challenging pose

bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
Tree Pose and Toe Stand are the most challenging poses. Tree pose is very difficult for me to elevate my knee to this posture due to knee hurting and leg slipping from the sweat. I have made some progress. Interesting piece I can do this move without the room heated.

Toe stand, I can not due nearly half of this pose due to knee.

Please share the most challenging pose and suggestions for me to improve...


  • uberkrafty
    uberkrafty Posts: 38 Member
    My challenging poses are the awkward pose (my thighs just burn!!) and the standing bow pull (primarily because I'm exhausted from standing head to knee before that).
    I normally do pretty well with Tree Pose/Toe Stand -- just remember to keep your back straight and pull your body more up. With Toe Stand I'm not always able to balance on the toe. I remembered on my first few practices I'm unable to do Toe Stand.

    I think with a few more practice you'd improve but also listen to your body, don't force it if it's hurting. The great thing is you came to practice and give your 100% :wink:
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    Triangle is my most challenging pose due to how it hurts my knee. Most classes I can't do it, or can only do it once. Only when I've been going for a few months on a regular basis does the pain go away.

    Tree stand - are you letting go of your leg and trying to keep it there on your own? Holding the foot at whatever height is comfortable will help you.

    Toe stand - I have problems with this one with my knees as well. How my knee feels that day is what determines how much I do. Sometimes I'm just bent over at the waist, that's all. Sometimes I bend the knee, but keep my hands in front of me and most of my weight on my hands. I still can't balance without my hands, don't know if I ever will. Ease into it, do what you can, and stop where your knee hurts.

    As well, with your knees, things will get easier the longer you spend practicing. It took over a year before I noticed that I could do the full series without any knee pain. And if I stop going for any lengthy period of time, it's like I'm back to the beginning. Bikram has healed my knees, so long as I'm hitting the hot room on a regular basis!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Tree stand, I can not let my leg go. Difficulty with all the sweat and knee hurts if I bend knee further. Toe stand I do similar to tree stand, I can not bend down from waist at all. Thank you for all your suggestions and I will keep trying...