Abs - when did you see changes?

butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
Hi ladies, I'm new to this board. I've been lifting heavy for a while, more consistently lately. I definitely see the difference in my arms and legs, and *starting* to see it in my butt...but my gut looks the same, and my pants are no looser. Just wondering when you all started seeing a difference in your belly area?


  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 5'3" Once my weight goes below 125lbs, the definition starts to come in really well. I'm almost 120lbs now, and I have my 6 pack.
    Remember that different people will lose fat in places in different order. So I've got my 6 pack, but the area that does not like to let go of fat is my thighs.
  • karrielynn80
    karrielynn80 Posts: 395 Member
    Last wk i started to see 2 of my packs... but i've been out sick w/ a baby (and it looks like i'll be out sick for another couple days myself)... so i feel all "soft" lol. But i agree with Anna... the closer i get to the lower twenties the better the definition is. Or moreso maybe the closer i get to less than 18% bf% ---

    @ anna - i'm jealous, if i can't kick this "whatever / crud" my cuts gunna end (at the earliest) mid march - not that i have a pressing deadline - but i was so excited to be at 6 wks lol!! grr!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Last wk i started to see 2 of my packs... but i've been out sick w/ a baby (and it looks like i'll be out sick for another couple days myself)... so i feel all "soft" lol. But i agree with Anna... the closer i get to the lower twenties the better the definition is. Or moreso maybe the closer i get to less than 18% bf% ---

    @ anna - i'm jealous, if i can't kick this "whatever / crud" my cuts gunna end (at the earliest) mid march - not that i have a pressing deadline - but i was so excited to be at 6 wks lol!! grr!

    Sucks that you got sick, but when life happens, the only things you can do are reevaluate and more forward!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I'm on stage 5 of New Rules, started lifting in Oct and I haven't really seen at improvement in my gut. I actually started JM six week six pack abs on my rest week between stage 4 and 5 and I swear I started noticing a difference in my abs after that one week. I've now ditched all cardio and am just lifting and doing that video. Level 1 is on You Tube. I also really think diet is the key thing, that old saying that abs are made in the kitchen, so true.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm new to this board. I've been lifting heavy for a while, more consistently lately. I definitely see the difference in my arms and legs, and *starting* to see it in my butt...but my gut looks the same, and my pants are no looser. Just wondering when you all started seeing a difference in your belly area?

    Slowly but surely my abs are shrinking, I have been working on slimming down going on 4 weeks now, no packs yet though. It could be that you aren't engaging your core during your workouts (keeping your core tight) and keeping a proper posture while you do your workouts or daily activities. Getting those darn 6 pack abs aren't easy, I've only heard stories lol, I swear it's like a legend to me, everyone I know talks about it but I rarely see it... Keep us posted on your progress I will be doing the same.
  • topgals
    topgals Posts: 40 Member
    Once i got weight down more my 6 packs starts to show, layer of fat was hiding it before :-S
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I saw some change in definition in my upper abs and obliques when I lost about 10 pounds. My trouble spot seems to be my lower abs that refuse to show any definition no matter what. But I'm not sure what my bf% is though. Bought some calipers and waiting for them to come in.
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Getting those darn 6 pack abs aren't easy, I've only heard stories lol, I swear it's like a legend to me, everyone I know talks about it but I rarely see it... Keep us posted on your progress I will be doing the same.

    Hahaha this.
    I've seen a little bit around my hip bones/obliques with lifting, but my abs are still being protected by a layer of fat for now.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    My upper two are well defined and insanely visible after a year of exercising and eating on a deficit and about 4 months into serious lifting. About 6 months into serious lifting the second shelf has become visible but there's no break between the two sides (as in, the definition is on the outside of the pack area) but as of yet the 3rd shelf and the lowest ab muscles are not coming out. (I'm getting slight definition really deep, like above the groin.) Also, about 6 months into weight training, my serratus anterior have appeared.

    It's going to be different for everyone, I'm sure. We all carry fat in different places. Mine is on my lower belly, so I expect it will be a long time before I get to see those lower abs.
  • darwinwoodka
    darwinwoodka Posts: 322 Member
    Took a pick in some old pants that I put on while painting today. Pants were a size 14 and now I wear a size 10.
  • Lammerchops
    Lammerchops Posts: 68 Member
    Keep in mind that genetics can play a huge role in how visible your abs are, even after lowering your BF%. And a lot of women find that abs are the last things to appear after months of hard work and CLEAN EATING. (I'm so tired of hearing that abs are made in the kitchen, even though it's completely accurate.)
    Are your abs set deep or shallow? Are your hip flexors overly dominant, creating a muscle imbalance? Are your ab muscle fibers just genetically not that dense?
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,100 Member
    Is it bad that at 183 I can see them. 28% BF and I have a very small waist 29" for my weight but in my current (private) progress photos in swimsuits it is very obvious the muscles. Now to burn of the rest of the fat.
  • Miss_Kaz80
    Miss_Kaz80 Posts: 13 Member
    I saw my top 2 ABS at 19.5%, however I held lower bodyfat on my stomach, and higher bodyfat on butt and thighs!
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    When I was within 5 lbs. of my goal weight. It was the last place for the fat to come off.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I saw some change in definition in my upper abs and obliques when I lost about 10 pounds. My trouble spot seems to be my lower abs that refuse to show any definition no matter what. But I'm not sure what my bf% is though. Bought some calipers and waiting for them to come in.

    Don't feel bad, i have to same problem. I find myself working REALLY hard for those lower abs. I am also probably sure that bf% has a bit to do with it too - I have a ways to go before it goes down enough where OTHER people notice! :tongue:
  • singmyheartout4you
    It would probably depend on your body type. I started seeing real changes once I started doing ab workouts that left me completely drained, and I started doing those hard work outs every day. Once they stopped being hard, I made it harder with medicine balls or doing slower reps. Like that, I noticed a slight difference in two weeks and a huge one in two months. Now that Ive changed my diet, they are becoming even more defined. Keep up the hard work and you'll get there :D Good luck
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 284 Member
  • jooonesy
    jooonesy Posts: 86 Member
    I saw some change in definition in my upper abs and obliques when I lost about 10 pounds. My trouble spot seems to be my lower abs that refuse to show any definition no matter what. But I'm not sure what my bf% is though. Bought some calipers and waiting for them to come in.

    Don't feel bad, i have to same problem. I find myself working REALLY hard for those lower abs. I am also probably sure that bf% has a bit to do with it too - I have a ways to go before it goes down enough where OTHER people notice! :tongue:

    What really sucks is that I'm starting to get the hip bone definition too, but something about the belly button area. Just won't budge! ARGH!!! :grumble: