Welcome everyone! Come and introduce yourself!



  • Hello all...
    My name is Lesley and Ive been on MFP for about a year. Fell off the wagon quite some time ago and just getting back into it. Ive been in Ottawa for 25 yrs but cant really say it feels like home ( Im from Cobourg ON). Have had a craptastic 2012 which sent me reeling. Lost both of my parents in a 6 month span and feel like Im lost. Because Im an emotional trainwreck, have not been exactly taking the best care of myself. Hoping to find a support network here to get back on track.
    Im a newlywed (the one amazing thing of 2012) and a proud Mom and step Mom to a 15 yr old boy and 15 yr old girl. Work in the social services sector and love my job, although it is quite stressful.
    Im an occasional runner, and feel great after I do a run (no marathons for me....5k is my thing) . Problem is getting motivated to do it!
    Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • Hello :) My name is Mandi and I am currently living just east of Ottawa. I am married (almost 14years), mother of two children and work fulltime as a nurse. The family and I lived in Peterborough for almost 11 years and came back to the Ottawa area after my father in law took ill. My husband was born and raised in Ottawa.

    I joined MFP a while back but didn't remember doing so :S I have been struggling with my weight since my teens and after having two kids, being at home for a while, I decided to go back to school for nursing and that's when my weight sky-rocketed. In two years I gained approx 50lbs. Never saw myself as being "fat" until a family vacation picture was posted on FB back in August 2011. It was then I decided I HAD to get in shape and get healthy. I started doing WW at home on my own (since I have joined so many times, I had the knowledge, just had to use it :D) Fast forward to now (15months later) and I am down 69.4lbs and still have a small ways to go before I hit my goal weight I set when I started my journey :D I recently decided to try using MFP for the calories to see how close it was to WW....and I have to say it's pretty damn accurate!!!!

    I work fulltime so it's a constant struggle to find the balance between work, family & the gym but I am managing. I love this site, I love that there are groups to be a part of. I love meeting new people and learning about thier struggles to know that I am not alone in the battle.

    Can't wait to learn about everyone!!!!!

  • Hello everyone! I live in Stittsville, and find it tough to meet people to workout with...without the time feeling like a workout!

    After a few years of injuries and a desk job, I found myself over 240lbs. A serious but temporary health issue was my wake-up call last year. The doctor told me I would need to quit smoking and lose weight. I have been a non-smoker for a few months now, and am embarking further onto the weight loss "action plan". I have already shed some weight, and am down to 205lbs. I am typically fairly active, but having physical barriers to working out for the last few years has hindered my progress.

    I already eat uber-healthy, thank goodness, or I would likely have a loftier goal and a more difficult path.

    I am losing weight the healthy way, by upping the level of physical activity. Last week, I joined a gym, which is not my ideal...I would rather be outdoors any day! My end-goal is huge...80 lbs, healthy and fit. I am realistic though, and have a plan to lose it (in consultations with my doctors) gradually, in a healthy way, averaging about 2-3 lbs per week. I break down my goal into weekly achievements to keep me motivated.

    I plan to celebrate the return to my healthy weight with participation in the Spartan Race in 2014. (so if anyone wants to build a team....might be a great way to celebrate our success!)

    What I am trying to get on here is the social aspect of working out...making it more fun!!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have been on MFP for a while, but only recently decided to look through the groups and see if there was a group for those living in the NCR. I was happy to see there was! :)

    I live downtown and work at Carleton University while finishing up my Master's degree at the University of Ottawa. Needless to say, working a full-time job and writing a thesis can make finding the time to fit in workouts a little difficult. With the warmer weather coming though, I am feeling motivated to get into shape in preparation for bike season!

    I have lived in Ottawa off and on since 2000 and love this city :) I am an avid biker and am hoping that there are others out there who love to bike and would be interested in some group riding on the weekends!

    At my heaviest in 2nd year of my Undergrad, I was hitting the 200lb mark. A back injury in 2007 was my wake-up call to get myself back into shape and I have been slowly and steadily losing weight and getting back into shape since then. Right now I currently hover between the 130-135lb mark and my goals now are to increase my endurance and tone :) I would like to try and get into running this spring/summer as I live so close to the canal.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone! :)
  • _Josee_
    _Josee_ Posts: 625 Member
    Hi! My name is Josée and I am from Gatineau. I'm not new to MFP but I recently began to use the community section of the website :)

    Looking forward to talk with you guys!
  • kriskris92
    kriskris92 Posts: 190 Member
    Hi! My name is Kristin and I'm a 20 year old student at uOttawa. I'm pretty new to MFP but new friends are always welcome so feel free to add me if you want! I'm currently working on eating healthy again and getting active. I'm hoping to lose around 20 lbs but I'm more interested in inches than pounds. I just started BBL (Brazil Butt Lift!) and I've been seeing results already so I hope I can keep it up. I'm also thinking about starting C25K after my courses end in the beginning of April. :)
  • 365Primal
    365Primal Posts: 42 Member

    My name is Jennifer. I just joined MFP today. I live in Centretown.

    Glad to see that there are other people from NCR here!
  • shutterbug21
    shutterbug21 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Kristin & Jennifer! Welcome to the group :)
  • shutterbug21
    shutterbug21 Posts: 66 Member
    Good morning everyone! I have been on MFP for a while, but only recently decided to look through the groups and see if there was a group for those living in the NCR. I was happy to see there was! :)

    I live downtown and work at Carleton University while finishing up my Master's degree at the University of Ottawa. Needless to say, working a full-time job and writing a thesis can make finding the time to fit in workouts a little difficult. With the warmer weather coming though, I am feeling motivated to get into shape in preparation for bike season!

    I have lived in Ottawa off and on since 2000 and love this city :) I am an avid biker and am hoping that there are others out there who love to bike and would be interested in some group riding on the weekends!

    At my heaviest in 2nd year of my Undergrad, I was hitting the 200lb mark. A back injury in 2007 was my wake-up call to get myself back into shape and I have been slowly and steadily losing weight and getting back into shape since then. Right now I currently hover between the 130-135lb mark and my goals now are to increase my endurance and tone :) I would like to try and get into running this spring/summer as I live so close to the canal.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone! :)

    Hey! I've just moved to Ottawa in July from Toronto and didn't have a chance to explore the biking ventures this city has to offer. I am really excited to purchase my first ever bike this year and I want to take advantage of the bike routes here. Any suggestions? I live right beside Mooney's Bay and Hogs Back Falls.

    I was also my heaviest during my 2nd year of undergrad and I have vowed never to go back to that. My weight loss has been stalled for a good year now, I fluctuate between the same ten pounds. I started spinning classes at my gym and they are the only thing that have made a difference for me. While my weight hasn't decreased my body shape has changed completely! This is why I really want to start biking outdoors and also to cut down my ecological footprint :)

    What are you writing your thesis about? I can understand how hard it is to stay on track with so many life distractions, but that's what we must do.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Hello :)

    You live right at the edge of the canal, so perfect biking location! The bike path there can take you along the canal or through Vincent Massey Park all the way along Riverside toward the New Edinburgh area. So nice! I used to live on Riverside and biked to work at Carleton everyday!

    I am writing my thesis on examining the self-serving bias in student evaluations of teaching. That's the short of it :)
  • Naaz2013
    Naaz2013 Posts: 3
    Hello, I am Naaz from Kanata. Just joined MFP and I am looking for friends to start a walking group in Kanata. I have gained 20lbs in the last year from stress and lack of activity. Diabetes and hypertension run in my family and recently lost a cousin due to complications from diabetes (he was 55). I do not plan to be the next victim of these two diseases, but I carry most of my weight around my stomach and that is very dangerous for women. I tried many diets in the last year and every time I lost motivation after a month's time. But this time it is different, I want to do this for myself, for my own health, for my own family. I have asked my family to help me and motivate me through my journey. I know that the best way to lose weight and keep it off is to lose it gradually, so I decided to listen to my body and keep a healthy diet, not to deprive myself of any particular food. In other words, no Atkins, no Ducan, no Paleo diet any more. Just a balanced diet consisting of lean protein, healthy carbs, and lots of fibers. In every diet I followed, I missed the food that was restricted, that is why I never continued with any of them. I have started my food diary, and will try my best to log in every day on MFP to share with all members.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    ^^^ She's cool! add her!!!

    This is probably the truest thing said on the internet.

    I am 30 years old and I live in Kanata. I have been studying jiu jitsu for years, but took a long la off due to plain laziness. I have come back to it, but now need to get back in shape so that I can perform at a level that I want to. In the gym, I am a meathead. I use chalk, I lift heavy and prefer heavy metal while lifting.

    With that being said, when I went to a commercial gym, I was always willing to help out people. Now, I lift in my basement. I find this much more enjoyable.

    I will not judge others, but I will not listen to excuses. Reasons, however, are a different nature. The hard part is knowing the difference.

    I am slowly getting into this running thing to help with my goals of jiu jitsu and a better life overall.
    If anyone wants to follow me on youtube, at http://www.youtube.com/user/Shawshankcan
  • PakiBoom
    PakiBoom Posts: 21 Member
    Hey mates,

    I am Adeel , I have been living a healthy lifestyle for a bit now. I have lost roughly around 52 pounds! I got serious with my gym and food. I have been living in Gatineau for now and i go to Gatineau Sports Complex. Just wanted to say helloo to all the beautiful people out there.Add me if ya'll need info or motivation , or plain simple want to be friends :)

    Regards :)
  • call_me_pavlov
    call_me_pavlov Posts: 2 Member
    Hi folks!

    My name is Sara and I joined MFP a while back but was only using it for the tracking. Just started looking around at the groups and figured there must be one for the NCR! Originally from Montreal, I've been in Ottawa for almost 5 years now. Am 28 years old and I live downtown with my boyfriend and our two cats.

    At my heaviest, I was at 260lbs. Lost about 60lbs in 2010 and had a quick peek at onderland... Unfortunately, over the past 2+ years, the weight has creeped back up to 225lbs. Time to get back on the wagon!

    Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Bossit
    Bossit Posts: 118 Member
    Hi again,
    I'm back after a long break. Had knee problems from running, and then got lazy and fat over the last few months.
    BUT summer is back, and I'm back on the pavement!
    You might spot me running home from work along the canal.
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    Hi again,
    I'm back after a long break. Had knee problems from running, and then got lazy and fat over the last few months.
    BUT summer is back, and I'm back on the pavement!
    You might spot me running home from work along the canal.

    Nice :) Welcome back! And you might spot me running along the canal too! I love living so close to it!
  • bmirob
    bmirob Posts: 57 Member
    hi all,

    Been on MFP for a few years but really only used it to log food. Would be nice to meet other local people for fitness activities.

    feel free to add me...

    will it ever stop raining!!!!!
  • narice1999
    narice1999 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi there, new to this site. I am on a weight loss mission. Looking for friends and weight loss support locally (Ottawa). Im 40 and mom of three.
  • digitalcanuck
    digitalcanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I am a new arrival to Ottawa from a lot of places (military family).

    I was recently diagnosed with a lazy thyroid and have gained a lot of weight (5'4" and now 160 lbs). The biggest problem is that the thyroid issue leaves me tired all the time. This affects my motivation to get up and move. I also work at home on the computer which also impedes my movement.

    I am looking to connect with others so I can give and receive support.

    Feel free to add me as a friend so we can help each other.

  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    Hi again,
    I'm back after a long break. Had knee problems from running, and then got lazy and fat over the last few months.
    BUT summer is back, and I'm back on the pavement!
    You might spot me running home from work along the canal.

    Nice :) Welcome back! And you might spot me running along the canal too! I love living so close to it!

    I rolleblade along there all the time :-). Hopefully We'll all bump into eachother one day....thought not at once..... that would hurt....