Day 2...Plyometric Cardio Circuit

Oh my dear lord he wasn't joking about the puddle of sweat! That was definitely hardcore...body shaking due to pure shock of what it's been through but the endorphins are pumping and am FEELING GOOD!

How did you guys find Day 2...?

PS...Woke up this morning and felt the Fit Test I did yesterday!


  • spartanjill
    spartanjill Posts: 2 Member
    I agree, Day 2 was no joke. My body is hurting in strange places lol. But im excited to see the results :smile:
  • sherlbear8
    i also have to agree! right when i'm done i sat on the couch and when tried to stand up.. i couldn't! my whole body was shaking and my core was really sore. :sick:
  • fletchleg
    fletchleg Posts: 116 Member
    Wow...that was freaking intense. I powered through most of it but when it got to the level 1 drills circuit I spent most of it in a heap of sweat on the floor and couldn't move for a good half an hour when I finished. My hands were shaking like crazy, but god I felt good once I'd showered.
  • BrightonChick
    BrightonChick Posts: 48 Member
    Body shake for sure! I THINK I have finally gotten over the shock however retail therapy was a little difficult today particularly when drying to lift feet into jeans! Hahaa....

    Round 3 nice and early for me BEFORE a 13hour shift on the Ward...Insanity meet Insane! :)
  • alligetsskinny
    alligetsskinny Posts: 11 Member
    It's the morning of day 3 for me, I haven't done the workout yet but I'm dreading it! My legs are so sore from the fit test and cardio circuit, I actually had to talk myself into standing up from the bed this morning cos I knew the pain was coming!!! Ouch!!!
  • KazuoDraysen
    I appreciate nearly everyone does, but please god get a protein shake down you after these sessions, aids recovery like hell. I am looking forward to having a basic level of fitness where I can join you guys :)
  • wilki089
    wilki089 Posts: 38 Member
    Day 2 done!! I had to pause for a few seconds during the last part with the "burpie/pushup/abs" portion. Burpies are the DEVIL!!
  • Microfiber
    Microfiber Posts: 956 Member
    I appreciate nearly everyone does, but please god get a protein shake down you after these sessions, aids recovery like hell.

    Or a simple chocolate flavoured milk :wink: