BBQ Chicken, and another one was Teriyaki Chicken... All you have to do is thaw them, throw them in a baking dish, cover with Aluminum Foil and bake on 350' for 30-40 minutes! And out comes JUICY, MOIST, YUMMY chicken ready to eat!!
    You can do BBQ chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Buffalo Chicken, Marinated Chicken, Lemon Chicken, Honey Peanut Chicken (honey, peanut butter, soy sauce and whatever other kind of sauce you want to throw in) etc. It's all delish and easy enough for my husband to do it :)
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I really need to get on the ball with freezing some meals. My sis and mom will be here after the baby is born but it would still be good to have some stuff frozen and ready to go.

    Check out this website http://whoneedsacape.com/2012/11/crockpot-freezer-cooking/ I like it because it doesn't involve much cooking in advance you just chop, put it in a bag and throw it in the crockpot when you are read. I think i'm also going to make some quiche's for breakfast/lunches. Thanks for the reminder that it's time to get prepared with this stuff!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Heading up to the doc. I'm beginning to feel foolish for having called but when I got in the shower there was a leak of milky fluid and things haven't been feeling quite right lately so we'll see what's up. What to Expect when you're expecting and every blog I looked at said if there's watery discharge you should hit up the doc right away so I guess it's good I'm going....I tend to be a "wait and see what happens" person but I don't want to wait and then find out I really shouldn't have waited
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Emily- I hope everything is okay!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    I am not "broken" as the doctor said haha. I really like this new doc, he didn't make me feel stupid for coming in and I asked what situtations I should be calling him, he told me and said "but never hesitate to call, I'm just a phone call away if you are worried" so that's nice
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    As the end draws near, I am uber excited. Have a baby shower next week (the work crew) and I waned a casserole shower where people make different meals that can be frozen for post baby. My husband's family laughed saying there will be enough people around this time to cook enough so I won't starve (was away from family with my first). I am at 18-21 pounds gained at 32 weeks but am back to logging tomorrow as 3.5 pounds a week over the next 8 weeks puts me back to where I was with my first son and that is a very real number for me, so must curb the late night eating I have been doing.
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    Update... Just got back from my maternal-fetal medicine doctor and having my 33 week ultrasound. I also started my NST's 2x a week last Thursday. She is looking okay. The umbilical cord varix is still there, but blood flow looks good. She measured at 4 pounds 6 ounces, so she still growing! I did find out that she will be induced at 37 weeks to keep her safe. This means little girl will be here in 4 weeks, instead of 7! So we are now looking at a birthday the first week of April instead of the 23rd. Crazy!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Hey mommas! I haven't checked in for a while! I had a lot of stuff going on but as we reach the end I'm getting excited about losing some postnatal weight and so hear I am!! My update: 34 weeks today (due 4/9). Baby boy is named Dmitri. His big brother Dante is thrilled and turns 4 on Sunday! Nursery is finished. The last loads of newborn stuff are being washed today.

    My question for all of you pertains to preparing meals for after birth. I'd like to start doubling recipes and freezing half in the next few weeks. Do any of you know of any good crock pot or casserole sites that offer low cal recipes for freezing?

    Happy last tri to you all! You'll see me more and more especially after my son's birth!! Best wishes to you all!

    Sounds simple & yummy! Thanks!

    I have been preparing meals also! I'm due around the 11th of April!!
    Today I bought a bunch of RAW boneless, skinless chicken breasts, separated them into dinner sized portions, put them in Freezer bags with different sauces, labeled them and threw them in the freezer. In example, I made one Dinner Bag, BBQ Chicken, and another one was Teriyaki Chicken... All you have to do is thaw them, throw them in a baking dish, cover with Aluminum Foil and bake on 350' for 30-40 minutes! And out comes JUICY, MOIST, YUMMY chicken ready to eat!!
    You can do BBQ chicken, Teriyaki Chicken, Buffalo Chicken, Marinated Chicken, Lemon Chicken, Honey Peanut Chicken (honey, peanut butter, soy sauce and whatever other kind of sauce you want to throw in) etc. It's all delish and easy enough for my husband to do it :)
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Lots of great baby updates!

    I love the crock-pot freezer idea. I started buying lots of meat and trying to do the crock-pot thing but I end up just cooking it and eating it. I've got lots of chicken thawing out in the fridge but the pot roast I made earlier this week is already gone. I don't really see how I'll ever get ahead and able to freeze anything.

