March 9, 2013

FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member

Even Saturday!! Have a great, fit Weekend.


  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Happy weekend folks!! Anyone working out today?

    It's a beautiful day here and I must go shopping with my little girl (and maybe to play in the park:wink: ). I always leave Sat & Sun open to my discretion, so I'll see how the afternoon goes.
  • auntsammy88
    auntsammy88 Posts: 401 Member
    This morning I did C25K week 1 day 3 and yoga meltdown level 1. I basically know the moves to yoga meltdown now,so I muted Jillian and played my own music instead. I love doing yoga after a run. It provides such a good post run stretch while working on strength and flexibility. Loving my plan so far, but I may tweak the "yoga meltdown" days to be any form of power/vinyasa flow yoga to keep it fresh. The rest of the day I'll spend with my love. We are going to a museum and a concert today, so lots of walking and dancing will happen! =)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    ah Sam, your day sounds utterly perfect!!!

    I love that you mentioned stretching. I got firsthand experience with WHY I need to stretch today. I didn't stretch well yesterday because I was in a hurry (even cut my workout short)....well, I paid for it today! My calf muscle was killing me as I walked!!

    STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUTS PEOPLE!! (Saying this mainly to myself, but it's a good reminder for all of us,)

    Well, I felt so lazy today by not cuing up a video and getting sweaty. Weird how I feel I HAVE to workout everyday. But alas, I did not. I did go shopping. I decided walking to the next neighborhood would be a good enough workout. According to Google map, I walked ~4.5km (~2.8mi) (to the next neighborhood & half back), for shopping and to visit lil girl's greatgrandmother. Carried my 30lb lil girl AT THE VERY LEAST for half of that, not to mention while we were shopping!! My child is so freaking heavy, never hangs on like a lil monkey should....OH! and I had to carry bags AND my lil monkey on the halfway back (before I finally caught a bus) and, well, now my arms feel like they just might fall off. And to think that people BUY sandbags, to get a workout lugging 30 pounds of sand!! I have my own form of 30 pound sandbag, who also says "mama mama mama mama mama mama" the whole way, to motivate me to go faster!

    Anyway, I am totally wiped out. I hope everyone's having a great Saturday.
  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    So i don't think i checked in yesterday, s here's a summary of my day, started off with insanity pure cardio which was a killer then i went for a deep tissue massage which was obscenely painful but most definitely worth it and much needed with the condition of my poor muscles thanks to insanity.

    After that I went for dinner with my friends and dancing for the evening.

    Although my muscles are still sore today from my massage I did the insanity plyometric cardio circuit which was difficult but i feel myself getting stronger and my endurance increasing, which is extremely motivating!

    Hope everyone has a good and heathy weekend!!
  • steadybutsure
    steadybutsure Posts: 153 Member
    Got my workout in today. Did 30mins walk/jog/run. basically 2mins run at 5.5mph followed by 1min of rest and repeat for 30mins with 2mins warm up and 2mins cool down. 2.15miles altogether.

    Today is one of those days where i worked out because i had committed to working out. Weighed myself when i woke up(shouldn't have done that) and i'm now 194.4. 4lbs more than i was Jan 31. Now, my head understands most of it is muscle since i spend Feb doing kettlebell workouts but somehow it still hurts to see the higher number arrggghhhh!!!!
  • PamHealthMission
    PamHealthMission Posts: 471 Member
    Happy Saturday! It's a "rest" day for me but I did get about a 30 minute walk at a couple of stores today....LOL! Heyyy....movement of the body counts.

    Sherry: thank you for the stretching reminder because I forget to schedule that in most days. I will do Debbie Sieber's Slim & Limber dvd before the day is over.

    Steadybutsure: WTG on getting in a workout today! I feel ya on when that number on the scale is not what we expected but I bet your clothes fit better, you look leaner and feel so much stronger than a month ago? Keep at it and don't be discouraged by the number on a scale.

    Ssand: that deep tissue massage does sound "painful" but if it is anything like using a foam roller the "relief" it eventually gives to muscles is worth it in the Sounds like you had a fun end to your day, too.

    Auntsammy: have a wonderful day at the museum and concert:smile:
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I spent 2 hour doing water aerobics (2 one hour sessions) and I walked for an hour while carrying my preschooler and toddler (alternated carrying one and having one in the stroller). I spent most of the day at wrestling competitions for my kids and didn't feel like braving a very icy mountain pass to get home so I got a room at a hotel and utiliized the pool.
  • Jayni40
    Jayni40 Posts: 123 Member
    Went to the gym strenght training day. Changed my routine up a little bit. I did the Arc Trainer for 20 min cardio on hill climb wich really worked my legs. My mom just started going to the gym so I was kinda showing her around so my routine was a little broken up . She is doing weightwatchers and has lost about 30lbs over the last 6 months she has about 35 more to go so I told her to start exercising more and include a light strenght training routine to help tone up and strenghten her bones. She's still kinda awkward but she's learning. Thats about it for today!!
  • NareenaTheGypsy
    NareenaTheGypsy Posts: 475 Member
    Saturdays are my "semi" rest day. I say semi only because there are some Saturdays when I am able to get in a workout. But yesterday just wasn't one of them. I worked 12 hours (most of it on my feet/walking) and I didn't get off from work til 8pm. I was still a bit sore from Friday evening's workout, so I decided to take a rest.

    Does it count as "rest" when my FitBit reports that I walked 5.23 mi while working? LOL