    Vegasmari, when is your c-section? How exciting to know what day! I wish you a perfect c-section birth and recovery!

    Maybe freeze ahead cooking isn't my thing. : /

    But having a baby is!! Woo hoo! We are due next month!!! Oh yeah, feels SO GOOD to say that!!! I've been trying to bring baby #2 home for over 3 years!! Yes, this is it!

    Oh, and speaking of discharge, TMI, but the discharge faucet just got turned on really high recently. Yuck and Yay, birthdays are getting close!!
  • cakesmooth
    cakesmooth Posts: 122 Member
    Oh and as far as parenting styles go. I had my long list of things I wouldn't do or allow my child to do even though I saw every first time mom do all the things that were on her list of "Not-to-dos". It's a whole different ball game when the kid is here. Definitely keep up your ideals and strive for them and do your best to raise a child with your values and who is a respectful, thoughtful, loving, and _______ (fill in the blank) person, but the game is a whole lot harder then I ever imagined it to be. I have a four year old. Three was hell. It was like to trying to tame the devil. :) Have fun!!
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    Oh and as far as parenting styles go. I had my long list of things I wouldn't do or allow my child to do even though I saw every first time mom do all the things that were on her list of "Not-to-dos". It's a whole different ball game when the kid is here. Definitely keep up your ideals and strive for them and do your best to raise a child with your values and who is a respectful, thoughtful, loving, and _______ (fill in the blank) person, but the game is a whole lot harder then I ever imagined it to be. I have a four year old. Three was hell. It was like to trying to tame the devil. :) Have fun!!
    Yeah everyone I know says it's a lot harder when it is your own kid. I definitely know that in my younger years there were things my parents did that I said "I'll never do that to my kids" and now that I'm having one I am SOOOOO doing that to my kids :laugh:

    On a different note. As we all get a lot closer is anyone else finding that everything their husband does pisses you off? I'm having a hard time deciding what is rational irritation and needs to be addressed and what is just the hormones and can be ignored. It's all stuff that mildly bugged me before but now that we have a kid coming very soon it makes me BONKERS!
  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    For those still looking at this thread I am going to copy what I posted in the 3rd trimester thread.

    Here is my week 35 update. I went in to my OB yesterday for my twice weekly NST and her heart rate was too high again. After being on the monitor for an hour and not seeing it stay down consistently, my OB got me in for a ultrasound with my high risk doc (1 floor down) an hour later. The only problem was I had to stay hooked up to the monitor until 10 minutes before my appointment. So I was hooked up for a total of 2 hours in the morning. :-/ I went in for the other appointment and they did an ultrasound and looked at little girl's heart REALLY well, then I got to visit with my high risk doctor and get monitored for another 40 minutes (total of almost 3 hours on thee monitor all day). Basically with the umbilical vein varix (widening of her vein) coupled with the 2 vessel cord, my preterm labor last week, and her heart rate occasionally being in the 180's she wanted me to stop doing anything to prevent me from going into labor at this point. Her reasoning was there might be something going on that they can't see and my body and the baby are trying to tell us that she would be better off out than in at this point. Especially since I was able to get the steroid shots last week for her lungs and was still having mild contractions despite the procardia. So I stopped my strict bed rest, and all meds yesterday at noon and we are just in a wait and see game right now with continuing my twice weekly NST's.

    As of yesterday she was measuring her to be 5 pounds and 1 ounce. We are praying that everything is okay and the delivery will be easy with no complications. I will try to keep you all updated as I can.
  • EmilyRanae22
    EmilyRanae22 Posts: 506 Member
    April has come and gone how was everyone's L&D? Were you on time or late? and how are you adapting to parenthood?

    I went into labor on her due date and had her the day after. I'm loving her soooo much! She eats like crazy so I feel like I'm constantly on the couch but it's fantastic! L&D went great, I was able to have the natural birth I wanted :) Lasted 14 hours and then I got this beautiful constellation prize :)
  • twentytwelve12
    twentytwelve12 Posts: 245 Member
    My L&D went great also. Got to have a natural birth which I wanted, it lasted 10 hours. My little boy came 2 days before his due date. Love him heaps, although it has been stressful at times.